Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?

Which one what? Bloodborne came out like 2 years ago, you should've played it by now.

I don't like Japs, Diablo loot systems or mission-select structures. So I'm pretty fucking biased.

William likes cats so Nioh.

I think Nioh is a bit harder.

I played through about 75% of Bloodborne without dying once.

I've had some moments in Nioh that griefed me so hard I had to come back later.

Really enjoy both though.

Well Nioh feels almost as bad to play as DaS2 at times so BB

Bloodborne has better story, enemies, music and graphics. Nioh can only rival it with its combat. stances gives it a higher skill ceiling than bb's trick weapons.

But let's be honest, anyone in their right mind should answer Bloodborne. It's a fucking masterpiece.

>Nioh has better gameplay but any sane person would pick Bloodborne for graphics


the one that isn't a slideshow

both because they are both fun and pckeks will never have either of them

The combat rivals Bloodborne's but I wouldn't say it's better

did I say that? I said it has a higher skill ceiling. a fact that doesn't end up mattering too much when there are like 7 different types of enemies in the game and their reskinned clones. learning their tells and patterns become easy.

Nioh relies too hard on the gameplay, not a bad thing at all but the areas, the enemies and everything else are sooo fucking boring. It's too arcade as a game, again not a bad thing but it limits it

Bloodborne on the other hand has a solid gameplay, great lore, even better atmosphere. setting, enemies, original and creative weapons, charismatic characters, interconnected world etc.
You really want to progress while playing it to see what's next.

Bloodborne has way better controls.


nioh suks

I get what you're saying but you're making yourself and Bloodborne look bad with your choice of words.

>charismatic characters


We need more PS2-era action game villains.


I loved Nioh and am really looking forward to the DLCs, but come on, Bloodborne is in a league of its own.

The fuck is this sonybro spewing


FromSoftware is king, fuck Nioh, garbage for weebz.

I am the exact opposite. I barely ever died in nioh( there are some real balancing issues) but central yharnam, nightmare of mensis and yahar'gul kicked my ass.

Well nioh doesn't actually has BETTER gameplay. It's the UI, Id say, is more friendly and better.

Nioh is also a ps4 exclusive tho.

Bloodborne easily. I like Nioh, but BB is top 10 material.

BB, Nioh is good though

bloodborne by a landslide, nioh plays like a ps2 game
what Dark Souls 2 is to Dark Souls 1
Nioh is to Bloodborne, it just feels like a fake bloodborne game and kek at only 5 weapon types

>tfw no action mode option for Bloodborne
Every action game should give me the option to value fps over visual fidelity desu

BB is a masterpiece and nioh is great

Every game should have both at the same time imo

Anybody who says Nioh is better than Bloodborne is a disgusting hipster. It's still a good game, but Nioh just has slightly better combat with vastly inferior level design, art design, variety, content, and lore.

What's wrong with PS2 games?

That's a nice opinion, here in reality-land we have tight texture and polygonal budgets that no amount of optimization is going to magically increase without compromise.

Loved Nioh, but it has issues in a lot of places. BB, with TOH, is an actual masterpiece. It doesn't really compare.

Bloodborne would be a legit 10/10 if it had decent frame pacing.

just buy a ps4 pro and activate boots mode faggot


Bloodborne > nioh > dark souls

Doesn't fix frame-pacing at all. The game can feel like shit even when it's hitting 30 because of how bad the timings are.

nothing at all, the problem is that nioh feels like a game that came out 10+ years ago with better graphics

>Game of the Century vs Weeaboo simulator

Bloodborne is a meme game that gets circlejerked on Sup Forums but Nioh is 100x more fun

Nioh makes me so fucking angry its not even funny so i have to sya Bloodborne because i dont pop a fucking blood vessel when i play it

You say that like its a bad thing.

nioh is pretty easy compared to bloodsouls

>I did it again mom!

>muh difficulty meme
Souls games arent even hard once you grasp the controls

i don't the button layout for bloodborne, so i choose nioh

What's a game that is hard once you grasp the controls?

