Any hard dos/dont's when playing pic related?

Any hard dos/dont's when playing pic related?

I just winged it (skill allocation) in DQ8 and had a blast, but given the length of 7, I'm wary of making some regrettable decisions once I'm able to change classes and shit.

Any protips for what to avoid and whatnot? Or is it okay to freeball it?

Also DQ Thread

No real tip so just go nuts. But when you get vocations, turn everyone into a Priest and go grind to max it out. You'll appreciate having Heal/Ress on everyone

If you want a real mildly spoiler advice, then don't make Maribel your only healer

Otherwise do whatever feels good.

Don't grind your vocations if you want challenge.

Have Gabo max the Dancer, Bard and Jester class and then turn him into a TeenIdol. That class learns the most overpowered skill of the game. It heals all party members by 100 HP but it costs absolutely nothing to use. With this skill every battle becomes only a matter of time until you have won.

This, it really fucks up your game. I did it to get hero quickly and I really wish I hadn't. Granted, I just wanted to play it before dq 8 so at this point I'm trying to blast through it, but he's entirely right.

This is good to hear. I remember reading people bitching about classing incorrectly and fucking up their games somehow. I don't remember the details. But if it's not totally unforgiving I'll just go nuts.

Who should I replace for Red in VIII? It's either going to be Angelo or Jessica? But Agnelo is decent this time around, is more of a character than Jessica, , but she is a mage with some handy spells. Red is going full fans because warfans are awesome.

Red is a better Yangus, so...

No, it's not all all. You'll probably naturally unlock the tier 3 classes pretty easily, and these basically break the game. You'll be fine.

>people bitching about classing incorrectly
That only happened in the original version. In DQ7, there's a level cap in every area where if you exceed it, you can't gain any job exp, so you have to be mindful not too overlevel. But in the remake, there's a tablet dungeon system, which doesn't have level cap, so you can just change vocation and level a bit there if you're stuck using your previous vocations.

Even in that one, because skills carried cross class it was easier to become an op monstrosity. Which was deeply satisfying and I am sad they changed it.

Grind vocations at the start and become a living god, thus ruining all difficulty with thin air.

The level caps in the psx version were so absurdly high that you will not reach them even with heavy grinding in every area.

Yeah this is all I have to say too. Dont do that. It's a big mistake.

Also, if I could do it all over again, I'd make use of the monster classes more. I had completely ignored them and they turn out to actually be pretty viable.

But Yangus is a great character. I don't want to throw him out

I like when they say your name and praise you in the game. It feels really good.

Its a bit strange that DQ is so dead on Sup Forums and the west in general

vocations were nerfed to an ultra casual state for leveling, just do whatever you want

Playing 8 now, the "bet all and reset" method just paid off in all of 20 minutes. Fuck yeah.

the game is long enough you can experiment with most job classes with most characters by the end of it

my suggestion is just to talk to everyone multiple times as you progress the story, there's so much flavor text any time something changes in the plot

your best making it through the first 15 hours of the game

play the game I'm being serious, it's painful