Who's ready to see the new face of this glorious new meta?
Fire Emblem Heroes
I'm still fine tuning this, but here's what I got.
>Blarraven +
>Ardent Sacrifice
>Close Counter or Life and Death 3 (LoD optimal)
>Desperation 3
>Savage Blow 3 (not like there's anything else worth putting here)
>Pair with Dancer and Tharja
Do note though that this is weak against a Blue Mage with Blue Tomebreaker, as Tharja is at Color disadvantage and Linde is fucking Blue. What this means is up to you, you could either ignore it (Blue Tomebreaker is a B skill, any Blue Mage running it misses out on Desperation in exchange for a slightly meta counter), or you could run a Green Mage (lmao3mage) or even
and achieve the desired results.
>List of Heroes with Desperation
>Karel Shanna
wait, so you can change all skills, including slots that already have something else?
way to break the game for non-whales, ISIS
>Pivot or Swap?
>What to get for B Skill? Wings for Teleport shenanigans?
>including slots that already have something else?
You've always been able to unequip skills. Since the launch of the game.
Who should I promote?
>tfw will miss 9 orbs because I don't have 4 fliers, knights, and calvary
Yep, hope you enjoy shelling out wads of cash in a vain effort to stay competitive.
>tfw Rods have the potential to be game breaking now.
Before each one was held back by having something another Rod needed to be good.
Now the Rods can have as much healing potential and chip damage as they want.
Expect to see Aggro Rods soon.
>Eldigan with Moonbow and Darting Blow
>still has space for two more abilities
I have exactly 70 units.
Among those I only have 1 (one) flier disregarding the two Narcians I got from the great battle.
And I only have 2 (two) armored units.
Honestly, the meta is in major upheaval right about now. Any suggestions I give could be outclassed by tomorrow. I'd probably just sit on the Feathers for the time being, and wait this shitstorm out. That said though, if you don't want to wait
>Sharena, because nobody seems to realize to 5* her
And? What my dude is trying to say is that you can just completely shit on skills a character has and give them brand new set of 3 amazing skills in their place.
On one hand, this is a decent idea, since tiers matter much less now, you can just slap OP skills on your favorite character.
But in reality, this will cause whales and their S+ tier heroes to become even stronger
It should come to no surprise whatsoever that this would allow you to fill slots that were previously empty.
I was working on a Healer griefing team last thread, lemme see if I can find it.
>tfw Poison Strike doesn't work for Healers
I knew that it would be a bad idea to send heroes home so early in the game's life.
So now I have a huge plethora of skills to pass on instead of just sending them home.
so was skills should I be on the lookout for?
Found it, but it needs some serious work.
>Miracle (still undecided, Luna might be better)
>Close Counter (A)
>Poison Strike (B)
>Savage Blow (C)
10+10+7 (27 HP) in guaranteed damage, if placed on a team of healers that can somehow avoid being OHKO'd and gangraped by multiple units. The actual damage they can do doesn't matter so long as it's even just 1 damage when they attack.
Like I said in my previous post, Poison Strike can't be applied, so something has to go over it. I also need to run stats to see which, if any, healer/s can even take a decent hit at 5* Level 40.
>Ursula is my only unit with Death Blow
>She doesn't pop from rolls and is a unique hero
Damn it. I can't bring myself to get rid of her for her skill. But I want that Death Blow.
>Close/Distant Counter
>Wary Fighter
That should be everything of note. Maybe -Breaker skills as well. Weapons are a bit iffier and more character dependent I feel.
They can still get Savage blow from Narcian though and Martyr and Miracle.
You could throw your Rod at mage/archer in the middle of a group, survive, chip damage them all,Use your wall's (Effie most likely) Swap skill to block retaliation, the heal the wall and the units health back up to full with Matryr (and Live to serve on the healer too). Use the other units to either sweep from the other side or swap in to wall another type of attack.
Imagine this at a choke point. Good fucking luck countering that.
Death Blow. Vantage. Distant Counter. Close Counter. Desperation.
I imagine those are the major ones.
Shit, forgot
>Death Blow
>Life and Death
Is Lightning Breath inheritable? I want Fae to have it.
Though I would miss seeing that fat laser beam of hers obliterating her enemies. The lightning breath looks puny in comparison, but that built in distant counter sure is something.
>With Vengeance
Scary thought.
All dragons can inherit each others' Breaths
>mfw Reinhart or Olwen with Death Blow
Nothing can stop the rape train now
Yes, Lightning Breath can be inherited.
>making Fae even cuter, meta be damned
Godspeed user.
