They should have called it HomeFUN: The Revolution.
They should have called it HomeFUN: The Revolution
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Is it worth it? everyone says its shitty but it doesnt look so bad on this footage
There's a free trial version on consoles.
It's a good game with a glaring technical flaw. Watch this webm carefully.
>KPA in distance pop into existence.
>Game hesitates for a few seconds. Like it's not sure whether it should have spawned them or not.
>KPA disappear.
Crazy thing is, most people probably aren't gonna notice that. They'll be occupied by the KPA guy walking along the road in front of them.
When is the next free weekend
No idea. You can pirate the PC version now and the Resistance Mode is F2P on consoles as part of the console trial version. Probably no real reason to do a free weekend on PC, especially since the game's MP is more likely to resonate with console gamers.
Just putting the game on sale every few months seems to be working for them. SteamSpy jumped from 160,000 to 210,000 copies last week. Which might not sound like a lot, but is honestly pretty decent.
It's kind of a shame most people don't buy story DLC for games, because this game's story DLC is really, really good. (The final DLC is better than the main game.)
The full thing was on sale for $10 on Steam not long ago. For $10 it's more than worth it.
The game is good, it's just that there is alot of bad voice acting, and the story is underdeveloped.
Fortunately the dlc is way more better story wise, and finally gives your character a voice actor, Also the voice acting improved significantly.
I havnt pirated in years, I grew up and make plenty of money. I just dont like wasting it. The issue is last time I gave it a try (on a free weekend) I spent 3hrs trying to get it to work before giving up. On an i5 4790 w/980, stuttering was horrific and all barely reaching 30fps no matter the setting. The game is totally down my ally too... maybe when the complete edition comes out I will give it a try.
I have a 980 and it works fine, with only a few hiccups here and there.
They seem to be using a delayed hitscan system where there's a 1-2frame delay between muzzle flash and bullet hitting. Significantly cheaper than projectile calculations while offering a similar feel. To help sell the effect, some weapon tracers have a dynamic light attached to them so you "feel" the bullets whizzing by. Quite clever.
>The game is good, it's just that there is alot of bad voice acting, and the story is underdeveloped.
While I agree the story is underdeveloped, I thought the voice acting in the main game was overall pretty good. Only real bad acting was Ned Sharpe. However, the DLC has a massive jump in production values. And having a voiced protagonist solves the bizarre "You'll go on a suicide mission, won't you? Of course you will." thing.
On the upside, stuttering seems to be almost completely gone now. On the downside, the screen space reflections have been replaced by garbage. Something has gone really, really wrong with the reflections on PC since the patch last week. We're still waiting for a fix.
the new dlc is in a forest isnt it?
>Flashlight doesnt cast shadows
Its plain shit looking and triggerring me hard
Even HL2 and FEAR had that
Beyond the Walls is set in a sort of regional area. There's a swamp, a church, and farm, and a town, and also an underground missile base. Very different feel to the main game, though. And arguably a pretty massive improvement. It feels like you're playing a Crysis game without the nanosuit. This is actually how the game was going to be originally, but after Crysis 3 flopped and Far Cry 3 was a huge success, they rebooted the game as a Ubisoft clone because they thought that would appeal more.
I'm getting a Metro vibe from all this webms. Is the gameplay similar?
There's a new setting in the PC version that lets you force shadows from basically all light sources. I don't understand why they didn't make it force flashlight shadows. Unless there's some obscure CryEngine thing that none of us are aware of where flashlight shadows tank the framerate. Crytek kept flip-flopping on whether flashlights cast shadows throughout the Crysis series.
I've clocked 200 hours.
It's a solid game after patches.
Crysis 1 had flashlight shadows
And i couldnt care less if everything casts shadows or not when if i turn on the flashlight the game will straight up looks like fallout 4 as in utter shit
Way less linear.
Give it a chance next time it goes on sale.
Dambuster Studios = legit as fuck. They've put in a ton of work after the shit launch.
Gotta remember that the game went through extreme development hell.
I own the game, i bought it last week in the sale but i lm still playing and want to finish Mafia 3 before i start Homefront
Enjoy. Hope you don't encounter too many bugs.
You sound like a legit shill but I'll try the game. Besides it has a waifu that looks like a girl I was in love with.
Dana Moore is hot as fuck.
That scene with her in the beginning needs VR support
I'm not.
