>Sony exclusive don't se-
Sony exclusive don't se-
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ashly Burch
No thanks
My roommate got this game, I played it for 3 hours and dropped it. It's far cry primal with robots and a shit protagonist
>win generation by a large margin from the get go thanks to your competitor
>barely manage to sell 3 million with your strongest marketing push yet
Pathetic. No wonder they made the Pro so shit and overpriced, they need all their profit to come from hardware.
>Mods deleting the other thread
And they tell me Nintendogaf isn't real
>4.8% attach rate
>4 POINT 8
Whch one will be forever remembered as an all time classic though?
You don't get to pick your family.
>mods delete other thread just as I'm about to BTFO another user for the third time
Hate when that shit happens.
It's been two weeks you retard. You fags said the same thing about Uncharted 4 and it has sold almost 9 million.
Almost at the end. Honestly, I very much love this game.
>8 POINT 8
>b-but Zelda
>Sony fanboys don't like eating shi-
These games hit the bargain bin after a month, no staying power whatsoever. This is as good as it gets.
>he doesn't know
You know for supposedly having sold that much, there is suprisingly little conversation about horizon on any website. The only discussion are about how popular the game is and I have yet to see a single person ask about any actualcontent such as quests, items, locations, npcs etc.
It certainly has nothing to do with the game being good, since good games are talked about a lot. Nioh is being talked about all day long and it sold much less. Zelda is being talked without end. All these talks are about the actual content of the games.
So ultimately horizon is either so piss easy and linear that there is literally nothing to talk about or it never sold that much in the first place.
>Anthony's cuckness is so great and powerful, it even cucks his sister out of being a likeable person
It's actually 89 so le 8.8 meme doesn't even apply
My wife's son got this game. It's just a shitty skyrim clone and it doesn't even have weapon durability.
sure :)
>Uncharted 4 STILL full price at Gamestop and only $10 cheaper on the PS store almost a year later
>Best selling, Fresh IP
>Stable FPS
>Better Graphics than PC games today
>Original Setting with decent open world structure
>Good scores all around
i- its a .. f- flop h- heh right?
No, games that sell very well stay full price for a while
Learn to business
Same rating as this classic now
Idk what it is, I platted the game and I can just tell you its good.
Theres not much else to say like i dont really feel its necessary for me to go into detail.
If I told you its fun to shoot dino robots its not really the same as you experiencing it
Real talk, when will children's shovelware stop getting a free pass? It's not like the damn 6 year olds themselves go check reviews for Skylanders and Horizon.
People who spend all day shitting on this game are just as pathetic as the people who make fun of the switch
Just play video games jesus christ
t nintendoguy
Plays nothing like far cry primal
>it's Real
I don't think you know what shovelware means
nice try retard
"b-but" meme doesn't work this way though
This is the epitome of turn off brain shallow western experience, that's why you don't see any in-depth analysis.
>paid zelda reviews
Why don't people like this game? I honestly hate almost every game that comes out, but this one is actually enjoyable.
It's just weird. Most people who have a good time like to talk about it with other people.
I don't know what this is supposed to be. Sexy? Suck?
It's just bland as all fuck, a mishmash porridge of what sells with robot dinosaurs sprinkled on top.
It's daring in absolutely no way other than having an unattractive female lead, which I guess it gets some points for. It's not bad, just boring.
>paying for reviews
Yeah I remember the classic games Triforce Heroes and Federation Firce getting tons of perfect scores!
>saying the company that sends thank you letters even to reviewers that give bad scores pays for reviews.
Nah they're just nice and courteous to them.
Okay lets talk, i think meridian was a fucking comfy ass central town. The Stormbirds were badass, hacking the thunderjaw to fight the other one was cool.
I dont know how im supposed to express my joy for the animations, feel of tying down a bird, and the sounds they make on a text post.
Sup Forums is quite literally the only place I see hate for
They don't need to pay for reviews, but you know, Other M, the latest Paper Mario, Splatoon and 3D World still happened. BotW does deserve 90 minimum though.
I bet if it was a male character having to save a woman, you'd love it, you NEET.
The west not only forgot how to make action games somewhere during last gen, but go out of their way to make them complete shit. I blame Bamham.
Insecure Nintendofag brought Zelda up out of nowhere. Literally nobody even mentioned Zelda or even Nintendo but user was so insecure he just had to post his Zelda picture. How sad :(
I know what you're trying to say, though.
all the sjw/misandrist crap makes it kinda hard to enjoy
>unironically playing sjw trash
dude plx
Of course it sells. It's a cinematic experience SJW -pandering game. It sold because of pretty pictures and SJWs liking it even though the actual gameplay sucks.
Aloy makes one comment in the game asking why there isn't a Sun-woman- that's literally it. Have you even played it?
That's literally the same for almost every game, though. The only big games in recent memory that Sup Forums hates that are actually disliked outside of Sup Forums are Fallout 4 and MGSV.
pokemon would have a metacritic of 90 if that was the case.
