
So how close did we ever get to Kamina in terms of vidya protagonists
Hard mode: Anyone that isn't Dante

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Protagonists tend not to die 1/3 of the way in


>Impossible is just a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit.

Kamina wasn't the protag, but OP asked what vidya protags were like him
It's like saying
>So how close did we ever get to Asuka in terms of vidya protagonists

Beat me to it

Wonder Red

Why would I play a game starring a kissless virgin manchild when I'm already one in real life?

>Hard mode: Anyone that isn't Dante
I don't remeber Kamina being an edgy fuck, Shadow the Hedgehog tier.

Seconding this and VIEWTIFUL JOE

Donte =/= Dante

>protags don't die 1/3 of the way in
>talking about someone who isn't the protag
Really activates my almonds.

Your mother didn't remember asking to be disappointed yet here you are.

Probably Zero from Megaman. He inspires you to be a better robot.

well kamina wasn't kissless

Epic meme my friend
Put me in the screencap XD


Yoko has the kiss of death


Actually I only played DMC 3.


> implying dante wasen't to nero what Kamina was to simon.
got to bed user

He wasn't all that edgy in my memory of the game.

You need to watch more anime

>Lynchpin that holds the team together
>Older brother/father figure to the real main character
>Dies like a champ

DMC3 Dante was more like UBW's Shirou that actually can do shit and doesn't complain


1/10 you mean.

Bad answer
Good answer

I don't know who the fuck Nero is
I recommend to play it again, probably you played when you was a teenager. I replayed it like a month ago.


>in terms of vidya protagonists

Reading comprehension is hard isn't it user?

Yeah 3 Dante was edgy. That's the point of the game

He's a cocky badass in 1 and SMTIII and a weird encouraging uncle in 4


I should have specified, i'm talking about uncle Dante (DMC 4).
my bad I guess.

Shadow is brooding and goes around not giving a shit in a hostile sort of way. All Dante in DMC3 wants is to party though, I don't find that edgy at all.

what about that nigga from prey

Absolutely this.

Uncle Dante is edgy now too? He's an aged man just doing his job and having some fun on the way. That entire cutscene with Glgamesh and Lucifer barely says anything edgy about him at all. What in the world is making you think this?

If you don't know shit about the series or character than just stop posting

>Uncle Dante is edgy now too
i didn't imply that, you got me mixed up with some other user.

Is this game too dated or still worth playing for the first time now


Even from that cutscene, there was nothing edgy about him at all. He rode a fucking scarecrow around like a skateboards; he's extremely fucking hammy if anything. Only game I can see him being edgy is DM2. Even in DMC1 he was making wisecracks.

what about MGS2?

so many people mistake that kamina is the protagonist.

talk about good first impressions.


Spoilers for a recently released popular video game released in the year 2017


more than kamina

Thaks for the spoiler faggot

I played it for the first time last year, it didn't feel dated at all. Some of the exploration and world building is great. You have to be okay with turn-based combat though, and if you play it make sure to play the Gamecube version.

it's been 10 fucking years user


That's no excuse, you're just like the faggot that told me about Aeris' death last year

Oh btw user Darth Vader is Luke's father

Joke's on you I watched The empire strikes back on release

It's a tough question to answer, because his death was iconic in such a specific way. Kamina's death was prominent because he died in such a indiscriminate way despite how visually epic the anime made it look.

>As stated already, Kamina died in 1/3rd of the series which is a supremely small portion of a double cour anime
>Held the group together, despite the group technically not having a leader and assumed whoever piloted Gurren Lagann was the leader(which was also Simon and sometimes Yoko)
>Died to a lame jobber antagonist, but the circumstances the group was facing made the antagonist difficult to beat

And on top of all of that, the series treated his death as realistic as possible. People quickly stop giving a shit about Kamina, despite the countless times he kept the group alive. Was it justified? Yes, because they were in the middle of a one-sided war and they did have time to focus on a fallen member. Even when they was in peace, Simon already took Kamina's place because they had known the kid for several years while Kamina was just some reckless dude they knew for about a few weeks that took too many risks to get the job done in their eyes(even though the risks were necessary since like I stated it was a one-sided struggle).

In an instance, pic related is the closet I would say that would relate to Kamina. What made FF7 memorable is because even though it JRPGs tend to have characters with outrageous differences, it was the fact that each and every party members were misfits that made the cast so likable. Yet, they all shared something in common that Aeris lacked which was the fact that they were all depressed fucks that were either trying to overcome their past or run away from it. Then you have this hyperactive ray of sunshine constantly trying to keep the group active, somewhat acting as a bridge to unify the group.

Once she died, the story just felt like it shifted into a direction you wasn't ready for. (1/2)

(2/2) Sure the game goes on and several plot points overlap her death and the characters don't really mention her too heavily. Still, you just feel this piece missing in the story. Every time something happens, you think "How would Aeris react in this scenario?" Pretty much the same way you felt about Kamina when shit really hit the fan long after he died.

Thread ded, fuck.

One of these days I need to work on improving my WPS.

This is the only real answer to this thread. If you've played the game, you know why.

And Dragon Quest VII came out SEVEN YEARS before Gurren Lagann

>Thread ded, fuck.
Just like kamina

Its more about timing on when you arrive to the thread

For the retards in this thread.
Kamina isn't "cool main protagonist", he's the mentor of the very not-cool main protagonist so dante and wonder red don't really count.

Actually DMC4 Dante fits in that sense

As for the "heroic sacrifice 1/3 into the game" , I think 2B fits

Rance, perhaps? Maybe he's a bit too much of a womaniser.

Hey, guy who predicted Kaede Akamatsu getting Kaede Akamatsu'd five months before the fact here

This poor bastard is next. Can you guess who his Simon is?

Deku is the Simon to this glorious fucker.

But AM ain't dead. Ah well, you can't stop what's about to happen. But when it happens, you'll remember that some random guy on Sup Forums told you the pivotal moment of the spoiler.

To elaborate for those who haven't played the game:

>Hotblooded, handsome teenage man who seeks adventure
>Best friends with a scrawny weakling of a man
>Kiefer acts as a mentor and a motivator for the protagonist
>They form a trio with a girl who acts tsundere
>Tired of their mundane live, so they venture towards a new land filled with danger
>Gets really strong and powerful after initially starting out with no experience fighting, and make it his mission to help humanity
Cucks a guy
Leaves the story entirely 1/4th of the way through the game

Gee, sounds familiar, doesn't it?

I've came here to post this

He's essentially dead to the story. He no longer can transform and if he did, the villains know of his weakness. Still, that's not even the point. AM's very existence made it seem like heroism couldn't be defeated no matter how much effort a villain places in their work.

Once he was defeated, villains became more confident and believe they could one day stop the invincible heroes, so even if All Might came out of that battle unscathed everything he placed in his own symbol is gone.

It's the reason he entrusted Deku to revive that symbol.

Snake died on that tanker 2 years ago.

Zack Fair
He was too good for this world

>it didn't feel dated at all
partially true. The exploration, characters and setting are all great but the combat is so fucking slow. Play it on Dolphin and make liberal use of the speedup (tab) feature.

>haha bro just b urself xD
Reddit: the character

>just be yourself
are you fucking retarded or didn't even watch the show?
Kamina told simon to believe on the him that believed on himself


>go back to see him
>the whole tribe has moved away