>inb4 Izuna Drop simulator

I've been a soulsfag since Das1 came out. Maybe I'm just over souls, but i enjoyed Nioh more than bloodborne.

Yeah you're right, you can grasp the controls of Nion but you still have bullshit killing you.

>mfw hino-enma
What the fuck is this bullshit?

The only things that kill in that game are npc hunters gank squads yahargul and the cathedral ward bullshit NPC with that pistol that 3-shots you

the crow of cainhurst was awful and then they said "hey, let's do that in the chalice dungeons so that instead of fighting 1 NPC that does half your health with a single bullet, you fight 5 of them, per layer"

literally lrn 2 dodge faggot

it is a bad thing, the game just feels like a really old hack n slash with a stamina bar thrown in

>60 fps fast paced skill based action game
>30 fps with constant drops fast paced skill based action game
Fucken really?

>DaS and Bloodborne are the 3d castlevania games we've always wanted
>Nioh is a souls-like that has been received really well
>Lords of the fallen also did quite well

Surely this is enough for Konami to make a new Castlevania and make it a souls-like?

It's because as much as I love From, they are bad developers on a technical level.

I think nioh feels easier though becaise you have far more options in combat. Souls games are just roll then hit which is pretty limited if you struggle with timings.

Bloodborne by about a mile, but I really like both. It's a fucking tragedy I played Bloodborne right before Nioh, though, because I died like thirty times in the first five hours because the controls were so backwards for my muscle memory.

Nioh only really fucked me because i was used to the Souls style of rolling so killed me a bunch of times but when i finally adapted it became a lot easier

If you already had PS4 to begin with, why not both?

Why would you have to choose?

The thread is obviously about which is better retard.

I think they're both good, but I would choose bloodborne over Nioh. Nioh has more complexities to the combat, but the actual levels are less interesting and enemy variety is lacking.

Blopdborne has better gameplay and more weapon types, lore, and a more serious tone and story

Nioh is very fun and has a less serious but fun story

Both are good purchases


I'm a pckek and recently bought a PS4 and Bloodborne. Sorry bud, your games are mine now.

Yeah, fuck Team Ninja
I'm glad From Software can make great western games for us hardcore gamers x-)

Dodging < blocking was really fucking confusing for me. I was so used to having a fast recovery after hits that I just stood there and tanked an entire combo trying to mash dodge. It took me quite a while to stomp out the habit.

It says "which one"

You fucking moron.

OP here.
I meant which one is better.

Both are great, fuck off.

But if forced to choose, BB has quite literally better everything except combat, and even then aspects of the combat (enemies and bosses).

lmao get fucken rekt faggot

She's really fun to push to the ground and rape to death once you're really familiar with her attack patterns and get used to causing ki damage.

Team Ninja proved what they set out to do, they did Souls gameplay better than Souls in 1 try and a game that has quite a bit more depth. There are many mechanics to it and the difference you achieve by utilizing them is significant.

That said, it isn't quite as creative. Team Ninja have never been particularly good at narrative or setting but that has never really stopped them.

If I had to suggest one to someone, I'd probably pick Bloodborne. Nioh will probably frustrate them at times and Bloodborne is easier to swing back into and enjoy; while Nioh will serve more to test them.

BB is miles above Nioh in nearly all aspects.

Bloodborne runs like shit, has a lot of bad boss fights. I enjoy the theme of the game, the characters and story but in the end the main gameplay just makes it the worst souls type game.

Nioh was a mix of good and bad. Game runs miles better than Bloodborne, but there is sometimes a lot of input lag so your buttons don't work, wasn't often but it did get me killed a few times.
Bosses are mixed too, some are good fights, some are far too easy and some are bad, however the bad fights are some of the most cancerous of the souls types of games, rivaling Wolnir and Rom.
Combat in Nioh has a lot of depth, but the issue is when you are fighting the demons for 80% of the game you can't do much except hit them twice and dodge their attacks so in the end its worthless.

