What is this cloth part of armor called?

What is this cloth part of armor called?

Other urls found in this thread:


skirt wearing faggot


the norape armor

A sissy skert

It's a long Gambeson.


Horrible idea.

hmmm I think that's called the butt cloth

metal part is called tassets
cloth part is skirt

a skirt, the kind you get fucked in.

>Kilt wearin' Scotsman
>Calling anyone a sissy for wearing a skirt



Essentially this.

it's only a skirt if you wear pantsu underneath

Hard to tell without the full picture, but it looks like it suffers from the thing a lot of fantasy designs suffer from, cloth bits that just appear out of nowhere with no connection to anything else.
The back quilted section looks to be a long gambeson, you can see some of it on his arms, as far the front bits, possibly a tabard? Can't tell if it continues above the belt or not. If it doesn't, a frivolous fancy skirt-type garment.

It looks cool so who cares

It's a skirt. It covers the vulnerable gaps around the pelvis and upper thigh

butt cape

It's called a Kama

Reverse penis cover

Nobody ever really wore that. It's not a skirt, skirts were metal pieces above the faulds.
You wouldn't really wear clothes over late period armour, but earlier they'd wear tabards.

My best guess is that the artist wanted to make it look like he's wearing a long, tunic shaped arming jack (thin gambeson) under his armour, and the bottom of the jack is poking out. I've never seen a long jack on a real person, but there's nothing wrong with it.

Butt Sheath

A kilt is not a skirt and if you say otherwise to a highlander they'd punch you in to ghoulies.

I figured it was just a long jacket? It's pretty clear there's chainmail and other armor worn over the rest of it.


That name isn't canon anymore. Get fucked.

battle dress
chastity cape
useless butt cape of no rape plz
zip diskette

looks like a styled gambeson, with the plates being tassets, though the thigh protection looks to be missing.

I'll be that guy

>but it looks like it suffers from the thing a lot of fantasy designs suffer from, cloth bits that just appear out of nowhere with no connection to anything else.
How did you get to be such an insufferable douche?

It comes out from under the fucking breastplate, you fucking sperg.

I thought ghoulies were those things that grab you and spook your guts off.

Shut up you stupid little italian hack, you dragged the entire show down will your assfaggotry.

Depends on where you go but most Europeans call it "the flap".

You look at a lot of art, you see a lot of common trends. Not being a douche, not trying to say the drawing is bad, just pointing out there are things some artists due for the sake of cosmetics, or making the design "feel' right, that they don't account for practically. Most people don't care for practicality, or notice.

For example, look at the layering of the two bits of cloth that go over the front. They go over the gambeson, over the chain mail, but ends at the belt. You look above the belt, you see only chain mail, you look below, you see the cloth ABOVE the chainmail.
So either there are two little tassles of cloth sewn into the underside of the belt, or it was a design oversight that the artist felt made the piece work better as a whole.


Butt cape

Its waist cape, you fucking tool.

>36 replies
>not one mention of the word tabbard
how old are all of you again XD

I like this answer

doesn't that go in front of the dick

>tabbard on the ass

Ironic emotacon'ing is still emotaconing, go die in a fire you disgusting pathetic children.

Check the thread again, senpai.
Tabard has only one b.

It's still canon



It's called "slutwear"

>this thread
It's fucking faulds


>Ref-"Lets milk more money out of the empty minded 'nerds' of a swallow shitty franchise that just proves how utterly stupid the human race has become and dumbed down theater has been reduced too" ference books
>Canon in any meaningful way
Anyone with a tiny bit of brainpower will telly ou such trash should NEVER count.

It's either the lower part of a tabard, or a cloth skirt worn over leg armor called a base.

was he playing dota when he was supposed to working or something?

Lol at this thread people dont know shit.

OP its called a fucking Vambrace

Looking at the source the guy is layered like such:
-Bottom undergarment/tunic, white & blue. Extends to waist, covers arms.
-Long Gambeson
-An odd sort of tabard, consists of two long thing strips of cloth tucked under the belt. Isn't seen on the back, so I don't know what to call this piece

It's a Gambeson

This or bases

It's a surcoat

It's a mid-evil trench coat


ded game

>starts off with one of the worst armor designs to come from vidya in the last few years
good job "muh realistic armor"-fags, saving pictures without actually understanding what makes or doesn't make armor look authentic or realistic


s-shut up

armored boipussy skirt


but it looks cool

well, that's like, your opinion man

It's a tasset

this thread really illustrates how underage this board is and how little vidya it plays


Why are Death Knights so fucking based? I've always loved the design of their armor. It looks so normal and kind of goofy for something that's supposed to be so intimidating and insidious.


How did she kill all those people without getting blood on her blade?

Perks of being a fallen paladin, you get to look fabulous.

the implication is the knight girl killed the amazons, and the blonde one is just late to the party

butt cape

What a bunch of dumb accessories they've fastened upon their heads.

The girl in plate did all the killing, you can see her wipe her blade with the skirt of a dead bimbo.

God damn you are one stupid motherfucker.

>Not rocking a death knight bucket helmet accompanied with errol flynn shirt and claymore

Armor designs today pay no respect to the classics.

it really is a well designed set of armor

hearty kek

I dunno what this is a reference to I was talking about Grabbed By the Ghoulies.

>OP asking what the CLOTH part was called
>You claim it's a tasset
Looks like you're the underage one.


Someone say armor?




that contrast lmao

The correct answer is Standards

The padded jack Severa wears in Fates is so goddamn hot.

Skirt, it's pretty gay.

Ass Flap

>dude help
>not now bitch im trying to look menacing

>a time where shit like this was not only cool, but also expected
I don't even remember her being in Spellforce at all, she was just one of those chicks on the cover ever fucking game had.

OP, in the future /his/ or /tg/ might be a better place to ask this question.

>I don't even remember her being in Spellforce at all
because she wasn't, that was purely eyecandy to bait people

You could find and wear that outfit in the second game, tho


Where is this concept art from? Looks like Heroes of Might and Magic.