3x3 thread
post yours
3x3 thread
2/3, but generally good tastes.
zm isn't good.
3/4 didn't like zelda mm
5/7 didn't like danganronpa
Where the hell is that number coming from? Shouldn't be going over 9.
And that's just your opinion. I think the game is good and played it a ton when I was younger, so I think it's worthy of being in my top 10.
grating, tinny music
poor missile upgrade placement
step back in terms of level design from fusion
samus takes up 1/4 of the screen
completely removes any heart of the original
nah, just a soulless cashgrab.
>Where the hell is that number coming from? Shouldn't be going over 9.
I kind of just converted 1/3 to it for the hell of it. You both have 3 games I've played & enjoyed a lot, the others I haven't touched but am not against.
das not how the system works. its liked/played, there should be no reducing to lowest common denominator here
Nice to know, I've been trying to figure it out for a long ass time now without asking, how embarrassing.
>grating, tinny music
A common issue with GBA games, but I can agree that the audio quality isn't the best. The music is still enjoyable though despite this, at least in my opinion.
>poor missile upgrade placement
I mean I can't recall all the missile upgrades from memory, I can only remember a few of the more challenging ones to get, so I can't really agree with or refute this.
>step back in terms of level design from fusion
Why do I feel like you're some contrarian Fusion fag? And I say that as someone that really likes both Fusion and ZM. Anyway, I feel like if you're going to complain about level design then you should be complaining about the original's level design as well, since ZM is a re-imagining of the original. The maps are still fun to explore and rather open when it comes to where you can go and minor sequence breaking, which offers more freedom than Fusion's linear locked-to-this-sector progression (which is one of the most common complaints that Fusion gets).
>samus takes up 1/4 of the screen
Again, common with GBA games. You learn to work with it.
>completely removes any heart of the original
Dude, what? How does it have any less heart than the original? Do you think it's like a modern HD remake that takes all the life out of the original just because of the art style or change in gameplay or something?
>just a soulless cashgrab
It expands upon the original game as a re-imagining, offers new map sections and the boss fights, gives an entire extra chunk of gameplay post-Mother Brain with the space pirate ship that includes a new game mechanic (ZS sneaking) (for better or worse), includes the original Metroid as an unlockable bonus, and was meant to bring a classic title to a new, younger audience with new experiences so it wasn't a 1:1 copy. The game has flaws, sure, but that doesn't keep it from being a good game nor from being enjoyable, I still love the game regardless. But, you know.
2/2, +MGS3, Cave story
Alpha Centauri is on my list, though
7/8, +SoTN, Metro, Wolfenstein, Doom, Sonic & Knuckles 3, HL:OpFor, Zero Mission
-Dark Souls
This is the highest I've ever rated a 3/3. Great job bro.
2/2, +Kirby, Sonic 3 & knuckles
3/3, +New Vegas, MGS3, Metro
Loved Halo ODST
Played the crap out of New Vegas when it first came out.
>amazing mirror out of all Kirby games
Why tho
>metal arms
>random shovelware 7th gen game
Why tho
Didn't really like Civ V that much. Too time consuming
I don't like Counter Strike. I've tried getting into it but it's the one shooter I just don't enjoy that much even though all of my friends like it.
Lylat Wars is awesome though
can someone explain this rating system to me? what is 2/3, 5/5 etc?
games liked/games played
x games I like/loved
y games I played
Because I like it the most
>Waaah why do people have different tastes and opinions from me?!
Amazing Mirror is fine and still fun, even if a different take from the usual Kirby game and if the "open exploration" isn't the best, and Metal Arms is a fantastic hidden gem. Calling it shovelware is just insulting.
4/4 (MGS, MGR, CS, MM)
Nice taste, Cave Story was amazing. I should really get around to Dead Space, I played 10 minutes and then just stopped.
6/6 (SOTN, Metro, Doom, S&K, HL:OF, ZM)
Kudos for having Opposing Force, I'm usually the only person to ever have it. Good taste all round.
5/5 (PM, MP2, Sonic, MM, DR2)
I used to have PM on mine a while back. A good 3x3.
4.5/5 (ODST, MGS3, NV, Metro. +0.5 for DS)
ODST was great, still not sure if I like Demon Souls to give it a full +1 yet.
3/3 (NV, MGS2, TWEWY)
You should name yours man, it's hard to tell what middle left and top middle are.
