The dungeons in this game are penetrating my anus with an ice pick

The dungeons in this game are penetrating my anus with an ice pick.

>2D Zelda



Git gud
[s]Unless it's Moldorm[/s]

best zelda

Can somebody who frequents reddit explain this misaligned triforce meme I've been seeing recently?

>this new

>responding to bait
Your retarted

WOW it just doesn't end with these newfags, fking spring break kiddies...

If you think the dungeons in LttP are hard, you'll be furious when you get to Legend of Zelda and Zelda II.

The actual dungeons in the first LoZ were pretty straight forward. Finding some of them was the pain in the ass.

makes a lame thread, which a boring topic.
posts a lame meme
posts and even lamer joke that straddles the line of a shitpost
says "fuck it" and shitposts by taking the obvious bait. And has effectively begun roleplaying, as they are two consciously aware individuals acting out a fantasy, where one baits and the other takes it.
continues to roleplay, accompanied by a distracting NSFW image on a blue board.
continues to take the roleplay session into greater depth of shit.

what the fuck is wrong with you


then analyses the shitposts of one of the most retarded, cancerous message boards in existence, as if anything will change

The joke is that this entire thread is shitposting.

That's an old one. It predates reddit. In fact, it predates Sup Forums I think. I seem to recall seeing it on SA and stuff back in the day.

aLttP is the only good Zelda game.

none are really that awful, but misery mire, thieves' town, and ice palace are pretty annoying at times

>The actual dungeons in the first LoZ were pretty straight forward.
Level 6 is a cunt regardless of how well-equipped you are.

Also, the dungeons in the second quest are no joke.

They're not even that hard. Hell, they're not even that good either. One of the most overrated Zelda games.