NieR: Automata is better than Final Fantasy XV

Should Square hire Platinum to handle Final Fantasy from now on? Automata shat all over XV's "quality content" very easily.

>Better & tighter controls that actually require precision and expertise at dodging and chaining attack methods rather than holding down one attack button.

>Crispy 60fps throughout the majority barring cutscenes as opposed to constant FPS drops & a "Pro" patch that barely lets it reach even 50FPS.

>A more interesting story, world, and lore behind its insane premise compared to that other game's unfinished excuse of world building and character development.

>Far more atmospheric music unlike Yoko Shimomura's banal capacity of vacuous detritus.

>Better reasons for replayability than that other POS with only one ending that feels like trite emotionally manipulative rushed crap.

>More tolerable voice acting (including the English dub) which puts the other one's annoying ear raping cleché-tier excuse for "acting" to shame.

>Has higher scores than the other game across the board.

>Had a better development cycle with a lower budget in about 3 years making the other game's 10 year "development" process of an ultimately unfinished pile of shit with a higher budget.

NieR: Automata restored Yoko Taro's credibility and is the best Square Enix game in years thanks to Platinum's input.

FFXV is a rushed product that was never worth the wait.

Deal with it.

Posting metacritic screens should be instaban to be quite honest


FF made them more money though and is a more "marketable" product unlike taro games unless he tones down all the weird shit

At least FFXV is a work of art with a superior soundtrack.
>>Far more atmospheric music unlike Yoko Shimomura's banal capacity of vacuous detritus.
Oh, you're b8ing.

What the fuck happened to square enix
they used to make great games in the past, now their best game is the shitpile known as Nier:Automata. lol

Guys have you heard about this game nier automata??? I havent seen any threads about it! i get a boner from it goty!

>At least FFXV is a work of art with a superior soundtrack.

All art can be either good or bad.

FFXV falls into the "bad" camp.

>What the fuck happened to square enix
>they used to make great games in the past, now their best game is the shitpile known as Nier:Automata. lol

XV shills on suicide watch.

Is the steam version of Nier going to be censored, and can I go to options and switch to the nip voices or is the dub all that is available?

>thinking anything by Taro is a work of art or even good
Jesus Christ

It has dual audio & nothing is censored. It is complete from the ground up.

Was confirmed that Denuvo added a void to the skirt


Why did you write so much? Sup Forums agrees Nier>FFXV

m8 Denuvo is anti-piracy DRM. It can't add or censor features inside the game. The user is clearly joking.

>Square Enix
>10 years of development of its representative franchise
>3 years of development of its representative franchise
>97 GOAT

Really makes u think huh...

is xv kun here yet?

>3 years of development of its representative franchise

6 years if you count the 2011 confirmation from Miyamoto.

I'm playing through XV now. It's far better 2it has any right to be considering the development hell it went through. Haven't played Automata yet, but based on the demo and the quality of the original Nier I have no doubt it's the better game. That's the next game I'll be playing.

Watch the development information videos they uploaded. They say BotW's development started in early 2013

Actually its funny you say that, Square Enix is looking to acquire Platinum, its why they dont have any future projects lined up and cancelled some existing ones

I think the deal is happening at the start of the next month, atleast thats what some insiders say

RIP platinum then, it was good while it lasted

As long as it doesn't fuck with Granblue I don't care.

He is coming...

RIP Platinum unless you're shitposting.

Man this thread will go places

Its looks like they want them to take over for the Kingdom Hearts 3 and FF7 development as far as gameplay goes

>fans of taro's games are now admitting every game of his other than automata's is trash

Really makes me think, how dumb are these weebs?

You're full of shit but I'd be okay with this. I'd rather have VII be turn based but since that's confirmed not happening they might as well let a team good at action combat handle it.


>Includes corrects apostrophe but incorrect spelling of the word *cliché.

Its been universally known that Taro's games have been trash outside the story.

No die hard Drakengard fan will tell you to play 1 because its fucking shit to playthrough.