Lucius is pretty meaty. His defence isnt great but his resistance is good, even at a -nature, and he gets HP+5. Pair him up with units with Rally Defence or Passive Def buffs he'd ve hard to get rid of.
I wonder if loli tiki would be good with it. It would make using breath of life way easier.
>Blue Tomebreaker
That said though, shit's scary as fuck on Offense, practically guaranteed a death depending on the map.
>Have all this but Blarraven
>implying anyone will use Blue Tomebreaker of all things
The meta is probably going to be flipped on its head with this update. But Fae has actually been a really good unit.
She rapes Robin and as such have made a good partner next to Takumi. And she is green so she can tackle blues in general pretty well making her a good compliment to reds in general.
And Renewal 3 always made her good at taking trades. Especially with Threaten Atk.
I'm still ironing out the details of who you want with her, but Tharja with Life and Death is a must, and a Dancer sounds ideal as well.
Thinking Hector or another Green Mage (Nino/Julia, more likely Julia) would be optimal for coverage, especially if you pop Blue Tomebreaker on Julia.
Given him and Linde, I think it might actually be worth considering.
Is ButtFucking 3 actually a skill worth having, or should I swap it for something else now?
I seriously can't think of a single thing it pairs well with, even now.
Oh boy a new era of brokeness is upon us, how big is the shitstorm at /vg/?
my linde is +speed - res
should i still grab LoD
>But Fae has actually been a really good unit.
I've been saying this for a while now actually. Yeah, she melts to Falchions, but if you keep her away from them she's amazing. I was running her from literally my starting roll in the game, and she's been on my Arena team up until FRobin made me switch her in for the bonus points. Pity there's no dragon protection ingame right now, she'd really shine with it.
I don't know, I'm not brave enough to wade through that cesspool. My guess is autistic shrieking though.
I'd say yes, given that 44 Speed should double nigh everything in the game.
Just remember.
LoliTiki can SOLO Lucina/Chrom maybe Marth now. And have all the benefits being both a red unit and a dragon can have.
With MRobin by her side she is going to be a monster. She absolutely humiliates Hector and if Hectors are going to teleport around it only makes it easier for her to take them out first.
This pull was total shit and then I pulled jaffar on my last go. He's +def -res which seems alright i guess but glad as fuck I got him.
What skills do you think he could use?
>+Speed Linde have a total of 47 speed with Life and Death equiped
yes user... do it
Wait, how can Tiki solo Marth/Lucy? I'm rolling a mRobin and tiki team right now.
I honestly don't even feel like playing anymore, this system takes all the fun out of the game imo.
swordbreaker i assume
Well you can make Tiki inherit skills that boost her attack or speed, and if shes a +atk tiki anyway she only needed like 4hp of damage to kill the average Lucina in one hit anyway.
Give another unit Like Robin or a green rally attack and use it on Tiki.
Or give her vantage. Attack Lucina to bring your health down to a sliver and let lucina attack you and she die horribly from its effect.
>have to read every single skill and weapon of every single enemy in arena now
this update killed the game
And of course swordbreaker if that applies.
why? now you can make mediocre units into amazing units
>Draconic Aura
>Harsh Command
>Hp 37/Atk51/Speed 44//Def 18/Res 21
>wtf i have to read? This game is bullshit
What green skills should I give Takumi and Lucina? I was thinking Draw Back or Rally Speed
Does that mean I can meme Sophia into the meta now?
>niggas just now discovering how retarded Linde is
where were you when this game first came out
please stop being retarded
Didn't they say matchmaking will take into account of both team's skillset? So unless you have 3 level 3 skills equipped, you're probably not going to face it as well?
Here. I've been using her since before Narcian came out.
On a related note, I'm writing up a fuller version of what I wrote in the OP, should be done in a bit if I don't fall asleep first.
>33 orbs or something
>press to see if i get a blue orb
>1 blue in first batch
>click and get a animated intro
>is robin, could be good
>3 stars
WHY the fuck do they do this. Wasted 2 more shots on 2 red for a blue haired fuckboy and Chrome 4 stars.
Linde banner when?
>19 average Speed at 5*
It's fucked, barring Wary Fighter bullshit, and I'm not sure if that even applies to non-armors.
Is he any good?
He's even worse now
Just got him too along side with Chrom. Fucking hate that both are 4 stars instead of 5
>passing on Moonbow to someone with a brave weapon guarentees specials triggering once per offensive phase and
>death blow on a brave weapon
Where were you when Reinhardt and Olwen became SS tier?
I already gave her it, but took it off when I realised it slows the special trigger.
Just you wait, I'll find a way to meme her into the meta.
