Tfw you spend real money on this game

>tfw you spend real money on this game
>tfw it only took a week before you realized how boring and unsubstantial the game is.
>tfw you realize that this game has no staying power and will be forgotten immediately.
>tfw you feel face first for the For Honor meme.

it's a shame too, i really liked this game

>will be forgotten

I do too, its a lot of fun and it has a lot of potential but I just grew so fucking bored of it, PVP is filled with the same like 3-4 meta characters and is almost entirely guardbreak spamming and dodge attacking, the campaign is boring, the maps are boring and there isn't enough of them or any real variety between any of them.

Its just boring, there is no reason to boot this up and it only did as well as it did because it came out when nothing else was slated for release yet. If this came out against any real competition the thing would've been fucking savaged in sales.

better to spend some money when the game is alive and have some fun than becoming a jaded fuck like me who sees what's wrong with every upcoming title and cannot have any fun at all

I placed on a bid on this earlier, $25. Worth?

>tfw fell for the overwatch meme
>tfw too intelligent to fall for for honor meme

the warden is fucking dope, though.

I mean think about it. How much was it when you bought it, $60? And how many hours did you play it? Probably quite a few so if you get the money:enjoyment ratio you surely came out on top.

Yeah, you'll get like two weeks of fun out of it, a month if you really try to like it. 25 bucks for a month of entertainment is pretty good honestly. For Honor isn't even that bad, its just after a while the shine begins to wear off and you start to notice all the cracks and that its ultimately hollow beyond its basics.

>Used to be really good at sniffing out the meme games and not falling for the meme
>I fell for the Overwatch Meme, the We Happy Few Meme and the For Honor meme all in rapid succession.

I can't be losing my touch, it has to be bad luck, r-right bros?

What's wrong with them? They aren't 10/10 GOAT games but they are fun enough.

Overwatch became the most normiegame ever, its good enough I guess, its so offensive I want to stop playing it but its just so boring, theres too few maps, not enough gamemodes, the balance is fucking mess. But normies love it so we'll be seeing it for the next 10 years.We Happy Few is a disaster, there is no redeeming qualities to that game besides the intro cutscene, the game is a blunder and I will be genuinely shocked if they can make a decent game out of what is there and For Honor is as OP said, the game doesn't have enough going for it to justify continued play, PvP is boring and filled with players using the same fucking 3 characters and spamming the same goddamn combos and attacks.

>All those people saying it would get as big as Siege

im still laffin

-shrug- Im really enjoying For Honor, it's similar enough to fighting games but somewhat different. Already got my kensei and peace keeper to 108 gear level. Worken on nobushi or fatman next I think.

>mfw all those shill threads the weeks before it came out
>a week later everyone's forgotten about it

The only thing I'm mad about is how nobody in my region plays it because all third worlders ever play as F2P MMOs or ASSFAGGOTS. I should have known better, yes, but part of me still held some kind of hope that I'd be able to have fun with it before it completely died out, yet turns out it was never alive here to begin with.

I seriously don't get it. How many times do you have to be duped? A dozen?

Fuck you I'm still having fun with the multiplayer. Killing people just feels rewarding as fuck to me in this gsme, especially 1v1s. I love straight up out-fucking-skillng other players and scumming people who scum first.

to be honest the only reason i'm not playing is because i'm waiting on the centurion and ninja

-raises paw- Opinion discarded.

>your team is playing characters in elims not even close to lvl 20
>the other team is full of rep 7's with 108 gearscore


>barely any game modes
>barely any heroes
>barely any arenas
