This is Sarah Ryder, her dad just died but she's trying to smile through the pain. She's also on drugs

This is Sarah Ryder, her dad just died but she's trying to smile through the pain. She's also on drugs.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck those fish lips, goblin ears and retarded expression

>mom said its my turn to path finder

What's her endgame?

I really wish I could too senpai.

>"my face is tired"

>mfw it is tired

this dogshit is a work of art compared to some of the stuff I've seen today

fuck me, was the script or the voice acting worse? I can't decide. Bioware has done it again

Fuck off, mong. I'm waiting for her porn.

>PeeBee fires her gun backwards
>"S-she's just handing it to someone!"
>meanwhile this turian literally just hands the gun over

What was biodrones response to this?

I can't even imagine that being on a scrip and sounding right. Who has ever said that their face is tired from dealing with something.

"Sorry, my face is tired"? What does that even mean? That you're having a hard time keeping your eyes open?

What is this even trying to convey?

I would understand if she said it had given her a headache, but it made her fucking face tired? What?

The average response i see is "I'm not playing it for the animations i play it for the Shakespearian story and incredibly engaging characters"

Why does she look like Piggy Schumer?

>that voice acting

Somehow despite that dialogue making no human sense it does seem to fit her fucked up face.

>>"my face is tired"

Considering no work has been done on her animations, I don't see how her face could be tired.

>she's trying to smile through the pain. She's also on drugs.
Finally, a character I can relate to.

It's actually Oblivion tier

>my face is tired
how? I haven't seen it move so far

She looks a lot like the Joost here


Its a shame all the character are about as chatismatic as a back of rocks.

It feels almost nostalgic watching this. We came a long ways.

Fucking Oblivion has more emotion the facial animations

You dont get it, its RETRO! Like in Oblivion

>Ok actress, we need you to sound like a human that's pretending to be a robot that's pretending to be a human, can you do that?
>Fucking watch me.

Is this SFM porn? I don't believe it's ingame footage

SFM has better animators

Looks as bad as this.

who's face did they record for reference? Barron Trump?

my sides.

love how he suddenly realizes "oh shit, I'm suppose to be dead huh?"

same desu

Jesus Christ, and people berate BotW for some framerate drops.

That is literally what I thought when I first saw the animation of Sarah Ryder punching someone indirectly using her telekinesis that was granted to her by Bioware animators.

It's not SFM. Mother of fucking Jesus, does it look atrocious.

Give me the names of the people who worked on the script

Only acceptable face is face 1

Dam it looks like a real doll

Wish I had a WEBM of this.



I'm not making excuses but sometimes an average product is right because we must work ethically and offer other people jobs, be it woman, gay or straight. These people will getvaluable experience and will only get better.

I'm not saying it's only a game but aren't you guys a bit pathetic lashing out on people who tried to make this game for literally everyone?

Your post needs to be way longer if you want it to be picked up as a pasta.

Fish lips.

>game for literally everyone
There lies the problem. Make something with intent of "pleasing everyone" and you'll only end pleasing the lowest common denominator.

noot noot

People berate BOTW because its' overall a terrible piece of shit purely riding on nostalgia.

>t. Playing through BOTW and not a dishonest, shilling nintenbro. Really hoped for it to not be dogshit, but hey, suprise! it's dogshit.

I've seen flash porn games with better animations

which character is Natalie Dormer?

I know the model gonna be shit but at least I can fuck her voice

say something nice about her

Mass Effect is and always was nothing more than a pretty visual novel.

What happened with



Jesus, and I thought Horizon: Zero Dawn had limited facial animations.

But the game will make a lot of money and the eventual sequel too. I think it's good for the company both financially and ethically that the core audience is literally everyone.

Hey, the skyboxes looked ok.. That's gotta count for something.

>tfw 1080p 1060 4670k

won't mind going down to medium or w/e

Didn't they literally just run some NASA photos through Photoshop for that?

>lowest common denominator =/= everyone
It's no surprise that it will make a lot of money, doesn't mean any of it is justified. The fact the game looks worse than the previous ME games, and as bad as DA2, no amount of shilling coming from you will make this game good.

