How do I git gud at this game?

How do I git gud at this game?

*blocks your path*

don't spam the attack buttons
don't pick fights with humans at the beginning because u will get rekt
learn how to backstep and sidestep
train your sword fighting skill until you get a new rank
dont wander off the main roads because you will get rekt by all kinds of creatures



The real question is WHY would you git gud at a 40 year old niche game user?

Do you randomly pick up shitty games from the dark ages and try to play them?

You are an odd duck user and I wish you well on your quest to master old shitty games.

Why don't you go back to playing your modern garbage?

Also funny that when asked to explain why an old game is bad they just never reply

*unblocks path*

wew lad

>I can only enjoy what my corporate overlords tell me to enjoy

Pretty much this
And ignore crossbows/bows, they can suck a dick most of the time in 1

Okay, what graphic mods are in here?

Shit looks great.

Just use a weapon you're good at and keep your fatigue up and you won't miss so much.

How the fuck would I know why it is bad.
I like the vast majority of humanity never even heard of this game until hipsters took this up as the FotM.

Did Underrail and Age of Decadence fall out of favor?

>I like the vast majority of humanity never even heard of this game until hipsters took this up as the FotM.

It's been on the circlejerk "best RPGs by Sup Forums list" for a long while, newfag.

At least I think that "when Human Revolution came out" qualifies as a long while.

Also blame the US publishers, not the game. The game is known and loved in Yurop

>dragon hunter

Strongest physical weapons, best bros.

Best armor
Best spells
Best weapons/HP

>not having a hybrid mage with Master rank one-hander, still being a machine in melee while summoning everything under the sun and hailing down fire and brimstone

Fucking casual.

Play the game and learn.

>not doing multiple playthroughs and experiencing all the factions

fucking casual

DX11 and L'hiver, try both but only the graphics version of L'hiver since the rebalance one is retarded

Game looks amazing


Why the fuck are you using the mouse at all retard???

Just do CTRL + direction

because im not a contrarian hipster

CTRL + is the gothic 1 control scheme and is default for gothic 2

The mouse becomes useless when you're locked onto an enemy

Stop calling me a hipster. It's a better control scheme that gives decent control of camera and allows you to strafe easily, by letting go of CTRL when you need to strafe.


Belated thanks, user