Opinions on ESO

By Akatosh!

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Elder Scrolls Online?

Personally, I've absolutely despised the game back at release. Like a 3/10. Literal fucking trash. As a big fan of the singleplayer games, I hated this one with a burning passion, capable of piercing the veil of reality.

However I have rediscovered it early last year. The changes this game has gone through were exceptional, and once I got the ability to really sink my teeth in it - I was VERY pleasantly surprised.

>Great community Iwell, mostly)
>Combat isn't as cancerous as it was on release, and MUCH MUCH MUCH better than of any other TES game to date (which, I guess, isn't saying much, but still a huge bonus)
>Actually pretty good writing, at least on the Aldmeri Dominion side. Razum-dar is nice.
>The skill system still fucking blows my mind. Why aren't more games doing this?
>Tons of different character build options
>Deep crafting

Opinions? Thoughts? Shitposts? Did you ever give this game another chance post-release?

ESO can suck my chode

Yeah FUCK eso

Any specific reason, or just saltiness?

No mods. Also it's a mmo

The skill tree is too complex and too easy to fuck up, for some this is great. But it makes it almost impossible to play casually, huge numbers of mmorpg players are shitters so this isn't good.

Every other mmo is almost idiot proof, ESO is too strict and you can actually ruin your character due to bad choices. They should just add a "you leveled up, would you like to assign skills based on developers recommendations?" button to assign skills for derps and they would retain far more players.

Being unable to clear solo dungeons due to a shitty haphazard skill placements is not a good thing, it just makes people quit.

>playing mmos

It's ok, I don't like inventory management that forces you to subscribe, but hey they gotta try to get those bucks
I was pleasantly surprised when random NPCs got pissed at some choices, it's really shallow stuff but better than nothing I guess

Most good mods on the previous games were:

Content (which they specifically lacked, while ESO has 300 hours of)

Graphics (ESO is not a bad looking game, and mods make older games look like barbie)

Armor/weapon mods which the game lacked (ESO has hundreds of those)


Just because ESO doesn't have lewd shit, doesn't mean it's a bad game.

>inb4 "Huehue tits4lyf"

Played the beta

I love elder scrolls, and the concept was good, but the implementation was lacking and there were a ton of bugs. Haven't played it since then

but user, there are more people playing mmorpgs now than ever before.

i bought it on sale 2 months ago and i've been enjoying it a lot.

It is complex, but you can respec pretty much 3 hours into the game. For a very acceptable price even for a lowlvl player.

You can literally ignore all dungeons and play it as a singleplay TES game - exploring, crafting, completing interesting quests.

I haven't subscribed ONCE since the launch of this game and have played as a non-sub player. I'm 99,9% sure I was able to buy inventory increases using gold.

I really suggest you give it another whirl, user. If you don't own it, it can go cheap as fuck on the PC. Like sub 10$, for a game with about 300 hours worth of **actual quests and exploration**. And the mechanical part got much better imo.

I just want someone to talk to that elf queen and remind her that she's a spaceship to see what she does.

>I'm 99,9% sure I was able to buy inventory increases using gold.
I know, but there's so many ingredients for stuff that I filled up inventory and bank in no time.
I've been trying to pick up only stuff I know I can already craft, passing up everything else, but I'm still unconfortable
It's just a mild discomfort anyways, game is ok as I said, I rolled a dunmer DK and going around burning everything was pretty fun

should I buy the deluxe edition for about 12.50 or normal for like 7.50?

Deluxe gives you shitloads of expansions?

>tfw gpu bricked itself
>sent it away for repairs
>have to play eso at 720p ultra low settings 40 fps

the struggle is real, people

Friend of mine loves it and keeps telling me to get it, i dunno though

Oblivion bored me back in the day and i'm not a fan of games that concentrate too much on the online aspect, other than fighting games.

I liked it.
It needs a global market.
I know why they don't but it is a deal breaker for me.

>hey Sup Forums! this game is bad amrite? LOL ECKS DEE
>JK! this game is cool now! YEAH CATURDAY!!!!!

Fuck off shill.

C0DAfags don't like things that shit on their headcanon.

I loved it, and played on release but I dropped it because playing an MMO means playing nothing else and there's waaayy too many games coming out and I have very little time for games.

fucking retard
what about the console version? is that worth trying?

Its just another garbage MMO shitting on Elder Scrolls left and right. Class restrictions and tab combat should tell any rational person enough to avoid this piece of crap.

The classes ruin it for me.
Why couldn't they just go with classic Elder Scrolls classes instead of stuff like the Dagon Knight or whatever it's called?
Even the Nightblade and the Sorcerer aren't actual nightblades and sorcerers.

No spears ruins it for me. When are they gonna add spears to TES games?

morrowind, and spears were kind of retarded.
No game does spears right, they are usually gimped polearms.
Mount and blade even made spears suck, polearms were different and godlike for their purpose.

>Combat isn't as cancerous as it was on release, and MUCH MUCH MUCH better than of any other TES game to date

I'd rather spend my time MISS-MISS-MISSing or spamming light attacks than playing a game with tab targeting.

People are still buying cucksoles in 2017, so, it's really not that that difficult to believe.
Especially since MMOs are on consoles now.

Yeah, the expansions are worth 5 bucks

Yeah, prolly skip it.

Yes. The alternative is FFXIV, and fuck that grindy hell.

Class restrictions?

Your class defines 3 skill trees OUT OF FUCKING 25.

It doesn't have tab targetting. Idk where did you get the idea that it does.

>What's Sup Forums's opinion on Elder Scrolls Online?

It's a much better game now then it was at launch, but you're still looking at a mediocre TES game and mediocre MMORPG.

Might give it a try again then but, can i specifie which servers i can use tho?
South American servers suck dicks
The voice acting its awful but i guess i can tuen off dialogue

I don't understand, how is it complex? Or strict? I thought the class system is very freeform, almost any build can work.

>Your class defines 3 skill trees OUT OF FUCKING 25.
Is a build that doesn't use any of those skill trees viable?

>Didn't even want the game (hated the beta)
>Friend makes me buy it on sale
>Forgot my log in
>Requested password reset
>Banned my account
>asked them to unban it
>Why not?
>Because it's banned
>Can you delete the account so I can make a new one?
>We don't make changes to banned accounts
One of my favorite games I've refunded next to no man's sky

sure. you can choose between a server in NA (texas?) or a server in EU (germany).

I'm an hour late, but where can you find the gold edition for $12.50?