What is she even doing here?
What is she even doing here?
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That's not even that bad. I'm pretty sure at least half of these are taken out of context. That one where the punch doesn't even connect is horrible though.
Take this out of context
Or this
well clearly this is just a drunk sequence in fast forward
and clearly these are advanced stealth tactics that are beyond our comprehension
they weren't shooting at the teammate now were they
AND clearly this is a porn shoot for Her First Anal
So this is the legendary power of biotics
I have a feeling this game was seriously rushed and there's going to be a ton of stupid shit to find within it.
Like if you thought ME3 was rushed...
clearly shes sh such a great shot that her bullets dont have to actually hit her target
This one is made by a separate team, Bioware Montreal, which has done next to nothing. Most of the team involved in this mess have allegedly not worked on anything major beforehand or have been out of the loop for years.
They're also fucking lazy as is evidenced in picture related.
She's holding the gun backwards is the problem
She's shooting from the back of the fucking gun
>She's shooting from the back of the fucking gun
You can't?
Clearly the space future guns can be fired either way out of convenience.
truly and expert marksman
R.I.P Hymen
clearly her punches have such force that the mere air pressure caused by her passing fist was enough to take him out
were dealing with super humans
and with such and impassive face while doing it
clearly she is a hardened veteran of untold horrors
Riveting dialogue
prostate exam?
getting her tranny cock sucked
clearly he... fuck i cant think of anything
jesus this is shit
at least theres a knuckles cameo
You may need to think harder about this.
Demonstrating the effect of the uncanny valley.
Like a mantis shrimp then. We are dealing with forces beyond our understanding.
Markswoman, you privileged bigot.
Obviously taking a fat shit.
>no bigots allowed
PLEASE tell me that's a shop. Please.
Uhm you don't get to bring bigots
You're a privileged guy.
If I use your dead name will you cry?
oh god what have i done
Ill have corrective sex change surgery to atone for my sins
FemRyder is freaking cute!
It would be extremely triggering.
>both shrek and the enemy stop moving right before the cuts
The male variation looks average at best, it's not on the level of turians and krogans.
The females though are fucking inexcusable. They didn't even rig them differently despite their bodies having different proportions.
And the face. Fucking hell, that face.
I-I'm cute?
for jew
>tfw not a stand user so we can't see it
Why is there a line in the middle of their face?
Like seriously do they want to capture the "buggy PS1" look?
i thought that was his autistic brother
...Is she holding the gun backwards?
is this from the game or just fan art
Future gun safety so good you can shoot it backwards and it still works as intended
is there any purpose for all those fucking straps?
What you can do with CaC is INFINITELY better than the default Ryders
fuck son fan art is better than this shit
hell they probably went to deviant art for ideas
From the game.
This, alongside some other things like the hover-punch gif and another gif I have lost of the krogan helping Ryder up are proof that this team doesn't actually rig the female bodies for different animations, so they're all displaced compared to the male ryder animations (which are lined up proper).
its their version of zippers
So this.... is the power of Andromeda
>this is the lightest skin tone possible
jesus fucking christ WHY
>even leddit is ragging on this
clearly he/she/it ./they has swag
The Andromeda Initiative is actually a honkey plot to trick all the minorities into getting the fuck out of the Milky Way
How do people have the game already?
How would you even know to ask that if you didn't already know the answer to that question?
clearly thats a man
Review copies
>When you got ta shit and all the stalls are occupied
oh shit bruv i'm raffing
I guess it would have to be something like this. White people got tired of every other race and just fucking shipped them off to another galaxy. I suppose the limited few we see in the original trilogy are the favored ones that passed some sort of test. Jacob always did seem like a stand up coon.
>Objective: Find the bathroom
On the plus side, that's one of the few faces I've seen so far that doesn't look like complete garbage.
You can play 10 hours of it for free on origin
The other face animations don't look as bad as whatsherface. They fucked up the mo-cap for her. Both the directors and the mo-cap actress.
>The other face animations don't look as bad as whatsherface.
There are no face animations. Everything from the lips up just does not move.
Mocking this game is going to be a million times more fun than playing it.
All you fucking shitters will buy this game even after what happened with mass effect 3. fucking retards lmao
This truly is the sequel to the hit indie game "Don't Shit Your Pants".
Try to remember the expressive faces and idle animations from 2004's Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Yeah I pre-ordered it on origin because I thought I had to buy to play trial. Retard for life.
This shit can't be real.
>QA Department at Bioware
>just say yes to everything
>don't even test it
>just drink coffee all day and do nothing
>get paid
where do I apply?
oh my fuck i love this game so much
I'm kind of looking forward to playing this just to have a laugh the whole way through.
I got you senpai
you gon brap today
>use your witcher senses to find a bathroom
>My feet hurt.
>Why am I in another galaxy.
>Why is the milky way green now.
>Where is my big bro, I finally managed to find a box of condoms.
>What's that buldge in Cora's pants.
>Why is that asari doing a T pose.
>I wish I didn't wake up.
Also relevant
Jesu I'm about to nut. Sara is hot
So Bioware gives us either shit face animations or no face animations? I'm beginning to think Bioware is maybe not a good developer.
Honest to God, at this point, I'm considering buying this game just so I can laugh at it.
the most relaxed conversation ever
Sorry user, Sarah is only for the Krogan cock.
Did she shit herself and is trying to hold it in?
The fact I've seen biodrones hate on witcher 3 is funny as fuck
imagine if she kept her wrist strait
This is Bioware Montréal, a subdivision of Bioware that has practically done next to nothing before this.