>Yoko Shimomura's banal capacity of vacuous detritus.
I agree with all your other points even if I don't think XV was as bad as Sup Forums does it could've been way better though but this is just nonsense.

But then if people are fans of the game, that means they have supremely shit taste and why should their opinion on the story matter?

His stories are likely shite

Was 15 kun banned again, or is he actually several people?

>now their best game is the best game of the past ten years

That doesn't sound that bad.

You play his games for the story not the gameplay and Automata broke that rule.

Everyone agrees to that if you don't think its worth your time then that's fine too.

Are you going to ignore all the times platinum put out shit games? They're hit or miss at this point

Why the fuck do you think granblue shovelware matters? It's one of those games platinum make to fund their real games

You really don't know how logic works, do you?

I'm sure there are imitators, but his brand of shitposting is unique; who could possibly replicate his nonsense where he accuses everyone of being specific gamefaqs users?

a kick in the balls is better than FF15. It's a horrid piece of shit

Original Nier had decent gameplay. Drakengard 3's was serviceable outside of the performance issues. Only Drakengard 1 had shit gameplay.

They went straight to shitville after merging with enix.

I don't remember a single time that Platinum put out a bad game when they had a real budget.

License trash like TMNT/Korra is just something they do with their left hand to pay the bills. Those were not real projects.

You're right but I stand by the fact that those are just poorly made action games.

Nier is a culmination of so many things right and wrong.

Drakengard 3 is a hot mess and no amount of frame rate will change that.

>Bespectacles upon Ye Dragon Quest

No the real problem is that final fantasy has gone to shit.

It already looks better than most of the shit they put out. Outside of Bayonetta, MGR, and Automata their games have been mostly weak. Vanquish was like ten minutes long and shit like Madworld and Transformers were awful.

>A better world


They've fully redeemed themselves with this game singlehandedly, which is why the God Emperor will get a second term in office & God will give birth to a transexual Mohammed the Prophet who ill declare Atheism as the true religion and fuck Xbots in the ass for all time until the Big Crunch inevitably happens and results in the rebirth of the universe as an eternal hentai dimension where cakes are pocket pussies to jack off into until the White Cliffs of Dover start lactating.

Need I go on?

Transformers was great if you were a Transformers fan, and if you weren't, well, you shouldn't have bought it.

FF 15 was dogshit. If they didn't waste their time creating muh open world and tried to actually make the game coherent and fun, it would have been a solid game

>You play his games for the story
>Story in games matter.

God Transformers was probably the most underrated game they've made so far in the past few years.

The labor of love and the small budget they had to go through is just just amazing. Bonus points too if you're a g1 fan.

>people who enjoy things widely regarded as bad might not be the most trustworthy
>user finds this hard to comprehend


I'm a fan of Transformers but I'm a fan of good games first and foremost. Devastation wasn't one.

>it already looks better than the shovelware they put out and not their main games

Way to sound convincing.

There isn't a single 3rd person shooter as action packed as Vanquish anyways

Nier is short as fuck though. People lie and act like the fact that they played it 3 times means it's not, but the numbers don't lie.


>you shouldn't have bought it
he didnt, he either pirated or watched DSP or someone lets play it


>tfw Square gets Taro to direct the next mainline FF game

WTF?! Wasn't this game at a 94 at one point? Who the fuck dropped it to an 88?

please just play the fucking game

ppl who played the game

It can take up to 60 hours to get all the endings, motherfucker. Based Taro is God, so shut your vagina hole.

Taro is a fucking faggot

Yeah that makes sense, why not, give FFXVI to Platinum

>(You) is a fucking faggot

Indeed you are, user. Indeed you are.

Where do I bust into Taro's games then?

Drakengard was a slog and I never ended up finishing it (I think I stopped during some shooting segment where the dragon was talking about my sister's virginity) but the story was an interesting ride.

You don't, you run away and pretend these shiteaters don't exist

A reviewer who only finished one route. He said that he already finished the whole game because of that and was ok to review it.