I have seen that robin intro 3 times now, all 3 were fucking three stars. Fucking why.
>Tfw was in reroll hell for a few weeks and just gave up
Am I missing anything?
You can give her Defiant Attack and Rauorblade, and if she manages to somehow survive a round of combat you can just pump her full of buffs to nuke everything.
She'll be outclassed by pretty much every other red mage using the same strategy but it'll be functional enough.
You don't need to use a full party to clear it. You can use two or three and it will still count.
I'd try to help you with that user, but I'm too busy trying to meme my Linde team into existence right now. Good luck though, you'll need it.
I think I might actually have something to deal with that.
>Lyn with Brash Assault
Those 10th strat quests are absolute bullshit.
You have to beat it FIFTEEN TIMES.
What special do you have on her? Initially she has none.
>Pull both 5* young and adult Tiki
Now the struggle is to sing or to dance?
Leave Lucina to me.
>played since start
>got 5* fire-mage cavalry
>got 5* archer
>got 5* sword cavalry, who can't seem to damage shit
>roll multiple times
>build multiple teams
>get my 5* team up to 40
eh, I just don't really feel this is going anywhere
I'm about to promote my 4* Nowi.
+RES/-HP. Hardly ideal, but it's not like I'm *not* going to use her.
I prefer her with Vantage 3 myself since she tends to get one shot all the time once she hits 50%
I'm gonna try dancing for now.
I'd go the 4 dragon meme team if I had a Tiki.
Is a 5* Jaffar useful in any way?
For passing Life and Death.
>sac 4* Freddy for Wings 2
>sac 4* Gordin for Vantage 2
>sac 4* Lissa for Renewal 2
Which one would benefit Hector the most?
Here's probably the first part of what I'm writing, complaints and criticisms are welcome.
So with the introduction of Skill Inheritance, the meta has gone into an uproar, anons are desperately wondering if they can remain competitive (protip: it's fucked), and the whales and autistically minded among us are wondering how we can make everything fire. For now, here's my shot at the last part.
Units Involved
>Linde (+Spd -HP ideal)
>Tharja (+Spd -Def probably ideal)
>Julia (+Res -Def ideal (yes, +Res))
>Dancer (Least thought out position of my team, honestly. The who likely doesn't matter much, so Azura probably works fine.)
Alternatively, if you don't want to dance until the morning sun
>Tank with Ranged Counter
might work as a serviceable substitute, but I won't be going into that here.
Now to start.
>Blarraven + (Inherit from 5* Robin)
>Ardent Sacrifice
>Luna (Inherit from Frederick/Catria/Lucina)
>Close Counter or Life and Death 3 (A)
>Desperation 3 (B)
>Savage Blow 3 (C) (not like there's anything else worth putting here)
Blarraven + gives her additional coverage against Takumi in exchange for 3 Might and innate Breath of Life 2, it's a worthy trade. Ardent Sacrifice helps to proc her Desperation. Luna is OBJECTIVELY the best special in the game as of this time (3 CD, HALVES enemy Def/Res).
Close Counter is if you're frequently lazy/unlucky with positioning, but it's far from ideal as she can maybe take 1 good hit from a non-Green. Life and Death however boosts both her Attack and Speed
>51 Atk and 44 Spd after LaD
in exchange for negligible defensive losses (she's glass anyways). Desperation is the real moneymaker here.
>If unit initiates combat with HP ≤ 75%, follow-up attacks occur immediately after unit's attack.
Well guess what? Using Ardent Sacrifice from full HP puts her at 25 HP, which is 71%, and prime rape time. Savage Blow 3 is just there because everything else blows, and it softens other fuckers up as a bonus.
That's what I was thinking but I'm not sure which one of my characters should have it. I have a 4* Marth who seems like a decent idea.
vantage because of ranged counter
sucks that gordin needs to be 5* for vantage 3, lonqu already has it at 4*
Hold on to it if Marth is all you have worth using it on.
Tried to get Ninian wasting 40 orbs. Saw your image and gave me a little hope but im not sure about it. Maybe i should wait
Aight dawg
What would be the best tome to give Lilina? Henry's?
I'm still playing, but I'm staying the fuck out of high-level arena. There is only pain and suffering in there.
I'll save my rage for the grand hero battles.
>Triangle Adept 3 on the Raven characters
Best use of the skill ever.
Henry's is just a Red version of Robin's tome, so it's probably ideal.
You'll still have to deal with the inheritance fallout eventually.
Its so bullshit
Is a +Spd/-Res Olivia good, I'm thinking of upgrading to 5 stars