

What kind of autist enjoys this shit?

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>board is filled with waifu threads
Where do you think you are user, this place is THE autism, everyone here enjoys that.

It gets better when you lvl up the required skill till even one shotting everything, but honestly I ddislike these mechanics.

Nice aliasing faggot

>no fatigue
>being too retarded to figure out main/minor skills
>can't figure out that you can start hitting 90% of the time right away with the right race+skills
>"why do I miss, shit gaem xd"


What bothers me is that everyone always assume that "If it did no damage, it missed". I imagine the weapon actually having made contact but was negated BECAUSE of their armor. For instance, that mace could've simply hit off the Mudcrab's shell or grazed off of it.

tldr. Morrowind is an old game that did not make it easy to visually show this since it performs calculations behind the curtain


People have come to expect cinematic realism from games because the tech is there and the most popular games are suited to it. Mechanics that work for tabletop games, which often better represent real-world complexities and statistical distributions, have gone by the wayside because they are less practical to depict in an immediate, visceral way -- it's why tabletop relies on imagination. Games used to call on imagination, too, but they don't anymore, at all. Besides, most of the market is disinterested with understanding and exploiting those complexities -- can't blame them, it's not for everybody, but their market majority makes pickings much slimmer for me and I feel a little resentment.

Even if there had been a glancing or dodging animation for every mob in Morrowind, that would have made every encounter look even more like a grand seizure than they already did. Since it looks like shit anyway the whiffing is forgivable. It's good motivation for actually playing the game like an RPG, planning your character growth, and committing to a skill or weapons set out of many -- all features that were scant in Oblivion, and absent entirely from Skyrim. Of course, if you played either of those first, Morrowind must be absolutely painful to try now.

>What kind of autist enjoys this shit?
The best kind

The Truth

So this is the legendary Morrowind?

Back in the day you got used to eating through a turd to get to the chunk of corn.
Nowadays they play games looking for the shitty part because they have acquired a taste for it.

It isn't their fault it is a product of the time they were born.

>Sup Forums will defend this

No need to defeind if it doesn't hit

Under rated

it plays different sounds for misses and deflections.

whiff whiff whiff

use power attacks you nigger


Yeah, those are your stats. But what are hers?

Back then there were tons of better games as well. Even more so if you only consider recent releases.


The funniest thing about Oblivion is that instead of improving on the traditional RPG combat of Morrowind or developing a good action RPG combat system, they just took Morrowind's combat and removed the dicerolls and threw in some level scaling so it wouldn't be too easy. The absolute laziest option they could think of.

Get Apoapse's Attack if you don't like the default attack style. nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44007/?
It makes hitting shit more likely without making things like Sanctuary, Agility, and Attack worthless.

How many flawed gems have you played?
Thanks for Beta testing an industry gramps.
Your service is noted and appreciated.

I miss like two times per enemy, git gud

I don't know why people sperg out about the combat, it's not even that bad you just have to not be a retard with how you create your character at the beginning. I was hitting shit off the bat with my spear.

Morrowind has plenty of other things to nitpick at but the combat is not one.

>custom class
>set one of the attributes to Luck
>use a weapon you set in you major skills
>hit every time

>hitting an enemy dead on in a real-time combat system
this was a mistake. your major/minor should have just augmented your weapon damage and made your damage shit instead of RNG garbage. skywind when

A team of the finest devs working around the clock from now til doomsday could not find an acceptable way of adding RNG to real time combat.

The only ones married to RNG are the ones who think keeping the PnP mechanic is important.


He's using a short blade, that's why he's not hitting.

>not holding down m1

You know its an elder scrolls game right? Power attack you dingus

Like so many other things in Oblivion, it seems like an 11th-hour fix to get the game onto shelves.

You are lying

That's why I always spent some time in all my playthroughs to get the free Ebony Wakizashi. That thing wrecked

dude you just need more stamina!

>slashing instead of chopping
>tapping m1 instead of holding for 1 second then letting go

Learn the mechanics of the game first mate

>not being a wizard

both of those points are irrelevant as they don't alter your chance to hit, they alter the damage WHEN you hit

It's easy actually and Morrowind already had something like it, the Block skill. Blocking with a shield was randomized based on your skill, a simple solution would be to have hits based on a diceroll of the attacker's weapon skill and the defender's block or dodge skill somewhat like in Baldur's Gate's AC and THAC0 system, with appropriate animations. That way it keeps the stat system of PnP but has decent 1st person combat.

wow you sure told us, brb buying mass effect andromeda

No idea whats happening then, judging by the 2nd webm where 10 Indoril dudes shock up in Hlaalu and gank him, Im betting he altered the game in some way.

Yeah, why play a clunky old game like Morrowind? You should play Skyrim instead, especially since it's being released on the new Nintendo Switch console soon! You HAVE preordered your copy, right?

I pirated it and it wasn't very good

The Block skill from Morrowind relied on the RNG god to determine IF you used it.
To me that was the most egregious use of the RNG.

What you describe sounds like the method they use now.
Your skill determines how much you block not IF you block.


if you're going to miss out on a great game because you're willfully ignorant of the mechanics, then you're the one losing out

No one pretends the combat in morrowind was great. If inefficient combat mechanics are your biggest flaw you're doing pretty good


>skill in block
>makes your shield stronger rather than improving your ability to use the shield

Guy about to shoot an arrow.
Gee I hope I remember I have this large piece of wood and iron strapped to my arm

Puts shield between arrow and body.

Morrowinds handling of the block skill was sad.

