Can we have a Story of Seasons/Rune Factory/Harvest Moon thread?

Can we have a Story of Seasons/Rune Factory/Harvest Moon thread?

How are you doing with the monthly challenges? Beat legend yet?
Finish your farming tips yet?
How is the never ending hunt for mats going?
Who did you marry? Don't forget to build your kid a playground before you pop one out.
DLC when?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fixed the thread, hopefully others migrate.

Why did this particular SoS get so much top quality porn?

Because one of the bachelors is literally an autistic perverted middle aged man that sexually assaults you in one of his follower scenes before marriage.

>after 10 years, Friends of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon 64 randomly come out on Virtual Console

Well, that's all I need. Thanks Marvelous.

As much as I love HM/SoS do we really need these every single night? I'm sure a General in /vg/ would be much more useful.

>Harvest Moon 64 on Virtual Console
Interesting. Might pick up. I was a big fan of Back to Nature, and as I understand it, MH64 is basically the same game.

Although I'm more inclined to pick up the original Harvest Moon, as I never had the chance to play that one back then.

Harvest Moon 64 came out because Natsume is still salty that they no longer have the rights to Story of Seasons and timed it's release to coincide with Trio of Towns to cash in.

>HM64 is basically the same game.
No.. no it's not. It's much worse. BTN is the best.

Ford is fun. The first few times he tells you to stop working and have sex after dinner is fun but they really need to expand the dialog. After a whole season of him saying the same thing over and over it gets dull.

Well, that's disappointing to find out.

>Days are extremely short
>Glitchy as fuck
>No time or date on screen
>Farm is tiny
>Town is tiny, even smaller than BTN
>If you are used to BTN then the characters are a head fuck, same people but different occupations, different relationships. Popuri is a florist not a chicken farmer, and Elli is a baker, not a nurse. Rick is no longer Popuri's brother etc

I could go on.

What are these "mats" which you speak of?


I need to get 15 coconuts for the winemaker or I can't increase my rank for Westown. And now I have to wait another year to harvest them.

>Days are extremely short
Not compared to the SNES and GBA games.

>Glitchy as fuck
True. But nothing game breaking from my experience.

>No time or date on screen
You buy a clock, just like in the SNES game.

>Farm is tiny
You expand it and get a greenhouse later. The best expansion in any HM game and why HM64 is still the best game in the series.

>Town is tiny, even smaller than BTN
It's pretty much a recreation of the town in the original Harvest Moon. But there's a ton more NPC interaction. The town should be small for all the running around you do. FoMT got really annoying with how many screens you had to cross.

>If you are used to BTN then the characters are a head fuck, same people but different occupations, different relationships. Popuri is a florist not a chicken farmer, and Elli is a baker, not a nurse. Rick is no longer Popuri's brother etc
Just a fun fact, but the original creator of Harvest Moon worked on HM64 while a side team worked on BTN. The side team made the arbitrary changes for unknown reasons. Their professions in HM64 are the ones the creator intended.

Going from BtN Rick to 64 Rick is the only upgrade in your post

Turning him from a nerdy inventor into a racist chicken farmer was stupid and I hate it

>playing as the grill

dear god... how do I obtain coconuts?

>not wanting to marry the Kappa
Even the Priest is impressed by it

Is there an easier way of getting lumber and minerals/ores? Waiting every three days to mine is excruciating.

Alright. I played Back to nature constantly back when it came out and a bit of the gamecube one. Can someone give me a quick rundown on which farming game to get? are they mostly on 3DS?

Ford's route makes it worth playing a grill. There is also Yuzuki who is basically female (male). So female in fact Wayne wants to fuck him too.

Ford's route is hilarious and filled with spilled spaghetti and then gets super lewd afterwards.

On a scale from 1-10 how comfy is this game?

you can savescum ore. just save before you mine. you can even do it every hit if you want to be a complete powergamer

Get lulukoko to rank B and the seedling becomes available at the general store up north.

