Has anyone else been redpilled on this SJW psyops shit masquerading as a family-friendly video game? I can't even play this anymore.
Has anyone else been redpilled on this SJW psyops shit masquerading as a family-friendly video game...
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The fuck are you on about?
Imagine being so concerned with boogymen that you can't enjoy things without being positive people you don't agree with had something to do with them. Nothing you will ever consume will ever be ideologically pure, just deal with it.
imagine having to try and post bait that is this retarded
imagine being 12 like OP
>SJW psyops shit
Have you seen literally any screenshot that's been posted in the last 30 BotW threads?
>Blonde haired, blue eyed man is the hero of legend and all the bitches want him
>Dark-skinned desert man is literally a cataclysmic horror level evil that the entire world bands together to destroy
>This is SJW shit somehow
>its another paranoid Sup Forumstard gets triggered by media episode
god just shut the fuck up for one day please
>gay bird
>this isn't sjw shit somehow
>it's a /qa/ baby false flags as Sup Forums episode
>Has a wife and kids
It's a front.
For all the supposed liberal bias in daily life, Sup Forums sure gets triggered over fucking nothing constantly.
stop looking for things to complain about you whiny faggots
>it's another underage dipshit taking false flag bait episode
I mean, I'm still going to play it and have fun.
If small parts of the game upset you so much I suppose you don't have to play. The only person you're denying is yourself.
Have some ass.
The gerudo piss me off but that's about it
stop sticking up for homosexual/dragqueen culture which is statistically responsible for upwards of 75% of all child molestation in america
>powerfull all-female race
>gets played for comedy as thirsty virgins all the time
>gay bird
Has a wife and kids. Not gay but every furry and bara faggot wishes he was.
gerudo have always been strictly female socity that shun men from thier village. It's honestly a nice touch. The gay carpenter is the one who is dressed up as a gerudo and gives you the clothing.
>this isn't sjw shit somehow
Everything is offensive if you believe hard enough.
They can't user, Sup Forumstards are fragile as hell. They like to think they're the saving Grace of the American dream but a majority of them live in 3rd world's like North Korea.
There's a shit ton of real life examples of gay men pretending to live a normal lifestyle. Look at the majority of republican congressmen for example.
Lots of gay people go their whole life without ever coming out, some even start families.
>grouping homosexuals (a sexual orientation) and dragqueens (often hetero men who crossdress in elaborate get-up purely to entertain) together
Sick meme dude. Nice source on that statistic too.
>teehee, I'll pretend I'm Sup Forums so people will hate them even more than they already do
True. But it is for you to decide that Kass is gay. It's the creative minds behind Kass.
I'm a homosexual and have never considered touching a child. Find them repulsive, actually.
Interested in your thoughts though. Could you post the source to that claim?
>But it is for you
Damn typos.
Good thing you don't choose to be gay and dressing in drag is harmless.
OP, I'm entirely serious when I say this. Get some help.
>implying you have children
Funny how you need to be spoon fed when a world of information is at your fingertips. Typical retard.
I don't think he's pretending to be retarded like Sup Forums.
Yes user, Jackie Chan adventures made me hunt for magical talisman with my uncle and niece.
>aryan knight is awakened to protect the realm from swarthy invaders
this game's redpilled
Damn, i guess that's why all those kids in the 90s that listened to marilyn manson are gay school shooters now.
No one needs convincing that Sup Forums is batshit insane.
Man, wouldn't it be retarded if there was a society of incredibly sexist people living out in the middle of the fucking desert and it's to the point where one entire gender of people basically has no rights and will get fucking killed if they don't hide their face? But nobody wants to do anything because muh tolerance and also they have a lot of valuables to trade. Good thing this is just a video game
Show your booty
The burden of proof is on the one that makes the claim, fuckface.
Gay. Not a whore, user.
>there are actually people on Sup Forums so gullible that they believe OP is being genuine
Asking for a citation online is just fishing for the random chance that the one making the claim is bullshitting. Do a simple fucking google search you goddamn degenerates.
I think traps are hot. Fuck the SJW's, but I have fucked a trap in a motel wacked out of my mind on meth. I'd never do the meth again, but I'd fuck a tranny every day if I could. So I like this.
How can 75% of abuse cases be perpetrated by the fags if only one third of the victims are boys?
Because homosexuals are an underwhelming minority, despite their disproportionate rate of child molestation. It's simple percentages.
It's the bottom section of the image you posted.
>Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.
Do you just like ruining things for yourself?
Goddamn it Sup Forums
I didn't ask I said do it my negro.
Ass from the perspective of a bee?
I need to watch the rest of that Destiny debate. Neither of them are good at debating but Destiny sperging out straight rhetoric for over an hour is hilarious.
>Sup Forums being in charge of reading comprehension
What the fuck did he say to get this kind of reaction?
>Understanding how an argument works
But you are spouting bullshit.
Over half the sources on this outrageous statement are blank and these others are people without any authority on the matter.
user, is as if you just googled a phrase and posted the first thing that looked like it might support your argument without reading it.
I'm a little more than disappointed. Is this how all of you become "Red pilled"? Echo chambers and google searches?
They're right though? It's not even complicated information to process, you're the one who's confused somehow.
Sorry, I didn't read the guide on "how an argument works online" and follow it to a T. Figured you were smart enough to do a simple google search. I won't make that mistake again.
Why do you have to "imagine" being 12
did you just skip the age of 12?
Do you also think all kids who play violent video games will be more likely to commit criminal acts of violence themselves?
No, I get it. The retard didn't even properly read his own posted source, and now he's been BTFO by his illiteracy.
>evil brown man brings a great white kingdom to ruin
>Aryan male hero who evokes Arthurian and Christian mythology has to defeat this threat from the desert and save the pure Aryan princess
>Desert dwelling brown race and presented as ignorant and socially backwards
Were the Gerudo ever presented as ignorant and socially backwards? I always thought it was just "different".
>1 to 3 percent commits one third of all child molestation
>this isn't over-representation somehow
Yet all you do is spout vaguely about how they didn't comprehend the very simple information somehow. Why don't you explain what exactly they didn't interpret correctly? You can't. You're the only one struggling with the information.
>The fuck are you on about?
he's probably calling Link's tactical crossdressing as SJW shit.
>If black violence is caused by youth with single mothers how do you explain the rate of violence all across africa?
>Dude were talking about american stop trying to take it overseas, I bet you can't even name five countries in africa
>Jon names five countries in africa
>Destiny puts hands on forehead again
I think you might be stupid.
>he stops him from naming even more countries
"Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites" and "Trump never said or did anything explicitly racist".
Among other things.