>ability to use the shield
>ability to lift up a piece of metal in front of a sword

it's fucking retarded. am i meant to believe my character just stands there and every few hits he decides "yeah, ok, i'll block this one"

Yeah I thought I explained it badly after I posted it. Basically what I mean is have all missed hits be blocked or dodged by default with animations and a hit is calculated based on the defender's block and/or dodge skill. In Baldur's Gate there was no blocking, shields only increased your chance to dodge so I'm not sure if having both a block and dodge skills would be a good idea. Hits should be more lethal (depending on level), and have weapon swings cost more stamina so it's not all about spamming M1. The worst thing about Morrowind's combat is the M1 spamming, health pools are too high and there's no penalty for spam swinging because the stamina cost is so low.

Stat-based combat works terribly in first person

In an unaltered game the chance of missing that many hits in a row is something like 1^ -25.

>hating on misses
you gay, son?

No, you are meant to believe your character fails to deflect the incoming attacks and opponent finds gaps in the defense.

It actually does require some skill to do.

RNG combat mechanics work terribly in first person*
But if you point that out you "Just don't understand it"

You know that's just 1, right?

but the game doesn't show that.

imagining that your character does shit is all well and good for a PnP game or even some CRPG's but it just does not work with this sort of game. it's jarring to see it, same with your attacks missing when you see them make contact

I'd say it's hit or miss


its an old fucking game, they couldnt animate that shit fluidly back then. it wouldve looked worse than it does now to try

Blocking in Skyrim is dumb anyway because you still take damage even if you block. The ability to block arrows should depend on what type of shield you have. Tower and kite shields should be able to block arrows, bucklers and round shields shouldn't.

So would you rather play skyrim where you'd hit everytime but do fuck all damage?

>It actually does require some skill to do.

Which is why it would work indefinitely better in real time manually

I don't think anyone liked that part of Morrowind when it released. Nobody I know liked it and I didn't like it. Didn't stop it from being one of the best games released at the time, but you're delusional if you think that the miss miss miss mechanic was part of well implemented combat mechanics. Fuck no, combat in that game was pretty bad.

What is stopping a round shield or buckler from blocking an arrow? It should depend entirely on if the arrow hits the shield model.

they don't have to animate shit. they should've just realised that the RNG was a shitty decision

Oops... You know what I meant.

saved, thank you. i was just thinking how i should do this after seeing the thread, glad i dont have to though

Morrowind sucks, CHIM was a mistake

Yes. Hitting a thing and not being strong enough to do much damage is infinitely better than being right up on a guy and being told you missed because dice rolls.


I love you
But you need mental help

Like I don't want to insult you
I love you
But please seek help

Also git gud

Holy fuck, how can Morrowhiners even come close to justifying this? And they said Oblivion's guards were psychic?

We don't take kindly to queers like you round here.
Go back to your gayplace of origin.

Yes, actually. That's a lot more immersive than seeing your sword hit a mudcrab and missing anyway.

>what is stopping someone from aiming where someone isnt holding a small shield?
>why arent i the only one with skills?
>why do arrows fly so fast?

You actually need to have skill and stats with the weapon you're using

Don't expect to pick up a two-handed and kill shit with only 20 points of Unarmed

literally impossible with that kind of stats and skill level. he obviously altered something there

One thing BG had that made it work was it was a TB(RTwP?) game.
RNG does not translate well into real time combat.

Unless you are married to the idea of the RNG the combat has improved in every way from Morrowind.

Not hitting represent the opponent dodging etc. Do you think that medieval knights just used to whack each other with swords without neither one of them trying to dodge until one of them fell over dead?

id take it over skyrim any day. though if either game had chivalry's combat id be happy

I know how it works. I'm saying that having the weapon hit and do piss all damage is preferable to having it miss while it looks like it's hitting.

Obviously you don't if you're missing

How exactly do you git gud at shitty combat mechanics?

It's called "out of stamina".

By not being a shitty player

>50 Short-blade
>260 Speed
>still can't hit shit

By learning the mechanics and understanding how the system works so that you can minimize the impacts of the RNG you complain so much about?

The RNG exists in Morrowind because it's an extension of your character's skill. Your build and skills determine how effective your character is. In Oblivion and Skyrim it doesn't matter what your skills are. It's roleplaying game combat vs action game combat, and I want my skills to matter even if the combat suffers for it. One of the reasons I like Elder Scrolls Online is that it's the first TES game since Morrowind where your character build and skills matter.

>not being strong enough to do much damage
But there's already a Strength stat. Weapon skills are just that, skills. That's actually one of the better things about Morrowind's combat because if your character is extremely strong but not very skilled, most of their attacks will be dodged but when they DO connect with a heavy weapon it will knock down and probably 1-shot the enemy.

How does this justify your point in any way?

If you're going to have dodging and missing as a mechanic, it shouldn't be governed by RNG. It needs to be reliant on player input.
There's a reason why TKDodge and De-aimbot exist for Skyrim, and it's because it makes for a far better dodging mechanic than what Morrowind works with.

Understanding and using the shitty mechanic doesn't make it any less shit.

Mate, have you never played morrowind in your life? If you decide "hmm, I've been using a long sword all the time but I feel like I want to up my blunt skill instead" and then you start whacking shit with a blunt weapon - oh oops, what's that? You're missing because your blunt skill is really low?

If you played the game, you'd at least know this much.

>How does this justify your point in any way?
im a different guy, i was just saying your post was stupid, especially considering its an rpg

But you can get good at them, which is what the question was. Your opinion of the mechanics is not relevant to whether or not you can become proficient at them.

You don't have to eat shit just because someone put it on your plate.

If you like the RNG fine.
Its inclusion was a head scratcher to me and I am glad they abandoned it.

these are the people mocking the combat

>you just have to get good at cooking shit for it to not taste like shit

People who played CRPGs were fine with it since before Morrowind it was all dice rolls anyway