I spent 200 hours on the game. Played a ton multiplayer with people I gathered on the Steam board.
Multiplayer's probably dead now.
I like her because she's psycho. Spent time in prison.
Wife material irl.
This game looks highly atmosphereic, can settings be tweaked to give it a "STALKER" feel?
Could be good fun for a few hours with some rain
How long is the trial?
DLCs play a LOT like a Metro game. Heavier focus on stealth, subway shootouts, etc. Main game has flashes of Metro, including this easter egg, and a section where you wander around with a gas mask, but it's quite different.
Atmosphere is one of the best aspects.
Also, yeah, it does rain.
There's basically two types of sections, iirc. Yellow zones and red zones. Yellow zones are city blocks with neon lights and civilians. The KPA is there, but it's chill. Red zones are battlefields. No civilians.
You overthrow each zone by doing random bullshit. In the yellow zones the civilians revolt.
Don't buy the game if you're anal about collectibles. They might've fixed it, but I had bugs.
it's pretty good, a little rough around the edges, you can feel the jankiness
>And i couldnt care less if everything casts shadows or not when if i turn on the flashlight the game will straight up looks like fallout 4 as in utter shit
Don't turn on the flashlight, then. It's not like you actually need it past the intro.
>but i lm still playing and want to finish Mafia 3 before i start Homefront
Which I find hilarious because Mafia III is all "do this long list of tasks to unlock the next area and then do it again and again", while you can run through Homefront: TR in about 4 hours if you're not into open world shit.
I'd let her sit on my face. Why did my waifu get so much hate, anyway?
She's perfect.
Trial version lets you play the first section of the campaign, and all the MP content. It never ends. It's essentially the game's F2P version.
>if you're not into open world shit.
But i am
And i havent played open world shit in months
She was a fucking awful character who made nothing but terrible decisions that other people had to clean up.
Ah I see, thanks.
Mafia III is the most obnoxiously open world open world game ever made. It's shocking how repetitive the main storyline is. You beat up two guys, blow up two things, and then kill/recruit the boss. And you do this for every district, often visiting the same locations repeatedly. You can't shortcut any of it. I have no idea why the fuck they thought this was a good way to design a videogame. It's a shame because Mafia III is actually pretty good mechanically.
What genuienly bad decisions did Dana make besides stabbing Simpson to death over the whole "you and all the other guards raped me in prison" thing?
Yes i know.
If it wouldve GTA gameplay, controls and mechanics i doubt i would be having fun.
They made gameplay and mechanics good but forgot to put actual content in.
>Dad pre-ordered this full price
>He loves war games and the original red dawn movie because he watched it with his brothers on opening day
>both brothers passed away years ago
>the night before release, dad buys both red dawns because i've never seen them and he wanted me to see them because "they're really cool concepts! I love war movies but these are kinda special to me"
(both the original and newish one with thor and josh from dark souls)
>watch the first red dawn and thought it was breddy good
>didn't notice dad was silently crying because of both of the brothers (implied) dying at the end
>dad says it's alright
>next day get up to go get home from from FUCKING GAMESTOP
>dad wasn't feeling too well so I had to go pick it up myself
>come home
I haven't played homefront or watched the modern red dawn, my greentext is the only contribution i can make to this thread, it ended exactly how you think it ended.
This is Dana's actress, BTW.
So how's the gunplay in this? Like, do shotguns actually act like shotguns or is it the standard "works only within 3 feet" thing?
He died?
Wow. She looks better in game, though.
You can upgrade the shotgun to make it fire retarded fast.
I'm talking Sonic fast. It's hilarious. I used to speedrun in multiplayer with it. Nobody could keep up with me. It's got range, too.
Gunplay overall is solid. Good sound effects, too.
No she doesn't, you just like the tats and nose ring. Admittedly, she'd be a babe if she had them irl.
just pirate it, they removed denuvo.
I think she does.
Her mouth is too small irl. In game it looks fine. Also, I like black hair.
Weapons are recoil heavy. Shotgun is extremely powerful at close range, but also hinders enemies at long range. It's actually one of the best shotguns in recent gaming, IMO.
This is what Parrish looks like IRL. He's perhaps best known for voicing Mercury in the original Mirror's Edge.
It's weird how Crytek have been using actor likenesses in their games for years, but when Call of Duty starts doing it, people act as though it's some amazing thing.
