So this is the power of the Mass Effect Character Creator......
So this is the power of the Mass Effect Character Creator
Kind of cute, but can they atleast make her hair look nice. She looks like hasn't even tried to take care of it
What's wrong with bioware
>Waking up after crashing hard from a week long coke binge and wondering where the fuck you are
Fucking Kek.
That looks more shit on a whole different level than previous face generators.
What went wrong?
>there's now a character creator worse than Oblivion's
What a time to be alive
Looks like the average Bioware fan.
But when Dark Souls does this exact thing it's GOTY
How are people creating characters? Is there a beta or a demo or something?
>sorry, my face is tired
early access
Dark Souls also doesn't have dialogs with closeups on your character face.
Ah ok is it just a preload with access to the character creation tool?
I guess the default ones won't be as influential as default male Shepard
They call me Cuban Pete!
I'm King Of The Rhumba Beat
Dark Souls avoids this horror by either having its characters faces not animate whatsoever or by hiding them behind helmets. It's also not a "rich character driven rpg" that should rely on expresive and realistic human faces if you're going to be staring at them the majority of the play through.
Is there a worse character creator in terms of faces you can make
demons' souls
good lord they were hideous
Real life.
Wow Dandy has put on a lot of weight
Woah Bruce Campbell is in this game!?
Buncha whait boyz makin fun of ma heritage. Dat aint funny, man.
Ricky S P A N I S H~
>tfw all those sweet coke
they did it as a form of flattery. it was basically the equivalent of white rappers now.
Dont you be messin wit Vanilla Ice, boy.
Makes me think of Gyro
I hate it when people say Al Jolson was racist
>spends ten minutes making xer character looking like shit
>wow your character looks like this
>what is Dark Souls
What's wrong with this? It's just an SJW.
Something is worse about this than the souls games character creators. Typically those would only look retarded if you kept hitting randomize. This has no random - the fact that these are made with available options is hideous
pay ea 10 bucks and they will let you play now
terms and conditions apply
This whole game reeks of the SJW millennial rot that is devouring the games industry and the west at large.
Far more importance placed upon acceptance and diversity than upon the tenets of quality.
I hate to sound edgy, but the 'people' responsible for this ""game"" should be sectioned and eliminated brutally and methodically.
I agree. It makes me so angry when I think about these people and their fucking twitter pages etc.
Life is about good things, these people are rotten festering pile of gangrene. I'm not a right wing activist or anything but I might pretty soon sign up to be a one.
>comparing bioware's abominations to the most beautiful fictional motherfucker ever created
Looks like you can make alien MCs after all
>the beards are literally just a texture
>EA has a long history of buying game companies, slaying the geese that lay golden eggs for a quick profit and moving on
>Bioware has been on a clear downward slide ever since they were bought by EA
>"Clearly this can only be evidence of those FUCKING SJWS, PUT THEM ALL TO THE ROPE! I'm not a right wing activist or anything, though."
oh christ
>laughably simplistic facial customization
>a whole bunch of needless and unrealistic hair color and makeup options
One's easier to make than the other.
At last I can be the intergalactic Abo menace that I was always meant to be
>he sees your ass
that's a medium rare pepe
I'm Dr. Rockzo, the Rock 'n' Roll Clown!
Come on. I wanted to write this.
Looks like she'd suck dicks for crack rocks.