ITT Kickstarter games that turned out great / Good Early Access titles
ITT Kickstarter games that turned out great / Good Early Access titles
>pirate ship wars from Gmod: the game
also the water doesn't look that nice
>Can run pretty well
>Hardly any bugs
>Hasn't crashed for me
>Devs seem active
>Fun gameplay
What the fuck I like this?
this, but they fucking need to stop delaying every patch by a month
They have openly said during their kickstarter that it was their main inspiration, and I'm willing to pay for a version of that where you don't rubberband all over the place once your ship starts moving.
Water looks decent imo too
Playing this makes me wish guns of icarus didn't die
Don't make me cry
Fuck Squad. They made the whole game trivial with these retarded ass Rally Point mechanics. They have no place in a game like this.
>Now I told you I was too incredible to lose.
just fyi theres a public playtest of v9 tonight, password for the beta branch will be given on the squad discord
find the bag and shoot it from a distance or get close to it to disable it, without rallies it's a lot of walking and a lot less fighting. also in v9 fobs wont spawn units you'll have to spend 500 build points on a spawn shed and you can make multiple so 2 people cant take down a fob by camping it if theres 3 spaced out spawn habs
Yea but that fucking v9 patch should've been released a month ago. It doesn't matter how shit it is. People want to see progress and content on at least a semi regular basis. v8 came out in November or some shit.
> without rallies it's a lot of walking
That's what vehicles are for. Now no one gives a shit about transport or logistic. Just spawn drive the vehicles and then ditch them for the rest of the round.
>and a lot less fighting.
Yes but the fighting would be 1000 times more meaningful and intense just like in Project Reality. In this game killing someone is not exciting at all and it really doesn't matter because they will respawn on their hidden rally point 50 meters away.
seriously jealous that this game isnĀ“t on console as well
it looks amazing
it does matter if it's shit, if they catered to your impatient whims the game would suffer for it
Because the Rally Point system in Squad is Spawn Based instead of Timer Based. In PR they last for 90 seconds unless they are placed really close to a FOB. In Squad they last forever or until they reach 0 out of 9 spawns and when the Spawns run low the SL can EASILY place down a new Rally and this happens EVERY TIME.
This is what turns this game to an action game rather than a tactical game. It's actually rare to spawn on a rally point in PR when in Squad it's the norm. It completely negates the role of the medic and the use transport.
In PR you generally have to ask the SL to put down a rally point because you joined in late and have to rally up with the squad. In Squad you place down a Rally Point whenever you are close to an objective and 90% of the time you have the option to spawn on a rally point. It's in the name, it's a RALLY point, not a SPAWN point.
Whenever i open the map in Squad i can most of the time see 4 rally points at any given time, in PR you rarely see a single rally points on the map. In Squad most of the time there is no point of using transport because you can spawn so close to the action via rally points. The whole game falls apart. You never have to hold spawn or wait to be revived by a medic.
In PR Rally Points are NEVER used as a spawn points to respawn when you die, they are ONLY used to rally squads if a member joins in late etc.
Project Reality is my favorite game of all time and Squad is far from it, all due to this single Rally Point mechanic. The devs of Squad are doing an Amazing job in every aspect and i love to follow this game, unfortuneatly i'm finding it really frustrating actually playing it. It feels like my actions in the game are pointless. Killing someone isn't rewarding like in PR. You can never whipe an enemy squad or hold of an offensive becuase the enemy will just respawn close by in all directions because of Rally Points hidden in a bush somewhere close by.
are there any plans to make mods where the weather matters?
>a ragtag group of devs made an early access title that's already better than Sea of Thieves
Fucking kek.
I do agree, though I rather deal with rallypoint spam than with PRs shitty gunplay.
They are making supplies required for FOB spawning now, maybe they will end up changing the rallypoints too.
But its not
Rally point mechanics are fine the way the game is right now. It keeps fire fights sustained longer. Without it the game would be a bit boring and way more of a walking simulator.
