What's wrong with her face?

What's wrong with her face?

At least it's not Andromeda tier.

Looks like Sup Forumsirgin

There's no semen on it.

Why is motion capture such shit all of a sudden

The Aloy is hideous meme is the strangest jib Sup Forums has pushed in years.

it's always been shit you retard. it's just companies that don't suck will go in and touch it up and make it not shit.

She's a little high test

Looks like the Muppet Show

It has always required tweaking in post from animators. Looks like Bioware didn't bother.

I am still blown away at just how bad they did with these animations and the voice acting, with the budget they have. I'm a pretty easily to please person with video games, I don't hate on 90% of AAA games like the rest of Sup Forums does. But, I can't see how anyone can defend this. The game play might turn out to be fun as fuck, but I'll never be able to ignore this shit. At least it will be funny as hell when you're playing it.

>muh average looking heroine

Cause it's a feminist propaganda game, so the girl has to look ugly. Cause girls are ugly in real life

Whats wrong with your face faggot? bet you don't even come close to looking at least average like her

>defending this garbage

You're part of the problem.

I'm still laughing at that several year old Senran Kagura review from Nintendo where the SJW who wrote it claimed "Beauty of this calibre is literally an impossible feat for real women."

Motion capture is not magic.

You need to do fucking tweaking afterward, sometimes significant amounts. Just mocapping everything leads to awkward looking shit and tons of bugs.

Sup Forums has straight up lied about what Horizon Zero Dawn is about and inflated minor, one cutscene characters into game defining ones.

Why are you surprised? Anyways, focus on Andromeda.

Can I play as her?

Because she is MAN

Dude, that's just a generic NPC in Meridian. That's like wanting to play as Tamora from the first village in Witcher 3.

Well when you're playing as an ugly, you start wishing you could play as the npcs

Yup, it's not a coincidence that the SJW games have been shit while the ones embracing good character and game design practices have scored highly (Zelda, Nier, Persona).


Please remove Manloy, please.


she looks like she stuck her face in a beehive as a child and the swelling never quite went down all the way


She always has this confused, look on her face that kinda gets annoying.

this is becoming a bizarre trend in western gamedev

>take reference model
>translate to 3D
>add a few chromosomes

why do they all want digital women to be ugly as fuck?


The fact she looks like this dork.

They're just bad artists, user.

You sound like a idiot

Doesn't really look confused, just strangely intense.

They fell for the "beautiful women aren't real women" meme. Lot's of everyday people fell for it as well.


>mocap footage just pasted together without any transitions between them
>every character animates like a fucking robot

Probably tired.

That's one shit edit

>Voice by Faggot Burch's sister

No thanks!

Why does she look like Wally Cleaver?

I still don't get this meme.

do you walk around and call normal looking cute gingers dork ugly man jawed ?

>post-apocalyptic future where you have to fight robot dinosaurs to survive
>"why doesnt she look like a 10/10 super model?"

Really guys?

That would require them to leave the house, so no.

It isn't covered by my cum.

I see.

I don't think Horizon is fully mocapped. The glitches are too chracter specific and some important chatacters like Avad never have them.

Some of them obvious issues with animation loop not being smooth and some just look weird without continuity issues.

Nothing once you cover it up.

Nothings wrong with it, I don't think.

She just doesn't look attractive to me. Something about her face seems oddly masculine, and I don't like it.

>tfw have a thing for androgynous women and see her

suddenly she is cute, what magic is this

The problem is that you haven't grown up on French scifi and German comics. The former is full of androgynes and later has fuckton on manjaws.

Okay now. This is not bad, it's fucking horrifying.

I truly hope some people were fired because of this.

Daily reminder that Kuvira did nothing wrong, and that Korra was in the wrong.

Wet and slippery

They both were wrong

give me Kuvira IRL any day.
I would hug,kiss,cuddle ,protect and fuck her everyday until I die.


Yes because the game that portrays the “matriarchs” as the most backwards and ignorant people of all the tribes to the point to where the main protagonist is embarrassed to be somewhat a part of them is so for feminists

>user didn't played the game.

nothing, it's just tired

Holy fuck she looks like Pauline Hanson

>tfw aloy looks exactly like my ex-girlfriend

send her facebook to me brah.

I still really miss her and we broke up because we both agreed a long distance relationship would be too painful and probably result in a far more painful split


But female fuhrer was way cuter which made her more right by default.

Those crab monsters look cute but that jumpattack is devastating.

The magic of the best looking armor in the game.

Fuck that triple jump. They are neat looking though.

>not using robot tech to enhance their lives
They deserve to be ugly.

Can't wait for the r34 of loli aloy

Is that trans Jimmy Hopkins?

I spent a couple of hours last night just taking screenshots

I'm 70% in the game, and I think it's going to enter my all time top 10.


>silk scarf