Lots of reviewers were actually calling him out on it. He got mad and was saying how he didn't understand the plot and that there were missing stuff. Reviewers said the things that he was questioning was answered already previously. He blocked them all after that.

He also was mad because he had to review Nier because he was playing BotW prior to it.

The first mixed score didnt even palyed the whole game because he want to review zelda (another nintenfag)

The second one is a fucking joke and looks like he didnt play the whole game either

It was at a 94 when only 6 reviews were up. Barely made it to 90 when the embargo ended and later on the guy who brought it back down to 89 admitted that he didn't finish the game. Then a Turk came along and brought it down to 88 because he didn't like that you had to complete multiple endings to finish the game. It might end up going back up to an 89 after the next few reviews but it would be a miracle for it to go up to a 90 again.

And who, pray tell, is this shitfaced fuck muffin who was responsible for this sacrilege against based Taro & based Platinum?

Kill yourself

I would, but suicide is boring.

came here to lul at this

I honestly miss making him mad but it's just weird seeing him act knowingly delusional now that the game is out and bad.

But not caring about replaying the game several times is a valid criticism, fucking brainless turd

>waaaah why wont these people replay the game 66 times to appreciate the extra melodramatic anime shit story?

why does FFXV have such a low metacritic score? I thought only Sup Forums shitted on it

You can literally get through the game spamming dodge with your pods at any difficulty.

Because it's a bad game.

>66 times


Because it's an incomplete product with shitty gameplay and a rushed plot, but even an 81 is too high.

A 50 at most would be more accurate.

that didnt stop Horizon or Zelda from getting good scores

The inly thing that is really a replay is B route and that has a differnt character, combos, gameplay sections, after ending B it's totally new stuff no replay.

So, I take it he lives predominantly in a gamefaqs double, then?

Those are both far better games though.

Shit, it hurt to say Horizon was better than a Final Fantasy but look how far that series has fallen. Fuck.

Should I pay the $60 or wait? I'm kinda low on money but I want to buy it if the price is justified.

>that didnt stop Horizon or Zelda from getting good scores

>Putting Horizon: Zero Fucks & The Legend of Zelda: God of the Video Game Industry Throughout All Time & Space in the same sentence.

What the holy mother of fuck is wrong with you? Why and how do you even exist? I can't even bare to comprehend whether your sentence can be interpreted as human speech within the linguistics of homo sapien languages and their evolution, for it is beyond the scope of my capacity.

Delete your life.



*reverberating screeches in the distance*

both are open world trash get over it.


No. Fuck off anti kun. Final Fantasy XV is the best Final Fantasy game of all time.

Not disagreeing that Automata is better than XV but pretty much every reason you posted is bullshit.

Combat definitely more engaging due to being true action combat which XV should have also had.

Automata has 60fps with massive frame drops constantly all throughout the PS4 version. I hope the PC version doesn't suffer from this.

Lore and world building being better in Automata stands to reason because the game world has 4 previous games to base itself on as opposed to XV. That said, some of the hidden lore in XV is actually pretty awesome but you've gotta dig to find it. I'd vote the games are equal in this regard.

I can't really fault you about the music, Nier and Automata both have god-tier soundtracks. I normally love Yoko Shimomura music but XV being a mainline FF title, I feel it's likely there was probably too much executive meddling to make it more "epic" or whatever.

I dunno about this, XV got twice as many hours out of me as Automata did. I spent 35 hours on Automata and got all of the main endings and did most of the quests while I spent 80 hours on XV and still only finished about 3/4ths of the available side-content.

VA was good in both games but I'll give the nod to Automata for having a better variety of characters and voices.

Scores are meaningless.

Can't disagree with the development cycle comment. There were clearly entire zones we should have gotten in XV but didn't. You only get flight after you beat the game and it has basically no purpose. Utter waste. That said, fast travel being basically non-existent for the first 3/4ths of the first play through in Automata annoyed the shit out of me.

Overall, I give the nod to Automata but I don't think XV is that far behind.