Takes 2 months to grow and bares fruit only in the summer.

you can also ship 200 tree fruit to luluko. if you have extra funds you can buy fruit from the luluko fruit guy and sell them back

oh shit really? God damn I'll just do that then.

11 - 7 + 2 / 4

So how many of you pirated this game without even thinking of buying it? How does it feel knowing that you are so selfish that you took something that the devs went out of their way to bring to the west?

The salt between Wayne and Ford if you date both of them and go with either or is some great shit.

Wayne should be in the dictionary under passive aggressive.

It feels poor.

Harvest Moon has sucked for over 15 years. Honestly it has reached the stage of 'try before buy'. Marvelous did it to themselves.

How many of you play as a girl while you're a femanon IRL?

>gets super lewd afterwards
I was genuinely surprised with some of the shit he said after marriage.

BTN > 64
>The best expansion in any HM game and why HM64 is still the best game in the series.
nostalgiafags, I swear

The sad fate of any Harvest Moon-like game.
Eventually you'll hit the point where there's no new dialogue.

The starry night festival during marriage before kids is pretty lewd. Specially when he calls you a naughty girl and pins you down.

threadly reminder

Yeah but man I'm hitting this wall right after marriage. That's kinda inexcusable. Unless I have to keep increasing his FP to unlock more dialog. In which case, why do I need to increase FP AFTER marriage? That's fucking retarded if so.

Had to post it when I found it.

>blatantly says BTN is the game he played first so he likes it better
>claims other people are nostalgiafags

maybe it was a hyperbole. but they're at least equal to each other. still doesn't excuse the nostalgiafagging you see in these threads every day.

>Time to try to beat Mr D
>Crops judged by aroma, juicy, and shininess
>Shit only got this 3 star tea leaf with like 10% aroma
>Enter and somehow win
I guess its time to move to legend
Also working on watching all of Siluka's events, then marrying Kasumi lul

>Want to be a dirty race traiter and plant my white seed into Iluka's fertile fields.
>Yet my love for Tomboys makes me attracted to Kasumi.



I have a question about the contests. If you win a higher rank contest with a crop, does it automatically jump up to that rank? I want to know if I have to push all my crops through every rank in order to get the most value out of them.

>Played Magical Melody when it came out
>Loved the cave mining and the side systems
>Definitely the best HM game

>Come back and play it now on an emulator
>It fucking sucks

No, and its very annoying. If you take a rankless crop into veteran or above and win you will only get bronze. You can't jump ranks. You need to win 4 times to climb 4 ranks with the same crop. That's why I suggest getting a cellar asap so you can max out crops despite the current season.

Since when are asians white?

Cats Don't Dance, love that movie. Needs more attention.

Magical Melody honestly sucked. It had the pacing of A Wonderful Life, which was frankly terrible in any game except one where you needed a bunch of free time for game progression purposes (as in AWL). You could see they were trying the first iteration of what the games currently are now, but had no idea of how to do it properly and so you just ended up with a ton of time on your hands. Notes were basically achievements so there was no point in "hunting" them, since casual exploration just revealed a handful and the rest were from farm progress.

I mean, it was fun to play, but really poor in a lot of areas.

At least it wasn't Save The Homeland.

Well that's disappointing. Next time it comes around, I might as well just enter in the beginner contest again, until I can get access and build the seed-maker building.

Who /tosses all their failed mining into Ford's clinic/ here?

One of the key animators for Darla Dimple when on to make the reboot of My Little Pony. Another of the major animators went on to make The Looney Tunes Show.

So someone in the industry took notice even if the public didn't.

Since idiots on Sup Forums think anime characters are white people.

So I'm playing a new beginning right now and I'm going for Tina, is this a good game or there are better ones?

I'm pretty sure you lose FP with everyone in the town for leaving trash around. Hell I think it's up wards of 2000 FP if it lands in the river, which I've accidentally done before trying to give gifts to moving people.

Why would I even waste my time doing that?

Wouldn't that make everyone upset, due to littering in the city?

