Which one?

Which one?

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Non-frilly haired one. Shes more likely to be a virgin, like me.

Which one is Popola?


I like the straight hair of the right one, but I like the left ones Bangs more.

The prettier one


I like the way you think user

Nier - Devola

Nier: Automata - Popola

they fucked Devola's hair up

None. Noses are too creepy

The one that gets REALLY flirty when drunk

Does Devs play the fiddle in this one?

no way can i choose one between them, fuck off

>when you don't dare dating one sister out of fear of disappointing the other

wat do

9/ss/ doujins where?

Kill both

>implying it's even possible to pick only one.

They're a set, user. You get one, you get both.

>tfw this doesn't apply to real life

Was this scene meant to be erotic?

twins are the fucking best

>They're back

Am I really the only one that had no sympathy for them and just thought they were annoying cunts?

Backstory be damned.

Literally everything in the game is meant to be erotic.

Devola is made for sex

hes not much of a shota, 2b's heels just make em look small

You need to stop RIGHT NOW.


>implying anyone stops

It's way too late to stop, no one stops.


Fuck, I love this scene so much.

Devola makes me feel funny.

They play the whole fucking orchestra


Devola isn't a drunk and has prettier hair

Just got Ending E.

That was a way to wrap things up.

Did you mean Popola?

but they were right. Nier killed the human race.

Automata a tomato, same thing

>wat do

You do both. No stopping.

Devola's specifically the drunken slut and Popola is the good girl

I got them mixed up at first too

So how the fuck do I beat Emil?

He has a bullshit insta kill attack when I get him to a fifth of his health. Do I just dodge it?

They never tried explaining the situation to him properly. Just sit him down and go "look, we know you want your girly back but we got a bit of a complicated problem here and you need to relax and chill while we try to work out some kind of a deal".

Granted, World's Best Dad would have likely not turned back anyway, but their fucking plan sure didn't work either.

Drunkola is best sister

>the one where she mutters "Ishhh nuht our ffaulttt" in drunken stupor

That was the part where I felt bad for her.

>You and everyone but emil are copies ofmpeople and we need to essentially kill you to make humans again
Yeah that'd have gone well. Not like it matters it was weiss that fucked everything up.

I choose Eve.

that scene where they both die in Nier was so fucking shitty

The one that really fucked up was Noir because if he had just spoken in a normal voice instead of doing his best impression of Skeletor von Evilsatan the books would have merged and everything would have been handled. Like, who the fuck would agree to it when the guy is going YESSSSS AT LAST OUR DARK WORK IS COMPLETE WE WILL FULFILL OUR INFERNAL DUTY AND CREATE A NEW WORLD ffs dude just speak normally when you're actually not trying to do anything heinous

both look like shit.

Both look like shit pulled from ff14
neither, or suicide

He technicly killed a small section of them. The last humans were on the moon.

I only just got ending B so please no spoil, but why is Devloa such a cunt now?

none! dont be a faggot and start playing monster girl gamu!

>Level 1
>There were two sisters who were renowned as the greatest swordsmiths in the kingdom. No matter who challenged them, none could make a finer sword.

>Level 2
>One day, a wandering bard visited their home. He sang with a voice so beautiful that the gods wept to hear it, and both sisters fell deeply in love with the kind and gallant skald.

>Level 3
>Each of them set about making the most magnificent sword, so that they might win his love. But their bitter rivalry led them to make only dull and brittle blades.

>Level 4
>Seeing their discord, the skald offered to take both of them as his brides. With their rivarly ended, together the sisters crafted this magnificent sword and named it Skald's Song.

>Note 1: This weapon was originally known as the Devolapopola (Debol'popol) in the Japanese version of the game. The original version of the story included the names of the sisters, Dobo and Popo.
>Note 2: This weapon appears in Nier as the Blade of Treachery.

Actually the deepest lore.

Nah, he is right though, Weiss ended humanity because he choose friendship over it, he was fully aware of his, Noire's and the mergers purpose, so he also had to know the consequences as well.

there were never any humans on the moon, that was a lie made by the Androids who made Yorha. The only thing on the moon is Gestalt data

Devola's always been the bitchier one, plus they've been suffering for a while.

Actual Spoilers that you won't see until near the end of C.
They're programmed to feel eternally guilty about how hard the Devola and Popola from the original Nier fucked up.

Thanks for spoilering it.

I remember her always being pretty nice to Nier, except for the end of course. Maybe I just need to play Nier again.

Devola and Popola were both super nice to Nier. Devola is slutty, not bitchy. There's a difference.

>They're programmed
No they are not. In fact, they feel resentment towards how they are treated by others just because they are the same android model.

Automatas story proves that they were 100% in the right but are still forced to endure the consequences of your bullshit.

anyone else get a strong kaneko vibe from them?

how did the graphics get worse?

It literally, directly says they are programmed to feel constant guilt. That is the last thing said after their novel segment. It DIRECTLY says that.

Popola means vagina so I'm guessing she has a cavernous one. I'll take Devola.

How do you fuck up perfection so badly in Automata.

This might be an automata spoiler but grimore noir explicitly states that humanity is doomed.

Nonsense, the hairstyles got way better because I can actually tell the difference now. Devola's sexhair and Popola's hime cut look great.

Not sure about the artificial pink color instead of the more natural hue but whatever, I'll take it.

>Weiss ended humanity because he choose friendship over it, he was fully aware of his

I don't think he was. Weiss did have amnesia and I don't think he was at any point fully aware of what rejecting Noir would actually entail. Noir tried to tell him, but he had to skeletor it up instead of spelling it out.

In fact Nier's whole plot is one the most clear-cut cases of that thing where the problem would be totally solvable if people just talked things out instead of speaking in riddles then jumping straight to a fight.

>Final choice in Automata
>Sacrifice your savedata in order to assist another struggling player like they did for you
No matter what you pick, you feel like shit

>Tfw I did this before I found out who the secret boss is
time to play on normal instead of hard to get back to where I was.

I'm feeling good because I expected I'd have to do that just to view the ending. Helping somebody is just a bonus.