So what's your best Zelda game?

So what's your best Zelda game?
Pic extremely related.

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BotW is literally GOTG so im gonna go with that one :^)

Minish Cap, OoT, BotW is a contender. Wind Waker is good too but not quite as close.

The game Link didn't wear pants

it is extremely lewd

It's cool but 2Skyrimy4me
Doesn't really feel like playing Zelda

I love the GBC games. Seasons the best, Awakening next, Ages least.

Played all except BOTW.

What the fuck did you just say bitch? BotW litearlly BTFO's every other zelda game ever made and also BTFO's ever other game ever made.


a link to the past

BOTW is a serious contender. But it needs more time to settle. Right now Wind Waker is my favorite.

Majora's Mask
Wind waker is a close 2nd

Favorite 2D is Link to the Past. I watched and played that for countless hours as a child. It was my introduction to video games.

Favorite 3D Zelda is Wind Waker. Like LttP, it was a childhood game that I both watched and played.

Over the years, I played a large amount of Zelda titles, but after replaying those two, it just became clear that they were the best Zelda experiences.

I really need to replay LttP though. Its been too long.

Minish Cap is best Zelda bar none. I don't mind Skyward Sword as a game but fuck it for retconning where the hero's cap came from.


The correct answer is Ocarina of Time you fucking contrarian hipsters.

Original Zelda and Zelda II are still the best.

When I was younger it was Minish Cap and Wind Waker but now I like them the least.
Now I'm generic so OoT/ALTTP/Zelda 1.

Wind Waker, but BoTW is very close. If they make a game like BoTW, but more fleshed out dungeons, more memorable music, and possibly some sailing aspect it would be my favorite Zelda for sure.

Oracles, when considered as one game.



Will I like BOTW if Zelda 1 is my favorite Zelda?

I have bought BOTW, but still havent got it, because I am importing it for Wii U from a third world country and I guess there were some stock problems
I enjoy all Zelda games, but dont replay them, because once you know how to solve all the puzzles and where everything is, there isnt much point in replaying it since the combat isnt very good or fun.
But I love Zelda 1 because it is quite hard, and when you have full health, the combat is basically a fun top down shooter.

It seems like BOTW has a lot of options for movement and combat that give it a depth other Zelda games didnt have. (I have tried to not be spoiled much, just looked at a video of the youtube Dunkey guy of stuff you could do)

Are you me?

sorry your all so wrong :( made me sad

You'd probably really like BoTW, it gives you the extreme freedom to explore around and there's plenty to do. The world is so massive you probably won't have to worry about remembering where everything is if you want some replay value out of it.

I played OoT 3D, and wow I just did not like very much. I heard online, and from a few friends that this was THE Zelda experience, and one of the greatest games of all time.

I don't get how people can chock up shitty sound effects, lack-luster visuals, and a sucky combat system could be equate to a perfect game.

WW improves all of these aspects. Z-targeting works well, textures and graphics look good, and FX sound crisp and clear. The common circlejerk I see is the long sailing parts of the game, but anything is better than slogging through OoT's 144p, MW3-looking ass, Hyrule field. Nothing is more boring to me than rolling from Kakariko village to Gerudo Desert in OoT.

Also OoT sound effects make me want to stab my eardrum with a toothpick. Its like the black eyed peas experience.

This guy gets it, best soundtrack as well.

Link Between Worlds is fantastic.

This is what Zelda really should have been from the get go.

Oh, you wanted to be taken seriously?
Better luck next time.

zelda botw is the purest form of zelda

>kinstone fusing
>glorious visual design
>learning new sword techniques
>sicknasty dungeons
>fun weapons and items
>ezlo shapes up to be a total bro


OoT but it might be nostalgia goggles.

I did however play Links Awakening for the first time while wasting time until BotW came out and I actually think I enjoyed it more than BotW. BotW was a great game in the moment but looking back on it there was nothing really memorable besides maybe Bolson stuff. I liked the game but I already have a lot more fond memories over Links Awakening.

This is going to be the point of the series that will split the fanbase for sure. This went back to the original intention that Zelda had from the start, exploring a world and uncovering its hidden secrets. We'll probably see things we're more used to in the 3D Zeldas, but it looks like the future of the series will stick to this open world aspect.


that's my opinion.

BotW I think I may have dragged it on a bit too much as I am bored with it now, after 2 weeks of play but I know it is a GOAT game and I will enjoy coming back to it in a few months.


Who is link making out with?

twilight princess

best combat
best dungeons
best items
best side content
best world
best characters
best story
best art style
best music
best game

since nobody else responded that means i won

Alttp, but its not without its flaws, some parts feel unfinished or unpolished, too many things are overpowered even the basic spin attack, puzzles are too simple most of the time but it does have a few good ones.

Or they don't care about your opinion?

best girl

thanks for the (you)

Best side content?
>bug collecting gives you a bigger wallet
>poe collecting gets you more rupees
>magic armor is basically useless and uses all your rupees

The main sidequests basically just give you money, nothing interesting at all. I'm not saying that it's any better or worse than other games but it definitely does not have the best side content.

love that game

link to the past will always be my favorite

Congrats user!

>>best combat
>best dungeons
>best items
eh, I'd like to here your argument for this
>best side content
That would be MM
>best world
Subjective but it has my favourite Hyrule Field theme
>best characters
No that would be MM
>best story
That would be ST
>best art style
That would be BotW
>best music
Subjective but I agree
>best game