Whoaa, this game is deeper than I thought

Whoaa, this game is deeper than I thought.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums - alt right cry babies complaining about everything

>Sup Forums flaseflaggers trying to make people mad pretending to be feminists cunts

i thought we banned this bullshit 2 years ago

fuck off back to your safe space retard

>Sup Forums paranoid shitposters jumping down imaginary rabbit holes


Cultural Marxism

What is wrong with cultural marxism?

Human nature is incompatible with a Marxist society. To force a large nation to be a collective inevitably requires an authoritarian government that encroach upon personal liberties.


>The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state. The Philosophy was proven not to Work already by Vladimir Lenin as he tried in vein to control and subjugate the people. He admitted before he died that capitalism was the only true system in which people understand how to live with each other.... Lenin knew that there were a few western Idiots who kept spreading the communist ideas long after Lenin gave up.... he called these people useful idiots as they had more emotion than brains and could be used to subvert the western states for a military takeover in the future as the citizens would already be perverted and sick and weak from poisonous ideas, decadent lusts and mindless entertainment.

gee, i wonder why?

>We've reached the point where SJW's are now pro-slavery

And yet the welfare state is weaker than it was in the 60s, taxes are lower than in the 60s, union membership is at an all time low, etc etc. I don't really see how those people from the 60s have made society more communist.


Read a history book nigger, democrats were the ones who owned slaves.

>death metal is gonna turn your kids into satanists!
>rap music is gonna turn your kids into gangbangers!
>youtubers are gonna turn your kids into white supremacists!

i wish these people could see how ridiculous they're being

Traditions, language and culture is why there are so much war and unfairness in the world. There is nothing wrong with wanting a peaceful society where everyone gets the same chance.

Simply not true. Elephant fucker.

>democrats were always SJWs

Overall, Nationalism and Patriotism has been seen on an all time Low... Even loving your own Country,Culture,Religion,Heritage is seen as "Evil" Today.
That is the new narrative being learned by Cultural Marxism, Destroy and Mock Everything Around you.. Until it fits your ideals, even if it goes against Reality.

Fuck off commie. Won't be long before we bash and crack you antifa faggot in the head

SJWs are rebranded nu age commies, not democrats.

What does cultural marxism means? that everything you dislike is communist?

I'm not talking about Entertainment, i'm Talking about a Dangerous Political Ideology.. And it's Propaganda, that is being taught in Academia! it is a Subversive Ideology.

Wouldn't be the case if the most vocal patriots were not that bad.

wtf I hate playdead now

A lack of patriotism is not communism. I guess by your definition North Korea isn't communist because they're patriotic as fuck. Communism is communal ownership of the means of production, which hasn't happened. Communism as it has been implemented IRL, like the USSR, doesn't bear much similarities to the USA.

There is plenty wrong with destruction of cultures and traditions while claiming the moral high ground

Communism,Socialism,Marxism isn't Peace, It's Death.

The "journalist" is completly projecting there and if anything the game has anti-communist undertones though.

Not a same chance, but "equal outcome" which is bullshit.

>anything that doesn't fit my narrative is a falseflag

woah..... my almonds are augmented

There is literally no difference between SJWs and Sup Forums.

The whole

Culture is p. ok on its own I'd wager

Why do you type like nigger on Twitter, with no spaces and capitalizing every fucking words?

>Peaceful society
>By destroying other nation culture
Yeah, typical delusional commie right here.

SJWs don't add to the levels of shitposting on Sup Forums so there's that.

Cultural Marxism seeks to turn Everything Topsy Turvy.. if you get what mean?

Because I CAN, Grammar Kike.

Thread should have ended at This thread was never going to be about videogames and OP knew that damn well. Literally abused the fact that shitheads look deeper into works of fiction than they should and used it to make what is literally the worst fucking thread on Sup Forums right now. And I'd be willing to bet even after getting reported to death it will archive.

Fuck everyone from Sup Forums for falseflagging and sublty worming politics into every fucking facet of videogames it can get away with to come shitpost here when they get bored of their fucking hugbox.

Seriously. You know who you are. Fuck you.

>make a joke
>get called out as alt right
Maybe you're the crybaby senpai.

Its part of Sup Forums culture as much as unrelated threads like LOL web comics and HE shitposting

Sup Forums literally memed Trump into white house and they had fun doing that.
While SJW, antifa commies and lefties tried to stop that by branding Him as evil nazi autists with billion dollars support from Soros and still failed.

Sup Forums has fun being angry
SJWs can't stand being TRIGGERED

That's why you don't see them here.

Eh, most Sup Forums threads are fucking derails who gives a fuck anymore.

>What is wrong with cultural marxism?

burn it with fire, please. Don't ever say shit like that in front of a person that survived the soviet union. Get your teeth knocked out.

Stop taking that shit from Sup Forums

I guess nobody has a rebuttal to this lmao.

Blame HZD for making Sup Forums goes full alert on vidya games and spilled here.

Well you do turn into a morbidly obese monster

>this thread


Fucking communism, man. As son as people forged how badly it crashed and burned the last time, everyone wants to try it again.

Why can't people just play games instead of looking for a DEEPER MEANING that it doesn't have

>Amerifags are still scared of commies 25 years after the Cold War
Guess it's hard to get that propaganda out of your head.

>a woman wants feminist change in a capitalist industry that maintains private property
t. born after the fall of communsim

We do Johnny, but with the threat of Communism Today.. Anything can be Subject to Marxist Subversion, Even your Vidya Games.

Feminists fought for women's rights and won decades ago. The current "feminism" is just a collection of mentally ill individuals glorifying their mental illnesses.

Not that user, but it is incredibly pathetic and insulting that anons like you exist. You defend communism even after all the lives is destroyed. And now lefties welcome it with open arms. Shame on you man.

Well you gotta pull the problem by the roots.

Explain how I am a communist. Nothing in my post supported communism.

Why do you defend patriachy and white male privilege after all the millions of lives it destroyed? Shame on you.

> it's hard to get that propaganda out of your head.

Europe today embodies this sentence exactly.

Communism never really fell, it had permeated all throughout Europe before the fall of USSR and never left. It simply existed as a facet of the EU without outright declaring its allegiance.

The difference between communism and the "patriarchy" is that the latter has vastly improved the world while nothing good has come from communism.

>t. never been to europe

>t.never read a history book

Feminism seeks to overthrow gender roles of society and destroy the father role of Said Family.. (Cough) Patriarchy..

Sup Forums - progressive nazis

While still being entitled to things like maternity leave.

>literally who website
>find some feminist/sjw yadda yadda article
>sheeeit, better shitpost it to Sup Forums

is right, fuck off whoever you are, OP

>argument about politics
>on the video games board
>on a sumerian wood cutting forum

Patriachy caused colonialism which killed more people than communism. You sound like some Russian bydlo who defends communism because muh space program.

The Patriarch is Natural, it has build and guided civilization as we know it.

You should stop responding to the delusional moron user. Anyone who thinks that the "patriarchy" is a thing is beyond saving.