>They are making supplies required for FOB spawning now
I'm afraid that's only going to increase the Rally Point abuse.
>boners are this desperate for a game
I haven't played PR and that does sound cool, do you think the devs might change it in the future? They overhaul quite a lot of shit like they're doing to FOBs this patch, I'd like it to be more like you describe.
You're wrong. Project Reality which this game is supposedly based on is neither boring or a walking simulator. Every action in PR means something and you actually need to rely on your Squad to stay alive and be succesful. In Squad teamwork is just a facade.
>do you think the devs might change it in the future?
Maybe, considering they changed the FOBs. However they have stated that they wanted to make a more action orianted game for "dads who did not have the time to play long sessions".
thieves is coming to PC too
blackwake is fun but there's no progression
It probably will, maybe forcing the devs to change the mechanics.
Atleast that is what I hope.
Blackwake and sea of thieves, while similair, will have a different focus, SoT seems to be open wolrd 4 player cooperative treasure hunting, while Blackwake is simple 54 player naval PVP.
Though Blackwake, being on Steam, and SoT being on Windows Store, Blackwake will likely keep a playerbase as long the devs do regular sales, no matter how much microsoft advertises SoT. That is a pretty big advantage.
What engine does this game run on? Is it well optimized for someone who has a 750ti/2014 i3?
shovel knight is pretty fun
PR also has helicopters more vehicles in general, 100 player servers and a massively autistic playerbase. I really don't think rally points will stay the way they are but I think squad benefits from making this concession.
The Long Dark
Unity, the game runs pretty decent, though I don't know about your specs. Maybe try it out and get a refund if it doesn't run smoothly.
Games fun, I played for an hour and refunded because I felt it's price was a bit steep for the state it's in.
But I'm going to keep an eye on it and hopefully be worth buying officially soon.
The storm map makes a huge difference because of visibility
I do wish Q didn't show which ships are friendly though
This is what early access is for. I guarantee the next patch breaks something regardless of how long they worked on it. So what's the fucking hold up? I'm not excusing incompetence.
mods please delete this thread
early access and kickstarter are not video games
That is a stupid thing to say user
>Divinity: OS
>Banner Saga
>Shadow Run
>Satellite Reign
>Wasteland 2
>Shovel Knight
Hate KS all you want, but many great games wouldn't be made without crowdfunding.
While I dislike the concept of Early Access there is decent stuff there too
>The Forest
Shovel knight
Star made
Star bound
Darkest Dungeon
Wastland 2
Divinity Original Sin
Banner Saga
Shadow run
Super hot
The Escapists
Sunless Sea
Risk of rain
Guns of Icarus (dead)
Elite Dangerous
Pillars of Eternity
Insurgency 2
Faster than light
Note how most of these are finished. Do not buy unfinished trash with false promises
I know, there are no mods on Sup Forums that is why it's shit
I feel like early access titles are starting to kill triple A games. You get q constant stream of free content for a cheap price if you bought the game early and the player base grows if the game is good as a lot of people hold their breath to see where the game will go.
Triple A is just advertising, hype, release then disappointment. With Early access at leas t you can see how the game is going to shape up and the community tends to shape it too.
blackwake is fun but holy shit there needs to be a captain tutorial so people can stop doing stupid shit like turning the ship when its time to fire or broadsiding a galleon as a hoy
bad captains ruin a game so fast
Early Access doesn't work. As soon as devs see players enjoying their unfinished game and once they receive their income from sales, their motivation disappears. It's basic human psychology.
I have noticed that most of the games I play are indie games. The great majority of AAA titles is just so shallow that I prefer less well polished games over high production garbage.
early access CAN work but it usually means the game is stuck in dev hell for a while before it finally gets good
ex: broforce
Right now the only thing you do in sea of thieves is a bringing a treasure from a to b, they really need to add a lot more to it.