What exactly do you dislike about Mass Effect Andromeda...

What exactly do you dislike about Mass Effect Andromeda, except for the fact that characters are more realistic and flawed like real people?

It is Sup Forums

Most people here are sad weakling who hate themselves and try to feel better by fitting in and being part of le community so they can feel better and feel supported psychologically. Like most humans they are weak and cant solo life.

So since chans are contrarian and hate anything new and popular it makes sense they are mad at bioware, especially since they are progressive and Sup Forumstard influence makes them hate freedom and progress.

What is there to like?
>horrible animations
>terrible dialogue
>unappealing character
>dev team that doesn't respect the lore of the series
>dev team that doesn't even know how to code a game correctly to begin with

4 mins HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>shit graphics
>shit animations
>shit gameplay
>shit writing

kill yourself if you are trying to defend this turd

>These laughable animations
>Those legitimately hideous graphics
>That cliche dialogue
>These simplistic dialogue choices
>Them tacked on RPG mechanics
>This abysmal gameplay

How the fuck can anyone like this game?

>realistic and flawed like real people

4 mins to wut? the free trial?

>Muh SJWs

Seriously though, I was kind of looking forward to it, but my expectations have been dropping since seeing some gameplay footage. To summarize:
>It looks lazy
>The dialogue (from what I've seen) looks clunky
>The main thing I was hoping for (free form exploration) looks almost completely absent
>My belief that Bioware can see a story though to it's completion has been completely destroyed.
Although I read pretty recently that the change in the ending was because EA demanded a new ending because of some leak, so maybe that's being little unfair.
>The RPG elements (what little remain) look retarded.
Unless I've misunderstood something, it looks like you can switch between different classes at will, which is fucking gay. I know you don't have to do that, but it looks like it pandering more towards the FPS than the RPG crowd, which is worrying me.

So that's why I'm not looking forward to ME:A, but I'll hold off until get to see more gameplay.


try putting a bit more effort in bait next time, underage memer


55GBS to download :DDD

Is it available? The ea community manager isnt even sure if this is the correct time, he just says when it ll be available that it ll appear on your games.

>social marxism
ooops, devided by zero!


I just want to know one thing. Does she have a dick or not?

I know you are far too spooked to realize what a despooked world would look like

I'm going to say this in very plain terms so you'll understand.
You are going to regret this purchase because, for once, Sup Forums isn't lying.

ME3 happened. Fool me once...

I'll wait until post-launch reviews and decide in April.

tell this to ultra autistic pseudoliberals

>happens to look like a human and even has eyebrows and nose and lips like a human


Just like i enjoyed me2-3 and da2-3? ;^)
If i didnt love bioware games i wouldnt alwys pre order them.

>le spookz maymay
You have to go back.

It's more than Sup Forums

>unironically falling for low quality bait

Mac Walters

Fuck that guy and fuck his stupid mary sue terrorist organization. Cerberus ruined the last trilogy it will inevitably appear and ruin this one.

>implying mentally ill rightwingers understand spooks
Their entire belief system is based on emotional spooks


its leftypol meme not /his/

It's quite firmly /his/ senpai.

I enjoyed those too, dude. But none of them are having the same problems that Andromeda is having. I know you're thinking I'm just some contrarian faggot, but this game is bad news. It doesn't even have the same people from ME3, much less ME2.

This, the sad truth is most of Sup Forums are whiny virgin manbabies who hate women and minorities. The truth of it all is Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.

Jeeeeeebus what the fuck

>Poorly written characters
>Terrible animations, even by Bioware standards
>Bland combat that looks barely improved from ME3 despite being in development for five years.
>Terrible AI

The ugly character designs are the least of it's problems.

I don't get this image.

>63 $ for this

Kai Leng is like the Game. Everytime some faggot reminds you of him you lose

Oh please. Leftist ideology today is little more than intellectual masturbation. You may as well be a creationist

Literally puking right now.
How can someone be this much of a normie with shit taste. I bet your favorite game of all time is Skyrim and you loved Bioshock Infinite, Fallout 4 and Dragon Age: Origins too.


It took me a few seconds to get it, I thought the detail was shit or something but look closely, she's literally holding the gun backwards.

>Leftist ideology

Meanwhile rightist ideology consists of endlessly repeating "MAGA" and "Build a wall". Not that the left is much better, just highlighting one over the other shows yourself to be spooked.

She's holding it backward. Gun pointing toward her. What you see in front is the stock and the hammer, not the barrel. Someone at bioware saw the previous artwork and thought "yeah, this in where to projectile comes out, obviously"

>y u no brainwashed like the rest of Sup Forumscucks
Because unlike you i am not a weak willed cuck who needs to the support of others and DO WHAT I WANT AND LIKE ;^)

Ok i understand, 2 DEEP 4 U

Yeah I noticed literally the second I posted. I'm guessing there's going to be an in game explanation to this....somehow.

OR she is giving the fucking gun to the ryder

Got anything? I am not seeing anything

She isn't, someone posted a webm of the scene. She fires the gun at a robot behind ryder.

The SJW dev team. I couldnt give less shits about how characters in ME:A look, I want the game to fail because the devs seem to drive a hard political agenda.