6/6 (Sonic, Lylatwars, BOTW, Bayonetta, CS:S, Deus Ex)
Didn't think I'd see BOTW so early, also what's bottom left.
6/6 (SH2, CT, SR2, NV, Doom, Spyro)
Good choice on SR2. It feels like everyone forgot SR used to be somewhat serious. Good taste.
4/5 (Zelda, BK, SM64, GTA5 -Blops)
Why Blops?
>Why Blops?
I really, really like the zombies mode. I don't even play regular multiplayer or campaign. I've got almost 400 hours in zombies mode
>it's hard to tell what middle left and top middle are.
fuck naming, less aesthetic that way. and i assume you mean middle right, the one with the dragon. it's drakan: the ancients' gates, and top middle is dragons dogma.
Still need to figure out what I kick off in favor of Nier Automata.
5/6 I don't like DS3
3/4 I always hated Source.
5/5 You must have some good friends in order to put Payday 2 on your list
Heh. I'm playing Asura's Wrath atm and holy shit if it stays this fun till the end I might need to update my 3x3.
2/3 Didn't like VC as much as I thought I would
>tfw the 3x3 thread makes you feel ashamed of how much of your backlog you see in it
Why do so many people in these threads have extremely generic taste? I understand that you don't have enough time for everything, but it's like every one of you played only the games from certain top lists from sites like IGN.
can't say anything till you put up yours.
Yes you can. Why does my mosaic even matter, when I am adressing already existing ones? Even if my taste is generic too, it doesn't change facts. The only non-usual game in this thread are Knytt Stories, Captain Claw, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and Metal Arms.
Not really 3X3 but meh
probably because most games are shit and people dont have the time/money/motivation to research obscure games and then play and enjoy them. most the time things don't get noticed for a reason. plus things like metacritic perpetuate the "top game" meme and give the already popular games exposure for the mere fact that they are popular.
Most modern games are shit, but you can dig up stuff for sure. For example, this guy He could check out some other SRPGs, for example Riviera, if he wants a GBA one, seeing how he has a GBA Fire Emblem.
It's not that hard to find stuff. Also this isn't just with video games, it's the same case with anime, movies, books, basically anything. Why don't these people explore any medium more than on a surface level?
A top 9 list of games can be created for any reason.
Take mine for example . Each game on there has a reason for being on there. Skies of Arcadia gives me a feeling of adventure no other game can, Ghost Trick is a damn near perfect game in my eyes, God Hand is a game that embodies the word fun to me and is infinitely re-playable. All 9 of those games have a reason to be on there.
Our top 9 games are "our" top 9 games for a reason. We shouldn't have to put some obscure no name game on there just because it'll score us some points on a Korean pottery discussion forum. Tastes may be generic because games are just that good and are discussed a lot and are loved by people for their own similar reasons.
Plus if you're browsing Sup Forums a lot of the time, word of mouth for vidya will pass and you'll soon be playing a game you're hearing Sup Forums talk about a lot of the time. Sup Forums was the reason I got into tons of games that you can see on people's 3x3's right now.
It's always like this, when someone mentions how 3x3s look generic, someone has to say "we don't need to put obscure no name games on there". It's not about that. The thing is, some at least mildly obscure games will appear in your mosaic if you've explored the medium enough. For example, someone who watched only 50 movies will have way more generic picks (like Godfather, Shawshank Redemption etc) than someone who watched 1000 movies, where at least two non-usual picks will appear. Same goes for games and everything else.
The thing is, if a game is good enough people will talk about it. It's hard to find hidden gems in this medium.
Great taste
P4 over P3?
To me the only thing P3 did better was Mitsuru
> For example, someone who watched only 50 movies will have way more generic picks (like Godfather, Shawshank Redemption etc) than someone who watched 1000 movies
see me point over at to see people don't always have time/effort/money to explore 1000 games, because games take a lot of time. the medium is rife with single entries in series that could take 100s of hours of your life each, where as a movie will take you about 90 minutes. and so youve got hundreds of titles that could each potentially take hundreds of hours each, and you have to pick which one to play. so you do a search on the kind of game you play and the popular games are recommended. video games are relatively young as a medium, as such devs are still learning about how to best use the medium, so there's a lot of chaff out there, and the good games are popular for a reason.
>x/x instead of x/9
how stupid can you be?
also pic rel
You don't get how this works do you
>not rating others
neck yourself
my taste > your taste
that's how these threads work but with worse math
You're right, mea maxima culpa