>"stiff ass models standing there having robot conversations"
Where were you when Giantbomb shredded ME:A?
>"stiff ass models standing there having robot conversations"
Where were you when Giantbomb shredded ME:A?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post new webms.
So far this looks like turbo shit.
Game will get 90 all over the place, don't kid yourself.
Post the webms please. i missed out everything because i was on my phone..
full stream got uploaded, will make webms soon
The eyes make everybody look like retards.
The impression I got from the guys in the video is that the game is OK, nothing more. Calling out the crapness fo the story and the wonky animation is just saying what we're all thinking. More than anything else it looks like they've cobbled together parts of the previous games just to kickstart this new trilogy.
Coming from guys at Giantbomb, trust me, they hated it.
all bioware has is their stories
certain developers have their best traits
Bethesda has the open world feeling
Visceral and Bungie do fps's really well
Bioware had the story elements down pat, and now they dont.
>all bioware has is their stories
Everyone with a modicum of writing talent left Bioware.
>This makes Biowares Second big failure.
>Since Tortanic
If this studio isin't closed down in a year EA must love to lose money.
>>"stiff ass models standing there having robot conversations"
So it's Mass Effect?
TOR made profit though, and in fact it still is. Not to the levels EA wanted, true, but still, it's been profitable by them
I won't waste my time on you reddit.
>all of that shit opinions
Nothing of what you said is correct.
This is bait
Is Sup Forums still in denial that SWTOR was a success and basically a free money printing machine for EA?
real ingame footage
The game is a piece of flaming shit. The enviroments and combat systems were created, programmed and designed by skilled, well trained employees.
The character design, writing and animation were created by first time kids who have no idea what the fuck they are doing.
Scott Ryder isn't even a character. When they don't know what dialogue to write, he says 'let's just do it', and continues to say I'm a pathfinder, I have the skills and can do it. Over and over. This shit is fucking T R A S H.
Compare any scene with a character in Mass effect Andromeda to being introduced to Wrex.
Andromeda was made by children and is the worst piece of shit you could have made, short of it not even working or literally being hand drawn cartoons.
They scrapped all assets from the unreal engine and transferred to the frostbyte engine, causing them to recreate everything. They didn't without even add in destructible terrain like in battlefield 1, a key point of the frostbyte engine.
The voice acting is meme tier dogshit. They literally hired one time joke actors from an idie shit game octo-dad. The other voice actors are amateurs from tv shows they like or friends and family. The game is fucked.
If you think this isn't making money you are stupid.
It's not like I'd give these sites that much credit for pointing out the obvious. They haven't exactly presented a radical new opinion or anything. They should've been on Bioware's case back with DAI like anyone with functional eyes was.
considering how much they poured into it, I don't even know if this is correct.
Didn't SWTOR cost like 300 million to make?
>TOR made profit though, and in fact it still is.
Yeah, after how many years exactly? TOR was not the "get rich quick after first month sales" scheme EA wants out of all of their games.
It makes an average $100 million a year
It made around 120-150 a year between 2011-2013
Basically EA gets $100 million a year for free.
Usually I get annoyed when the GB guys talk over cutscene conversations, but holy fuck I was tapping out in the middle of sentences.
the hell just happened there?
So now we've got RPS, PC Gamer, and Giant Bomb all showing negativity towards this game and it isn't even officially out yet. This is going to be a really, really interesting game release.
>uncomfortable close ups: the game
It's like they wanted to save dev time by not animating anything in dialogues, but then they saved time by not making good character models either.
I don't understand, can't publishers see market is starving for a proper space opera?
Is it so fucking hard to make you play a dashing roguish captain fucking blue chicks and brofisting huge lizards in space?
Fuck. That music. Such nostalgia. the last good bioware game.
>SWOTOR had to ditch its pay-to-play subscription model and go f2p within a month or so of launching
>this is a success according to biodrones
Bioware a shit but SWtoR is still in the top 5 most subscribed MMOs last I checked
I'm really looking forward to the embargo to lift now.
When is that supposed to happen?
I believe it's on Monday.
20th. Day before the game comes out.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm genuinely excited for this game to come out. Maybe not for the reasons Bioware or EA want me to be, but I am.
that alien looks like an asparagus
Looks like it's going through some animations?
They're still going to give it at least 4 stars.
>trust me
lmao no thanks
Her animations flip out if you space bar through all her dialogue
People still don't know what bottom line margins are. Out of that 100 mill they probably get under 10% which is still a lot considering everything.
I never played Mass Effect
I think I pirate this one.
I want to play this fucking mess of a game.
main characters head is like someone put a ""realistic"" bust on top of a robot, it hardly ever does anything
>within a month
More like a year nigger.
So what is actually wrong with the eyes? It's obvious it's fucked but I can't really pinpoint what it is. They never seem to focus on anything, is it because of strange eye movements?
Objective: find the toilet
>What are you talking about, they're fine.
jesus christ
I'm watching the giant bomb thing. The people are blinking way too much and the blink animation is way too slow and noticeable.
>You should warn Fist. I will kill him.
Wow, they actually animated a character realistically jerking away from another character instead of just standing around with a frozen face.
Google "BioWare RPG Cliche Chart".
>22 minutes
why does the curry nigger look like a regular nigger? this is very offensive to the 1.3 billion people in a country that will be a super power by 2030
Those dudes look like they belong on tripping the rift.
Holy shit it's like I saw emotions for one second