"Alright, what happened?"
>To who?
"To whom. And your god damn father. Sorry, my face is tired from dealing with...Everything. And right now I just want to know what happened with Alec. Not how he died. I pulled those logs. What happened with...Pathfinder?
Did a mixture of SIRI, captcha codes, and auto-correct write the script for this?

Is "I pulled those logs" the new "I ate those foods"?

The short-haired woman's eyes look like she is desperately trying not to look at the camera.

EA is the largest publisher on the planet and bioware is one of their flagship studios

Why do these games look like student projects out of Full Sail

hooooow can it be so bad jesus fucking christ

>Looks as bad as this.
The phrase you were looking for is "oh my god how could someone possibly make something that looks a thousand times worse than this and actually release it as a finished product!"

oh my god, everything is wrong.

but that voice acting

>what happened with -
>*turns page of script*
>- pathfinder.

Every time I read a ME thread it gets worse how many bad things I see about it. Can't wait for it to release so we can see the full extent of just how lazily it's been designed. Imagine paying full price for this pile of shit.

Doesn't it bother you that major NPCs have that same hairstyle as your character? Maybe it's just my autism but it bothers me to see very specific hairstyles on multiple characters in the same scene.

To whom and your goddamn father, sorry my face is tired from dealing with.

Everything and right now I just want to know what happened with Alec.

Not how he died I poured those logs what happened with.


>Does this pile of shit somehow make those criticisms of BotW less valid?

I can't wait for the compilation videos of all the fucked up amateurish animations and dialog in it. It's shaping up to be a real fucking trainwreck.

Ehh, I think it looks nice so it helps me look past it

>it looks like he has fucking hives

Jesus Fucking Christ I'm beginning to believe that Bioware is just fucking with Sup Forums specifically at this point.



holy fuck im dying

Even reddit is starting to turn on mass effect after witnessing the horrible character creation. I just hope more people open their eyes and realize this game should not be supported. Pirate it at most, do not buy.

>Waits for Crowbcat's compilation

That's sweat not rain.


I fucking knew someone else would think that.

Really? Because it still looks like hives.

Still looks like hives

Okay, what the fuck
How do you fuck that up?


>my face is tired from dealing with... EVERYTHING
>What happened with... PATHFINDER

What the fuck? What are those pauses? Why?


>The lighting is terrible
>Ryder looks like she's out of place misaligned due to poor (camera) placement
>awkward pauses
>eyes and facial expressions are vacant and lost
I swear, it's like this is a fangame and wasn't meant to see public release

This is honestly just sad. Amusing memes aside, I fucking loved Mass Effect. While the trilogy had its downsides, it was still an amazing achivement.

Now look at it. You've got a serious agender pushing broken mess, with record amounts of glitches and dialogue so poorly written and cutscenes so laughably bad you that finding one without issues is harder than finding one with.

Mass Effect was never some amazing, 10/10 perfect series but it deserved more than this. Its clear the devs don't have the experience for a game of this scope, and the writers the same. Fuck EA for handing over an IP to the these people.

I can't even laugh anymore, I just want Mass Effect back.

I have no...idea

>sweat is portrayed using the normal map instead of the specular map
how retarded is bioware?

>My father's dead. :^)
>He made me his successor. :^)
>Alec... is dead?

I'm downloading the ten hour trial now.

Wish me luck lads.

Holy shit, PCGamer are destroying it.

>So much of these systems are just plain badly designed, as is the nested quest UI, and why I’m skeptical that much of it will improve.

>It’s just here and there that I swear I can hear the writers grinning at themselves for Ryder’s epic retorts. (By the way, I’m super cool and all of my tweets are funny.)

>One of the things that’s really bumming me out so far is I just don’t seem to like any of the companions. Before it was a real Sophie’s choice who to take on a mission, because you wouldn’t want to miss out on bonding with Garrus, or Legion being all robo awkward. But in Andromeda, eesh. They all say such dumb stuff in combat too. Liam, in particular, is an absolute shuttle crash of a character.

Na her is face is just tired

Where are the three security footage
Where are all the mission objectives
Where did all the manifests go