Who is truly /ourguy/?

Who is truly /ourguy/?

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Left to right.


diabetes, cause they're fat

If you don't say Angry Jow get the fuck out

Jontron isn't even funny

He's cringe

all three.

the white one

wtf i love jontron now.

Ugh, get that literal racist sexist fascist neo-Nazi alt-right xenophobe homophobe islamophobe out of my sight. I literally can't even right now.

>not liking Jon "Sent the Negros to My Safari" Jafari

>sells game boxes without the actual games
>is a literal retard

is that you phil?

I read one of those as saxophone and got a bit of a giggle

>liking Jon "Autism gone Wrong" Jafari

Being 12 years old is fun, guy.

ProJared is



Fucking this. Him and Pewdiepie are just so.....ughhhhh

They're all shit, this is ourguy

Fuck that alien-head shit kid.

Go to bed Joe.

What's wrong with his face?

>jontron kinda funny but doesnt do anything important except have different opinions
>dsp isnt really funny at all, sucks at games and isnt an important voice in the industry
>angry joe gives a shit about games, but isnt really all that funny either his jokes drag on

angry joe would be the closest out of the 3

I really want to fight him

>pewdiepie makes nazi jokes like every other human being else
>not a racist
>loses his partnership, his show, and has a stain in normie history

>jontron is an actual white nationalist who lies about his facts
>actual racist
>still has his partnership, MSM isn't talking about him at all.

You are a fuckhead.

There's nothing wrong with being a racist. And Pewdiewpie is a whole lot bigger than Jontron


What he said.

>seven peso enrique
>anyones guy

He was alright 2-3 years ago

>gave botw 10/10
haha no thanks
probably joe but only when he's fat

Cheap comes on Mars

Sorry but his name is Pissed-Off Pedro.

I watched the debate with Jon and Destiny.
I disagree with Jon on a lot of things.
I don't think he's a nazi though and I'll continue to enjoy his content if he keeps politics out of his videos.

>there is nothing wrong with being a racist

Not if you're a total social reject.

Really I thought it was Steaming Sanchez


It's Cussing Castello

>Implying Game Grumps didn't start falling apart after Jon left

I heard Jontron hangs around with that mass murderer Sam Hyde and his Zoo Crew. Sickening.

Lets see, left is a nazi. Middle is a greedy manipulator with a small fanbase, plays many games on console. Right is a greedy manipulator with a large fanbase, plays popular games and PC games. Which one is closer to Sup Forums's image?

This guy.

His videos are basically 15 minute long shitposts and he acts retarded 90% of the time despite not actually being retarded.

He's basically the YouTube equivalent of Sup Forums.

theres still literally nothing wrong with being racist. Whites are vastly superior through evolution alone.

>not Furious Fernandez



>Zelda fanboy
>Not actually retarded
Pick one

that's where I'm trying to hang out

the fuck does virtue signalling mean anyway.
this is some tumblr/pol lingo that I haven't bothered to catch up on

Link me his most autistic video.

Actually its Rioting Rodriguez

>plays videogames
>Not actually retarded
Pick one

good thing none of us play games

What the fuck did Jontron do this time

We have no /ourguy/, only /ourgal/


He didn't lie about his facts nor is he a racist.

He was joking are you autistic?

>jontron is an actual white nationalist who lies about his facts
>actual racist
>still has his partnership, MSM isn't talking about him at all.


Our website cunt.

He literally started killing jews and other various minorities.



Last I checked, evolution brought Blacks larger lungs, natural hand-eye co-ordination, faster muscle gain, slower metabolism with easy adrenaline gain, more testosterone, and faster cardiac systems (but all gives them a higher chance at heart disease).


>an Iranian is a white nationalist

Does he still force his my little pony shit into his videos?

> bimbofied anita

Basically, in Sup Forums terms, is when whites try to prove their tolerant by stating how they support Leftist ideologies in public.

It's the Right's version of Mansplaining

The only true /ourguy/

he's friends with professional identity politics youtubers like sargon and armored skeptic on twitter so he believes he's some kind of enlightened political commentator now. He tried to debate another retard on youtube and went about as well as you would expect. It was actually worse than when he tried to explain himself on game grumps.

I think it's all a ploy to make people forget he used to talk about videogames

Why do you capitalize blacks?

Remember when this cuckspic was interrogating geoff keighley about some garbage I can't even remember what the fuck it was it was so unimportant

Started by some guy at the Spectator; picked up by the right wing.

The next evolutionary step in chardonay socialist and late drinking inner city people.

He's an sjw cuck.

Sup Forums are cucks but they aren't sjw.

I thought Sup Forums was joking about the fake news thing

Virtue signaling is when a someone does something just so they can seem progressive and be accepted socially.

Like if you donate to charity just so you can tell your friends/followers about how much you love helping little African kids.

Did you even watch the Destiny debate.

t. reddit

If you think the Sup Forums effect is permanent, you are a newfag.

I'm so sorry your feelsies are hurt by the truth.
Please rethink your priority if you get thiss upset over something that barely affects you
Who hurt you?

>those websites
That's like if I cited the daily stormer or the KKK FAQ page.

>tfw your hubpages never brought you the mad dosh you were promised

Were my titles not click baity enough?

Jon attacked them, and basically called them inferior without bringing actual statistical data, and chuckled it off like it's just basic fact.

You would know.

thinking natives who built a country shouldn't be replaced by foreigners doesn't make you a white nationalist

Is it really wrong if it actually ends up helping people? Like if you donate old clothes to a homeless shelter or help out at a soup kitchen and brag to your friends but you actually made someone's life a bit better does that asshattery negate that?

How are people this fucking bad at detecting sarcasm?

>Those sources
At least try, dude. It's like if I said whites are better and linked you to the Daily Stormer.

>muh Elric
>muh plagiarism
Congradulations dumbass, you've missed probably the best game of recent years because you were triggered by an old polish alcoholic fantasy writer.



i had to look it up myself.. to this it seems he's right on everything but cardiac and i can't find a source on hand-eye coordination, but it's a long time myth to why black surgeons have largest success without error stats.

He has a point.

Ross is love, Ross is life.

Wanting to keep the majority of the country white and maintain a national white identity does though.

Destiny, AKA Wing_Neo_Star_15, is literally our guy.

>that long early access snub in the middle of the video
less retarded than I thought

Based DSP will always be /ourguy/

>Plays vidya for a living
>Lives in a mansion with BMW
>Has hot ass young bitch as girlfriend
>Always keeps it real with maximum truth and minimum bullshit
>8 year legacy on youtube and still going

Joe like 2-3 years ago not now

just a lazy fuck now

>Is it really wrong if it actually ends up helping people?


>is cucked regularly

le nazi dorks

maybe if you're a gay nigger who hates christians

So he's my guy? :^)

No, it just makes you an obnoxious asshole.

If you were sincere about helping, you wouldn't need to brag about it later.

It's like a less extreme example of saying, "Nazi's are ok because they made medical advances and helped us go to the moon, just ignore all that death camp stuff."

In an ideal world, people would donate to charity and not feel the need to humble brag about it on twitter.

just watched this shit cuz of you. It's fucking unfunny, are you 12 or something?

then he's also an african and asian nationalist

How long til Jontron moves back in with Arin?

You're missing the key point about virtue signaling: it's just noise. Tweets, protests, what have you. Nothing that actually makes someone's life better.

No one actually "does" virtue signaling as an actual concrete thing. Even corporations that tout charity donations and diversity hires are really just making tax deductions by donating to nonprofits run by their buddies and hiring H-1Bs.