Tfw playing at a measly 12 FPS using a broken emulator

>tfw playing at a measly 12 FPS using a broken emulator
>still having the most fun I've had with a game since Bloodborne released
How does Nintendo do it?

Legendary Developers.

that actually looks kind of nice
much better than the bland, desolate landscapes from some of the earlier screenshots / clips

Can this run at 30fps on the emulator? Never tried a zelda game before

Depends on your PC but you can simulate the effects of 30fps if you use a speedhack.

so is the game actually fully playable now or what?

i sure am glad that nintendo is focusing on selling tablets and mcdonalds toys instead of making games

They must have been showing boring screenshots to not spoil the player. Exploring the world is half the fun so I can see why they would do that.

because your an idiot who is easily entertained by mediocre games?

you're having fun with a 7/10 game

by not being western muslims supporting cuck developer.


What games do you play?

Horizon Zero Dawn
Suck it weeb

Apply yourself

>not using a ramdisk for shader cache

why is v always days behind reddit?

Much of the world is copypasted, but there's ton's of unique stuff and locations to find. Biggest, most beautiful and most fun game Nintendo has ever made.

>there are PCbros who will play this game when it does not work 100%

Why do you cuck like suffering so much?

You must be 18 or older to post on this board.

>but there's ton's of unique stuff and locations to find
why do people keep telling this lie?

Where can I find a BotW download?

Nintendo e-shop

how are you finding the endless shrines and pointless monster camps?

it doesn't work 100% even on the switch

>not using "butterscotch falling down smooth 12 fps"

Now imagine how they are going to apply all this knowledge into Mario Oddysey, worlds may be smaller than BoTW but I expect great things

Yeah. Mario 64 and Sunshine were decent but not my cup of tea. BotW makes me hopeful. The way the game ditches old mechanics yet amplifies the core aspects of the series makes me hopeful for Nintendos future.