Post your gunfu
you like it big or nah
Is there a more boring vidya gun?
Literally the best gun in the game
Weathered 10mm
Got a .webm or something?
Don't make me YT that shit.
>mfw ghost bullets
If only more games had it.
Is good gun comrade
My friends actually had to stop it from spawing when we played custom games because I was too good with it
This goes across all Halo games
>Best Gun
>not thorn before they nerfed it to oblivion in year 2
>That rifle
>That early Gorka
>Those shoes
I like to keep it simple.
Megatextures were a mistake
trick shots all day
I don't think I've ever played a game where the AK-47 wasn't a good gun.
3sks arent hard.
Stop triggering me.
republic commando
republic commando. It's my gunfu too.
google the weapon you retard.
Such a stupid fucking concept though,
why was the rebar already orange before it was on the crossbow?
how would it not burn the bowstring?
how would it have any ballistics while airborn, it would just spin around?
what's the point of recoil compensating stock?\
why a fucking scope? rebar is fucking heavy and would drop instantly.
RAGE did rebar better.
>rebar is fucking heavy and would drop instantly.
was it the megatextures?
well hes not wrong
I don't even like slavshit.
Yeah. The megatextures remove gravity from the equation. They also make the rebar go faster.
Half-Life 2 a shit.
Dat barrel is sexy.
he's not wrong in the sense that he made two statements that are true on their own.
rebar is fucking heavy.
everything drops instantly.
if you need something that goes fast you use boolets
sometimes its about the style of the kill, not just a boring click.
I'm more a Quake player now, but i will never forget what having perfection in your hands feels like.
The VSS Vintorez is my main gun in STALKER.
A nice lil' mid-range sniper rifle.
They look great in nuDoom
i've always wondered why there's a hook.
I gotta play that game one day.
Has the SPAS-12 ever been a shit gun in any FPS?
That thing folds down. It's for your shoulder or some shit.
My top gun in bc2. Shreds asses
So you can shoot it one-handed.
so you can hang it on your coat rack for rapid spook removal
There aren't enough G36s in games.
that thing sounded so fucking good in bc2 too.
Yeah, I guess literally everything does drop, but most ballistic weapons have a fair distance they can travel before they start to drop significantly.
>JUST talking about the VSS/MGS4 to a friend
Crazy, man.
That gun is so rare that once in Canada after that one got seized by the police they gave it to a local gun club.
It folds sideways and helps hold the gun with one arm, and of course I just want to make sure you know it has an overfolding stock and most games leave it folded to be identifiable.
It wasn't the best in half life 2 because you could only deal damage to one enemy at a time.
also this
Ohhh baby.
muh nigga. I went back and played the original UT a few months ago. I used to play it in the early 2000s in LANs with friends. I went online and there were some oddball servers with people in them and decent pings so I played a few. Completely rekt people with that gun. It's like even after all that time I still had my skill, either that or they were really shit.
I hate that WW2 shit Thompson. Prohibition-era M1927 is bae
Upgraded Gauss Rifle. I like when waifu carries big weaponfu or gunfu.
Make way for a god-tier weapon.
>It wasn't the best in half life 2 because you could only deal damage to one enemy at a time.
Wait, what?
It's a shotgun. That makes no sense.
everything drops at the same rate my dude.
it's just a matter of muzzle velocity.
Don't care if it's a jam o matic irl
k there, Todd.
>what's the point of recoil compensating stock?\
Baring the obvious answer of something to brace against to allow you to aim it easier, anything that shoots an object forward is going to have recoil you fucking retard.
Top tier aesthetics
I'm wondering how it will be after the devs fix the shooting mechanics.
I've loved this from the moment I picked it up for the first time.
Heck of a shotgun
Yeah, and rebar is heavy, thus less "muzzel" velocity.
I know, but that's just how the engine handled it because it only ran a hitscan that returned a single target. Try it out yourself, you'll never be able to kill two enemies with a single blast. The rays will appear and the hit decals will show up, but that is just false information.
It's been many years since I've looked in to this and I don't know if it holds true today.
it looked pretty fast in the game.
maybe it's just a really powerful crossbow.. which is why you need a recoil compensating stock.
>NuDoom doesn't have that marbles clacking together sound when it reloads like in Doom 3.
Wasted potential
I mean I know there's no reloading but they could have made it the sound when you take it out or something.
the fuck is that
literally a "crutch" weapon??
be careful not to fall for it
Half life 2 had retarded weapon designs, we all know this now and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Animators and artists didn't know how guns worked back then and most still don't today.
I want a big iron on my hip that will break my hip
Good taste.
Both of these are mine no one fucking touch them
Idk, didn't look much different unless it had SPESS TEK
This and Ripper. Nothing like spamming discs into a room with your friends' annoyed grunts slowly turning into autistic screeches as their health drops and drops.
What modern games have gibs?
I never understood whether or not the beam was hitscan. I know the damage got through instantly, but didn't the beam travel instead of hitting instantly?
>what is 14mm pistol
I see you never blew people's torsos into chunks with a crit.
>RPG with a backwards fucking barrel
>shotgun that magically shoots 2 rounds at once
yeah dude, HL2 weapons are serious stuff
Also Alien's Spearhead Armoury .357 Revolver
Not true.
First game's the original F.E.A.R.?
>best sidearms of the 29th century are good ol' revolvers
The sound this thing makes is sex.