>Game people have been waiting for like 8 years finally comes out
>It doesn't even become flavor of the month, barely of the week, pretty much flavor of the weekend
What the fuck went wrong?
Game people have been waiting for like 8 years finally comes out
nothing went wrong, everything's fine
Duke Nukem Forever
Rise of the Robots
Aliens Colonial Marines
it's like ICO/SotC
it's not a fuss lets talk about it every day.
Like a painting you might look once or twice,think about it...and that's it.
it's not a playboy cover.
shame about the fps/controls/tutorials ,only things that ruined the game, still shocked me though
can't even score it.
>a niche game from a niche dev team didn't hold mainstream interest
How about that
It's garbage, I don't have the motivation to even finish it and I paid in leaf dollars for it.
it missed an entire console generation.
as time went on and gaming climate changed, it became less and less relevant.
i haven't played it tho, im sure its really good but its sorta "unneeded" at this point.
maybe it will age well and be considered classic after a decade.
You couldn't possibly have expected it to be a huge thing, could you?
It was in development for ever, it had a shit marketing campaign, and above all, it's a niche game.
I enjoyed the shit out of it, but as someone who also enjoyed SotC I realize that these games are simply not for everyone. You either love these games to death, or you're simply not interested.
Still though, 8/10 would play again.
I loved it. 10/10 for me personally. The ordering is still Ico > SoTC > TLG. Now I just quietly wait for Ueda's next game.
It's a short, niche singleplayer game and a whole lot of big games have been releasing lately.
It was a great game but there's really not much to talk about, everyone has the exact same experience and then it ends.
>Buy a PS3 for this game
>Not even a release title for the PS4
and people wonder why I went xbox lol
Its like that girlfriend you expected to come back but every month she doesnt show is a slow sink back into depression that you want to start forgetting about her until you finally do and then she shows up and you haven't a care in the world.
I ignored all release dates because I never believed it was going to come out
Took me 4 days after it came out to realise.
For canceled games instead of delayed ones?
I already have more good games on my boner now than I did when I got bored of my PS3
GT Sport when? :^)
>game is fart
>you appreciate it one sniff at a time
>bottle it
>enjoy later
I found it quite enjoyable
It's a PS4 exclusive that either wasn't a Souls clone or didn't have a waifubait main character, so naturally, this board isn't going to give a shit about it.
>this board
Try sonybros.
This board watched the dunkey video and laughed before forgetting another mediocre title.
When I played ICO(honestly, an glorious game I shilled to hell on Usenet back in a day), I was ~17, was on verge of not giving fuck about Sotc 2005 but still kinda played it.
So from ICO to tlg 16 years, some of my friends who were fans literally died(one 4rom sickness, one in carcrash,one from drugs).
This is the reason I don't believe hl3 will ever come out(or if it will, it will not be good),
at this point they need to revolutionize fps with it(they will probably make first VR-only
game that's actually good=at least in their opinion).
the fuck you talking about, this game was hype af but it took too damn long to come out
I was not aware that anyone had anticipated the release of Rise of the Robots.
It's not bad it's just meh. Nothing really worth discussing. I got it as a Christmas gift and enjoyed my playthrough. I'd be a little upset if I spent $60 on it
>game looks nice
>neat, fun, cute little story
>controls are frustrating at times
That's all that's worth saying
>It's a PS4 exclusive
Honestly that's probably one of the main factors.
If it was a PC game too, then people would at least have tried it on a steam sale or something, but there just isn't enough interest around it to make people pay full price.
Ending made me weep, world was comfy and I loved the sensation of navigating a vast labyrinth, but I wish it was less directed and allowed me to get lost/find my own way to the summit. Lots of hidden mechanics for people who like to dig into the game's combat and trico's behavoir mechanics, trico's design and animations are godlike too, reminded me of my pets from childhood.
Plebs just wanted another big monster killing game and didn't get it.
Quality whether good or bad, its a very niche game. Thats why.
It's easy.
PCbros. Threads were just filled with "25 FPS xDD" and people who were too dumb to control Trico.
look around you, dude, you're in sonybro central
Normies and kids on Sup Forums found it too difficult.
>Less than 32% has completed the game.
Literally how? It's like an 8 hour game and you can't get lost
Really it's this. I wish i wouldvr spent less for it though.
The market isn't, though.
You have to be a really fucking good game to be a best-seller AND an exclusive, and Last Guardian is only reaching 'alright' for most people.
You overestimate normies and Sup Forums shitposters