OR she is giving the fucking gun to the ryder
Yeah, with the finger right where the trigger is supposed to be, sure, that's TOTALLY how you hand a gun to someone.

>Releasing this poorly animated pile of shit in a post Witcher 3 world

RIP Bioware

Nu-Bioware is cancer and I want them to fail.

Found it, if you got origin access you can download the trial from store page

Anyone know any livestreamers?

>I have extremely poor taste, aren't you so mad at me?

Fuck no lol

That it is the only rpg space opera we have and it's being take hostage by millenials.

Well it is midnight at least here so i ll get to play it in the morning FUCKING HYPE!!!!

Anyone know any streamers who will stream their 10 hours? dont want to waste mine on silly things?

Going full on adept!

>more realistic and flawed like real people?
being ugly as fuck isn't "realistic and flawed," it's projecting of the highest degree by hideous game designers

unlike those fat dykes with rainbow hair and piercings who hate white men, they're not at all trying to fit into a subculture of social failures!

Done, I was gonna say something about how it could be a conspiracy to be okay with your ugly ass faces/body giving the characters all have untouchable faces and appeal.. with the worst animations i've seen since arma 2.

>wah wah y u no make every woman a ultra feminine slutty female cloth wearing whore like all republicuck women



i'm a gay dude so nice try but you fell flat on your stupid dumb face

i like playing as attractive characters because i'm not hideous myself

there are more important things to be worried about than representing ugly people in the media, as well as more important groups of people to represent than frumpy fucks

>probably some feminine girly sissy who is in denial about being a tranny


please don't project your own insecurities about your gender identity onto me

i'm completely comfortable as a gay man. you might not be, but i am.

i hate bioware for their constant self-asspatting over how progressive they are and how 'well' they write lgbt characters (despite creating Dorian "Sassy Gay Friend: The Character" Pavus)

we gay men aren't like this and it's honestly a bit offensive that a Jack from Will and Grace ripoff is heralded as the most progressive LGBT character possible

I'm lukewarm over MEA because the developers took the cowards way out when it came to continuing the franchise after ME3 and its endings.

Rather than declaring one of the endings cannon most likely destroy, or doing what the Deus Ex franchise does create an entirely new ending from whence to launch the sequel.

They decided to pull a Force Awakens in many respects.

Bioware took all the most popular and Iconic elements from the ME Trilogy and transplanted them to a new locale,one that was far removed in time and space from ME3's ending; effectively rebooting the franchise.

>gay "man"
>obsessed with appearance and attractiveness
You totes are a man ;^)

>obsessed with appearance and attractiveness
where are you even getting this from?

Oh stop whining, they cant get a good gay character, the ONLY series that got gay characters right was hannibal.

Now that was a real homo romance

>homophobic feminist
wow what a surprise! (not)

>tumblrite fuck

>the ONLY series that got gay characters right was hannibal

hey friend you're the one that brought up trans stuff, not me

I don't know man, I don't think real people are supposed to look like leatherface.

Disney's beauty and the beast movie also got gays right
>Lefou lusting over a narcissistic manly straight guy
I mean you cant get any more real than that

There hasnt been good gay representation anywhere because they all obsess over being gay, the only truly good romance of 2 men was the Hannibal tv series.

There's nothing more heterosexual than admitting to be attracted to Mads.

>real people
>this shitshow
>female 3d render is purposely uglified compared to actual model they had
>Korean mmo fetch quests galore

Yeh, nah mate.

We are on anonymous imageboard, anyone can join disscusion, buttblasted retard

Lefou is a qt :3


dude what even are you talking about


>Marketing is a sekret
My god, Sup Forumstards truly are the most desperate people trying to find conspiracies everywhere to support their spooky delusions.

>characters are more realistic and flawed like real people
>in a setting filled with exotic xenos

Can't spell progressive without ogre.

i am not person whom you talked, literal retard
and fuck off back redd it.

>if you hate bioware you MUST be a Sup Forumsfag
almost more annoying than actual polfags

maybe fuck off back to English class, you illiterate


Yep. Although tbf it seems to be every retard on this site nowadays, not just the Sup Forumstards.

more like... mass eshrekt, am I right?

*entire room erupts into laughter and applause*

I'll take "MAGA" and "Build a wall" over "I want to control what you say and think so as to make sure nobody ever has their feelings hurt ever again" and "If you deprive me of my control over the situation I will scream, punch, cry and inevitably start a literal riot while causing property damage"

But that's just me, maybe some people are into the whole "chimping out because you didn't get your way" thing.

go fuck yourself, intolerant fuck

mass effect has some "fun" characters, i wouldn't call any of them deep or realistic

the overall story started out pretty basic and turned into something even less inspired by the end with the oceans 11 ancient evil shit

awesome button and so on

>left has deteriorated to calling literal faggots "intolerant" because they distance themselves from the leftist agenda

Cannot make this shit up.

>I want to be free to be a retard because it makes me feel better, ignore all the negative shit, let me generalize so i ll feel better and ignore other types of people so i can feel better by telling myself how better i am
k retard, nothing new

>a gay man is intolerant because he disagrees with you
wew lad
call me a nazi next please

>I'll take retardation over retardation

Good choice senpai, real good choice.

maybe fuck off back to neofag, leftist scum

Doesn't that just prove you are the out of touch one?