>Game runs miles better than Bloodborne

Of course it does, it looks like shit compared to bloodborne

I think that's a bit drastic. Bloodborne makes me feel like I need glasses because everything has the blur of chromatic aberration on it.

>3rd boss of Nioh is harder than Ludwig an Orphan of Kos
How do they get away with shit like this?

? ? ?

It's a tough one because they're both brilliant, but I've got to go with Nioh after having beaten both of them. Just barely. People have already mentioned how the combat is better, but what I find worth mentioning is build variety, seeing as Nioh lets you play around with Ninjutsu and magic as well. And unlike dark souls, heavy armor is actually worthwhile too. It's neat having a refashion system, it's neat being able to fight NPC versions of other players for gear, it's neat how every enemy and character and cutscene has a section for you to go through at your leisure, it's neat how there's armor set bonuses, Guardian spirits are cool and good fucking lord I wish you could respec in Bloodborne as easily as you can here.
Bloodborne does have superior level design and atmosphere, definitely. I guess you could argue that transforming weapons work like stances?

Also, I don't understand people's complaints about the loot system since forging exists and you can sell/disassemble/offer anything else you don't want and there's a storehouse.

>Every single website lists off Dark Souls as the main inspiration for Nioh
>Not one mention of Ninja Gaiden
>Even though it's the same company that made ninja gaiden
I understand how the rpg aspects are extremely similar to the Souls franchise, but come on. People were listing diablo as a main source of inspiration as well

I'm only halfway through Nioh but none of the bosses are really all that hard. It takes me maximum three tries to beat one once you figure out their moveset. The only really hard ones were the duels, but once you figure out how to counter they become child's play.

The one with a pizza cutter for a weapon

BB, I wasn't as impressed with Nioh as I thought I'd be.

Nioh. I just like it more, the only real problem I have with it is there is zero enemy variety. Absolutely none.

Did you play the dlc?

I think transforming weapons are better than stances. I like bb's combat much more. It feels much more brutal and moveset variety is much more(26 unique weapons with 25+ moves in each). Nioh's combat is definitely more complex but there isn't any impetus to delve deep because of repetitive enemies. Nioh also has lots of balancing issues, there are quite a few things that completely trivializes the game. I was largely underwhelmed by this game and team ninja, they had 7 years for development but still left a lot to be desired.

3D Castlevanias tend to suck, I'd rather have the 2D platforming return. The Castlevania Netflix project will probably spur them to make something, whatever it is I just hope it's not dogshit.

Bloodborne is better overall, but Nioh's combat system rivals or surpasses it, though I did not think so at first. Nioh also has many more problems. So many of the fun abilities you get with your weapons have to be unlocked after certain parts of the game. This makes combat very stale at first. The loot system is also a mess. Level design is solid but doesn't quite measure up to BB levels, despite some rather blatant attempts to emulate the style. Although I do really like some of the areas in Nioh, there's no comparison in terms of atmosphere. While Nioh's combat is more technical (and very interesting), I still think bloodborne's has a more visceral feel to it.


I dunno, Nioh has you lopping heads and limbs off with almost every fight. Plus grapples and finishing blows.


Yeah, but a lot of the time the enemies you dismember just spray sunny D everywhere.

Man, I wish the Souls series had dismemberment, for both the player and the enemies.

Dark souls

transforming weapons are much better than stances because due to the ability to switch forms mid combo with an attack they much better compliment the pace and rhythm of the game.

>has a pc AND atleast 1 console
pick one
all of us have pc's, but you're only a pc cuck when you only play on pc


I like both equally, but I've got to say Nioh has some really bullshit bosses. Though the bullshit ones are optional boss fights, still fighting them was infuriating.

I still remember the duel with Muneshige and how I tried endlessly to beat him legit. Then I just gave in and cheesed him by using that huge rock as buffer between us. How can a cuck be so strong?