>A fucking game from a broke-ass developer made more convincing facial animations and body gestures back in 2004 than the whopping millions of dollaroos Bioware had for Mass Effect Andromeda
Holy shit you can't make this fuck up.
>A fucking game from a broke-ass developer made more convincing facial animations and body gestures back in 2004 than the whopping millions of dollaroos Bioware had for Mass Effect Andromeda
Holy shit you can't make this fuck up.
And Bloodlines was considered ugly even in 2004.
I mean yeah I could have brought up Half Life 2 but Valve was already on the roll then. Plus I wanted to compare CRPGs
>those fucking crazy eyes face on the right
Pretty unsettling.
>broke ass developer
>barely working undocumented engine
>development hell
>early 2000 tech
>still better than AAA studio backed by one of biggest if not the biggest publishers out there
Afraid of stronk women, cis scum?
>A fucking game from a broke-ass developer
A broke-ass developer would not have been able to afford the source engine while at the same time going way over budget
And at the end of the day the "fucking game from a broke-ass developer" was shit.
this is gold, Jerry, gold
You'd think some of the woman at bioware would let their character modelers know that makeup isn't put on with a shotgun.
>And at the end of the day the "fucking game from a broke-ass developer" was shit.
So these are the type of children coming here these days, huh?
At least try to hide your shilling
Bloodlines used Source, at the time a brand new engine made by another developer they had little to no relationship with.
Andromeda used a Frostbite, an engine Bioware has used before that was developed by an affiliated studio under the EA banner.
The fuck, Bioware.
He is still right, you know
>all that makeup
I wish dumpy broads walked around looking like this IRL, would make the World a more colorful place
>for a game older than 10 years
>that was pirated to hell and back
>from developer that no longer exists
user please
Sense when are babies allowed to post n Sup Forums?
But he isn't
When Valve made the Source engine they made sure that facial animation and lip syncing was top notch for the engine. It was a main priority
Frostbite most likely did not put as much effort into facial animation seeing how Dice doesn't need such things. You think all graphical engines are the same?
>Shilling a dead game with dead developer
yeah sure, you caught me you vigilant user you. Fuck off, even I would advise to just pirate this game.
>Sense when
Don't even have to read any further.
Source uses Faceposer for lipsync, at least half of the animations gotta be done by hand not to say any blending or additional motions like person touching their face. Frostbite like any other modern engine uses flexes for animation, this means that facial animations are done in external 3D software like Maya and then imported into engine, facial animation in this case depends on skill of animator. Bioware being AAA studio should have used mocap for facial animation, but knowing their incompetence they didnt and we get this piece of shit we see now.
>Frostbite most likely did not put as much effort into facial animation seeing how Dice doesn't need such things
Even ignoring facial animations, they have horrible looking faces. I mean sure Battlefront faces weren't spectacular but they were serviceable. Even Battlefield 1 had pretty good facial animations.
Nice try shills but I'm on to you. You shill for this failure of a game that was forgotten until you bought it up, you shill in order to generate fake interest for the game so that it can exist again
iirc Troika was given a shittier build of Source, since their game came out on the same day as HL2, in 2004, the same year the engine was released.
Sup Forums has regular VtMB threads you ponce.
they had a broke ass version of source patched with solutions from goldSRC, meaning it was somewhere in between, there was skeleton documentation and its a miracle this thing worked the way it did
>Bioware being AAA studio should have used mocap for facial animation
Using Mocap for a RPG of that size with that many characters would be a cost in both time and money that not studio would go through with. Even Witcher 3 relied in a algorithm for it's facial animations.
what you are forgetting about is that mocap is a whole lot faster than doing animations by hand
Are you talking about facial animation mocap or body mocap?
Because yes body mocap is most likely faster, but facial animation mocap is not.
Then what's the blonde?
a Mexican, look at the spanish/native American mix facial structure
Melted plastic.
ones for a face that can be modified, the others for a face thats static. its like when you put venoms model onto quiets animation skeleton, you get strange movement and deformaties because the animation is tailor made for a specific face.
note that im not saying that biowares ISNT fucking shocking, im just saying its not really a good comparison.
remember that webm of the little girl being made to jump into the powered armor and she stretches and turns into some sorta fucked up skeleton? thats why biowares animations are so bad, they need to work for a range of faces, not a single face being made to work a range of facial expressions.
its still shit
Why do they all look like Mexicans?
Ever sense the first mass effect Femshep used the same animations as Sheppard. That goes for all their games really, the female main characters get the same animations as the male main character. I think that they even get the same poses
You think they would stop.
I recently played through Bloodlines, it seems like they dumped all their money into faces and titties
facial mocap is literally from cam to rig, its fast and doesnt need as much cleanup as full body mocap, and if you are recording at the same time you dont need to sync audio to animation outside of scripts
In case you think this is false: You cannot pick anything but the presets to "customize", and there is no pale white skin option anywhere across the board.
>models and animations so unappealing that PS1 era models with 0.01% of the polygons and 64x64 res textures are more pleasing to the eye and capable of actual expression
What went so wrong?
Fucking hell faggot. That's the second time you posted that.