>PS4 exclusive
>alloy is attractive like Sup Forums anime waifus
>female lead
Pretty easy why Sup Forums hates it
The gameplay is the best thing about the game
I fucking hate reviews like that. Why make it all about being feminist? It's just a game with a female protagonist. Jesus Christ I hate liberals.
t. somebody who really likes this game
We also wouldn't have the 7.8 too much water meme
Nice shit taste
>a feminist likes it so that means it's a feminist game
By that logic, Horizon isn't a SJW game because that native SJW complained about it and said it was problematic.
If it was a male lead saving a female, they'd like it to try and feel strong by saving the weak female. NEETs are weird.
If I made a post on my blog about how Nier Automata supports Racism and posted it on Sup Forums and watched my clicks go up would that make it true?
>immediately says liberals
Is that your go to insult when you dislike something?
-t good examples of how a game should be made?
What is this trying to prove?
Shouldn't you be in school right now? It's a Thursday.
is medicore thats why
there is not a lot to talk about and unlike other actual real opne world you can go talk with other about how your experience was since the game doesnt offer any freedom reagrding how to play.
The most you will get is a
"this part was cool"
but you wont go argue about how to beat the enemies or finish quests becasue is mostly the same experience from start to finish.
is one of the most safe and uncreative games out there, the comparision with ubisoft games are well deserved. is not bad, nut totally forgettable.
Those games are both fun. Golf games are fun. Skylanders is expensive is the big downside, but it is very addictive.
Because SJW's are liberals who complain about MUH STRONG WOMAN without playing any actual games. Get triggered there, faggot?
sony has more money than nintendo, so shouldn't they have been able to pay for better reviews?
>Why make it all about being feminist?
is the only unique thing the game has going for.
I don't even like Zelda or Nintendo but paid reviews is a meme. Idk if there is a recently proven case of companies paying for good reviews, other than maybe Xbox One's misleading marketing campaign. Zelda getting insane reviews is likely more to do with fanboyism and nostalgiafags than Nintendo actually paying people for perfect scores.
Do just a little bit of research before you shitpost.
they did.
thats the best they could get.
>Sonybros on Sup Forums still trying to push this game as being good
No one's falling for your do it for free shilling
Why does having a female lead automatically make it "feminist"?
Is that pic supposed to be bad looking?
Yes Sony clearly pays for reviews
Just like Knack
And The Order 1886
And Driveclub
robodinos and femal lead is most unique thing about this game, quest design is boring, you have almost not interaction with the world. Bow gameplay gets stale 3 hours in and enemies lack attack and human enemies have the AI of a ps2 game.
most praise of this game comes from alloy and the story or presentation reather than the gaem mechanics and design.
But it's a good case for eliminating review scores. How can you take high scores seriously when games made for literal children get extremely high scores? and I'm not talking about Zelda.
So, again, you didn't play any of it and are just shilling Zelda, that is a rehashed story of every other one? Nintendo fags are retarded.
Nah, all te games this borrow from have male characters and they're bland too.
And Sup Forums complains about SJWs Ruining games without playing them
>but paid reviews is a meme.
This board sure is acting weird as we're nearing Mass Effect's release. I wonder why that is.
>being willfully ignorant of shit textures and lackluster appearances
Boy, Sony really has done well in creating their own little cult
I was talking about the feminist thing
There's at least one thread every single day about this game since its release. Sup Forums led me to believe there would be no discussion a week after it's release, yet here we are two weeks later.
Games made for literal children could be good, it's just everything out there treats them like functional retards.
are mods finally doing their job of getting rid of shit fanboy/consolewar bait threads? Great.
>but Zelda!
I never mentioned Zelda, but as with every Sony fag you need to bring something up to deflect with.
Zelda's mediocrity doesn't change Horizon's mediocrity, at all.
Why are you bringing Mass Effect into this? The point is, is there a recent proven case of companies paying for reviews? Key word here is proven, not just "this game I don't like got good scores, so clearly they're all paid reviews"
>caring about story((cinematic experiences)) in games
Tell me why this game is good without comparing it to Zelda, I will be waiting.
the only pay to their big studios. Guerrilla, naughty dog, etc.
japan studio, and the others are treated like trash. You can see that by how little ot no marketing GR2 had. Sony alwasy had favoritism in their studios when the ps3 era began.
Dude gaming journos are fucking going hard on Mass Effect
Here's 20mins of Gamespot shitting on it
>. Nioh is being talked about all day long and it sold much less
Fuck off, besides the odd recent nioh thread that shit fucking dies on Sup Forums wayy to quickly and people have to bait threads like "if you use x" just to stimulate convo's and that's usually not enough which annoyed since i finished it recetnly and i am seeing horizon threads still being discussed.
You're just making a stupid ass ignorant post full of bullshit to somehow justify Horizon is a shit game
I don't understand this threads. The game is a fun, solid experience. For all the open-world games i've had to play lately this one did get me hooked for good. It's a fantastic game, if you like vydia you really should play it.
>Sony Santa Monica is not one of their big studios
>Sony has more money than Nintendo