How do people excuse the subpar dungeons, subpar ost, subpar story and dull simple combat...

How do people excuse the subpar dungeons, subpar ost, subpar story and dull simple combat, yet still consider this the best 3d zelda?

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>subpar dungeons
While the dungeons were pretty easy, at least they did something new (changing how the dungeon is laid out to proceed) instead of the usual "light all the torches in a room for a small key to drop then backtrack to the locked door on the other side)
I liked its dungeons much better than Wind Waker's awfully boring and easy dungeons
Also the Shrines count

>dull simple combat
literally has the best combat of any open world game
I know the bar hasn't been raised very high but it's true

BotW does absolutely everything miles better than The Witcher III except for storytelling and graphics.

ur mom is subpar

Horizon has better combat. Nier has better combat. Dragon's Dogma has better combat.

>Dragon's Dogma has better combat

Fucking lmao
It's more flashy than requiring any kind of skill. Oh sure the arrows "feel" the best they do in video games, but at its core the mechanics are broken.

Educate yourself

>literally has the best combat of any open world game
now that's just wrong

1. Dungeons should just be a tad longer

2. Ost is fine

3. The combat is literally the best 3D zelda combat and that's because zelda's 3D combat is terrible

It has qte nintenbro

I don't need to discuss anything with a cheap baiter.


It has to be good r-right?

I miss labyrinths, but the way they did the shrines in this game was definately the right solution. The dungeoncontent in this game is pretty great overall though.

>yet still consider this the best 3d zelda?
It's the first 3D Zelda that feels like Zelda.

>OST is fine

Not even close. For a company that has Zelda symphonic orchestra performances that sell out of tickets, they could have and should have made sure to nail something so crucial. Having "fine" music for a game like this is like eating caviar with Cheez-Its.

It honestly has the best gameplay out of all entries in the Zelda Series.

That being said it shouldn't deserve 10/10 score because of shit like its boring score written for the game and having literally the worst storytelling in the series

Because it's - like - ZELDA, you know?


It's the bestest game evar, don't you know?
You have to be a nerd to understand.

When you feel nothing by the time the credits roll you know that this game was lacking. I've always felt incredibly attached to the characters and was blown away by the OST by the time I finished a great Zelda game, but in BOTW I felt literally nothing. Complete indifference.

>literally has the best combat of any open world game
Not at all.

Nier is OW and it earns that title as it was made by the kings of good combat.

Witcher 3 imo has better combat as well.

And though not OW sandbox games, DS games are OW in the sense that you can go through them in any order more or less, and they have WAYYYY better combat that BotW.

Also, within the Zelda series, TP and WW have much better combat than BotW.

DS Zeldas are non-linear? I thought you had to get the map first in Phantom Hourglass to be able to traverse the seas. Spirit Tracks also had linear main quest IIRC but I may be wrong.

The games I'd rank with BotW are Zelda1 and a Link Between Worlds.

>thats wrong
>doesnt post anything to backup his own statement.
Yep. Im still on Sup Forums.


dumb hoes

I personally consider it to be the best 3D Zelda not because I'm willing to look past its alleged flaws, but simply because I've always found 3D Zelda to be pretty shitty.

Call me Egoraptor all you like but I simply don't enjoy the style of dungeons that the 3D Zelda's have, and for that matter I got really bored of travel gimmicks like Loftwings and trains, so I've found it hard to truly enjoy a Zelda game since Minish Cap, the last true 2D entry. I'm fucking glad that the shrines and dungeons in BOTW are short and sweet, with the overworld being the focus.

Of course, I understand that this style isn't for everyone, so I'm not going around rubbing review scores in peoples faces like the real zeldautists are. To each their own is my motto. Maybe the next 3D Zelda will have a best-of-both-worlds balance of BOTW's overworld and A Link Between World's non-linear-but-full-fledged dungeon style

>Minish Cap, the last true 2D entry
ALBW exists and is genuinely really good. I honestly think it would be a 10/10 if it was set in an original world

I enjoyed ALBW, it was the most fun I've had with Zelda dungeons since Minish Cap - I just couldn't take it very seriously as a "new" entry in the Zelda franchise due to the re-use of the overworld and the fact you can complete it in like 4 hours without so much as a single death.

But yeah, it was decent.

>Horizon has better combat
>run away
>shoot bow
>run away
>shoot bow

Minish cap was easy as fuck though and was more capcom.

I never said it wasn't easy as fuck. I just enjoyed it more than any of the 3D Zelda's, which is basically true of all the 2D Zelda's I've played (except arguably the DS ones)

>implying the n64 stick isint total shit and having to pretty much stab your thumb just to get 100% forward movement
even the atari 2600 stick isint this shit

Not that guy, but the OST is great. The problem is that most of the music you end up hearing is that battle theme (which is the only track I would consider to be outright bad.)

If anybody pulled this shit at my house I would make them leave tbqh. I can't understand what would make somebody instinctly make a pinching gesture instead of just using your thumb? Was it autism?


Top down Zeldas after the 1st one aren't much different from 3D ones

>literally has the best combat of any open world game
Can extreme delusional fanboyism be classified as psychosis?

you're only wrong about the combat and the insinuation that there is a shortage of content and difficulty
you're right about everything

I meant DS as in Dark Souls games.


That's because literally nothing important or outstanding happens throughtout the 200 hours of optional content.