Ford is a good husbando but Woofio is #1


>Since idiots on Sup Forums think anime characters are white people
Incorrect. Idiots on Sup Forums think that characters drawn in an "anime style" resemble white people more than asian people. It's not an incorrect assertion.
>reddit spacing
Learn to better format posts, friend.

It's grindy as fuck compared to other titles. WIth that said, it's a decent entry. Read this guide if you continue forth, young user:
It will make you not kill yourself later.

Is it true you see under the mask once you start dating him and he's actually a qt?

Not bad but Story of Seasons is better and Trio of Towns is even better.

How are those compared to the DS ones? Especially island of happiness

Is the first SoS on 3DS worth playing, or should I go right into Trio of Towns?

Go straight to Trio of Towns. Story of Seasons 1 honestly isn't terrible, but there are a lot of problems with that game (from tutorials, to long waits for stuff to unlock, to framerate drops) that Trio of Towns just resolved. Unless you are intended to play every game in the series, or unless you have a particular character design from SoS you love, you would be better off with jumping straight into ToT.

I started SoS, and the tutorials are honestly one of the reasons I was asking. I would rather play Trio while people are talking about and hopefully find it worth buying while it matters most, but I wanted to ask. I can always go back to SoS if I really want to.

>How are those compared to the DS ones?
Bazaar is bretty gud and DS isn't too bad as well, but overall SoS is better than the DS entries.
>island of happiness
You poor fucking bastard. Tell me you at least played SI.

Much better, I didn't really care for any of the DS ones.

I did it for the gambling, so fucking addictive.

I feel ya on that man. Love me some gambling minigames.


>It's not an incorrect assertion.
Yes it is since anime characters don't look like any real human. And Japanese people have just as fair skin as white people, if not fairer. Anime is also not just one style.

>reddit spacing
Oh, you're just an idiot looking for (You)'s. Got it.

Brad is so fucking good tho

Yes it is since anime characters don't look like any real human. And Japanese people have just as fair skin as white people, if not fairer. Anime is also not just one style.
Which is why I used the word "resemble," bud; this is also why I said that the assertion isn't incorrect. That is to say it's not 100% truthful, but it's also not an inaccurate statement.

>Oh, you're just an idiot looking for (You)'s. Got it.
I'm trying to help you, newfriend, since you didn't bother to lurk for more than a day. But okay, you can bathe in your ignorance.

>fucks up your date with Ford by acting like a complete shit head
>Miranda calls his place a dump

>later Ford sneaks drugs into his food
>gets beat up by Carrie

>you're new because you format text in a way I don't like
>messes up greentext

Why is Ford so lewd?

>admits to wanting to "ravish" you the day you met and had to keep restraining himself ever since

Is there a way to get rid of animals at all?

sell them

It only just hit me that every single bachelorette in harvest moon a wonderful life is a cake ps2 version need not apply
Youngest is Celia and she's 26.


Well, it would seem - according to the image - that said pink-haired girl is Pure Evil, and has been given accessories to emphasize this statement.

So who else used the mario costumes to win the first two fashion shows?

me. it felt like cheating.

If I must I will, but I'll try to win with just the clothes I've made so far

>Witch Princess hates peaches
>you start ds with a peach tree

>Didn't even consider using those
>Just went in with my starter hat and the 5 white cloth work clothes from Westtown

Inari is not for fug!

Not until the dlc drops.

>Not crossdressing during fashion shows

>not crossdressing all the time

Should I play now or wait for the DLC?

Supposedly it has a New Game+ and I'm planning on playing it now and trying that once all the DLC is out. With Nier and Persona out soon though I'll probably lose interest in this for a while.

I hate those faceless NPCs. Were there not enough characters in the game to run the shops? They even show up in festivals.

I hate them too, but walking by them makes things feel more lively.

I like em, they make the town feel more lively without me needing to increase the number of gifts and people I have to talk to daily, along with not having to have as many designated animal/fish/whatever lover characters

>tfw no capybara