>Facial mocap
Facial mocap is anything but fast, it's a slow process that's very time consuming and not easy to pull off.
>Six years ago
Fuck off, English is third language, or fifth if you really want to get picky what language people spoke in Yugoslavia.
Square could do no wrong back in PS1 days.
ITT Post your tired faces.
Tomorrow on Kotaco
>Why are pants-shitting manchild pissbabies so upset about Mass Effect: Andromeda's character creator?
This already looks terrible on so many levels beyond the horrid graphics, its going to age so fucking badly its not even funny.
Except that's not how things work
The animation is based on bones and muscles and should apply seamlessly from one model to another similar one (eg. different face).
At least that's how it works in half-decent studios
It's fucking unreal. Doubly so when you consider Bloodlines and Source engine in general did not have proper lip sync the way games have today as much as they're stringed together expressions and then carefully fine tuned by hand.
>game released in 2004
VFX animation is very different from flexes used in videogames, there are milions of poly differences and in the video they told about a completely different anatomy.
Bioware uses recolored humans for aliens, minus Wrex of course as he is animatronic toad. they have no excuse other than incompetence
>Said studio wants bankrupt shortly after this game game out
The process that they used for facial animation was a very expensive once, and the animated the face separately from the body.
HAHAHA, oh wow. Holy shit. I didn't know it was this bad.
problem with la noire is it looks uncanny as fuck because body language does not match the same attention to detail as facial expressions
It was the best video I could find on facial animations, could have linked a Ninja Theory video instead but I feel like that things would have taken a turn to the worse if I did that. So apes it is
Bloodlines used the Half Life 2 engine before HL2 and was praised for it's graphics, you memelord.
Ninja Theory mocap is one of the ways its done, and a good way too, alternatively you could have linked capture for MGS5 which is also a good example of how these animations are done, both fast and efficient
Really? I think it looks pretty good, even today. Maybe it's a little low poly, but what they do with them is great.
It's mainly body language. Something that's practically entirely absent from Andromeda.
bloodlines is overrated. it sold shit
Just throwing a blanket statement out there and hoping it sticks?
It wasn't actually, most people thought it looked pretty good.
People don't take kindly to Ninja Theory on this site since the DmC fiasco started. As for MGS5 this was all I found
But that just brings me back to my orignall point, you can't do facial mocap for a game of this size with this many characters
i didnt say it was good, its still bad, but this is a thing. bones and muscles can be different.
And Fallout 4 sold amazingly well but was utter crap.
Sales stand in no relation to quality.
>cult classic that i see on Sup Forums every other day
>needs shilling
next you're going to tell me people talking about deus ex is a conspiracy too
Follow up dialogue after My face is tired
Bioware Poetry...
thats a 3D scan, not facial mocap, this is what I meant
Are you 12?
>A game so bad EA had to hide the demo behind a paywall
Literally incorrect.
I thought people's complaints were mostly meme-ing but that's legit terrible.
And Half Life 2 has only gotten better since then.
its not my money, idgaf
This doesn't look as good as people jack it off to be.
They only filmed the face while keeping the head completely still. No neck motions. That's why everything seems stiff and unnatural.
Could've just told us your nationality if you wanted to share your poor taste.
motherfucking pottery
I think it's time they won another golden shit trophy.
as much as I despise bioware I can't help but feel like there's lots of hypocrisy from reviewers when it comes to this and modern day bethesda. The animations,graphics and dialogue are just as bad yet games like fallout 4 are praised by them.
If they're going to call bioware out at least be consistent and call others out for the same shit.
It's only seen as a cult classic because of the shilling.
Yeah but you can't do facial mocap on a game this scale with this many characters. People like to bring up Witcher 3 as something Bioware should learn from, but not even CD had what it take to make facial mocap for their characters and talking.
>spending money on bad things
wew lad
Why are her eyes dancing like that?
Spore was bad enough of a let down that I think it hurt my ability to trust
I fell for both fable 1 spore and nms. I never learn.
Not that I disagree but this has reached new levels of shit I hadn't seen before in a long time. It's like a triple A version of Ride to Hell. It's just that you can laugh at one and sort of enjoy its quirks, this one is just horrible.
odyssey engine has better faces than this shit
>He's dead?
>They walk away
This is totally how people react.
>People like to bring up Witcher 3 as something Bioware should learn from, but not even CD had what it take to make facial mocap for their characters and talking.
Because it's unnecessary. If you have a good algorithm that can generate decent lip-sync directly from audio you're good with that. Everything else is the problem.
>fallout 4 are praised by them.
Not for the animation or graphics.
Come to think of it what the hell are you talking about? ME:A has great graphics, shit human animations but great graphics.
dude, even Fallout 4 fuck even 3 and New Vegas at least had the eyebrows move when talking so they can at least convey some expression.
You are joking, right?
>ME:A has great graphics
>Comparing Mass Effect: Andromeda to one of the greatest games of all time
This is kind of disingenuous, honestly.
They don't use algorithm for lip sync, they use it for the entire face. The only reason they have the algorithm in the first place is because they couldn't mocap the faces