I think her mouth is cuter irl, nicer lips. Can't disagree about the black hair though, love that shit.
>Not posting the auto shotgun.
Parrish is a fucking bro.
Auto shotgun fires piss-weak birdshot. It's useless at long range, and primarily good for holding back groups of enemies attempting to flank you. The napalm shotgun is better in most cases.
>perfect cement chunks fall from the ceiling to block the stairs
Wow I already hate this level design
Dude, what?
Auto shotgun rapes. It's literally broken OP.
Parrish is an interesting character because he's really brave, but he's also an incompetent fuckwit of a leader. In the final DLC, the revolution has completely failed and Parrish is trying to go out in a glorious last stand. That's all he knows how to do. But Ethan saves the day by meeting up with a NATO agent and then getting trapped in a missile launch chamber and gets roasted to death firing a missile into space to EMP the KPA. The end.
Then there's Benjamin Walker, the hero of the resistance who plays absolutely no significant role in the story and is completely absent from both the main game's ending and the final DLC. You play as him in DLC1, rescue him in DLC2, and then... he's completely missing from the story. I have no idea why. Maybe there's some hint in one of the journals.
>Spoiler text.
Damn. That's sick.
HP don't regenerate? Now I'm kind of interested. Is this a medkit-based system or just very delayed regen with optional medkits?
Ethan has a voice actor in DLCs 2 and 3, and his last words are.
Seriously. 26:50
Fuck. I'd help you with that, but I can't remember.
I think there's medkits in multiplayer, but I'm not sure about singleplayer.
Same medkit system as Far Cry 3 and 4.
See, I didn't beat it.
I sunk like 100 hours into the multiplayer. I had over 10,000 G.
Healing needle system. You can't craft healing needles. Also can't heal without them. So you pick them up in midkit cases and buy them. Only problem is the game really doesn't penalise death enough in the main campaign. If you die in the open world, you just "wake up" at the nearest safe house, and can run out the door and keep fighting. I mean, sure, Bioshock and stuff has the same problem but the game would have benefited from making death more of a threat.
I find it interesting/unfortunate how the multiplayer AI works pretty much perfectly, while the main campaign AI is prone to vanishing at random. It's also a shame the Resistance Mode hasn't gotten as much content as they'd originally wanted. If people are lucky they might have one more mission in the works, but I wouldn't count on it. I guess it might depend on how well the trail version does.
Oh, but if you die during a mission it's saveload time? I see.
Multiplayer is really, really good. Repetitive as fuck, but charming.
I unlocked all the gear at one point.
It's nice 'cause you make new characters to try different builds. No respec faggotry.
Why is night Sup Forums so much better?
Yea, if you die during any sort of mission, it loads from the last checkpoint. The key difference is "waking up" is instant, while loading the last checkpoint has a loadscreen. Which isn't that long, but 10-20 seconds is a heck of a lot longer than instantly waking up.
Well shit it sounds like you lot aren't hating the game. I'll try the trial later.
kids are sleeping
Works on Cryengine V so it cant be bad as people make it out to be.
Really makes me think.
I hate the matchmaking system. It's like they went out of their way to make it vague and annoying. For example, I have never, ever found a public match on PC. Why? Is it my region? Is it my connection? Why the hell doesn't the game let me drop into an active match and spectate until the next mission? I'm not going to sit around for an hour to see whether anyone joins my game in the lobby. Let me just play the fucking game and let people join me. Playing Private matches solo is okay, but I'd love it if randoms could just join me.
It's CryEngine 4. Most commonly associated with Ryse. CryEngine V came along more recently and has a much better light bounce system that I wish were implemented in Homefront.
Literally fucking dead.
It was dead a year ago, too. It's not you.
Only way I got to 10,000 G is through the Steam board. Gathered people and messaged 'em to play.
We'd play for hours and have a blast, but it's fucking dead.
RYSE is optimized like a mother fucker. Looks incredible.
Too bad the gameplay is so repetitive. That combat style always seems to be kinda shit.
I'm not convinced it is dead because I was unable to find a match when there were 5,000 players active during the free weekend. I think the match-making system is making things worse.
Seems like I should actually reinstall it then and give it a proper chance. I'll be damned.
They might've been playing singeplayer.
I had the same problem you did. Never got a match unless I messaged a friend.
You're being marketed to senpai
just play one of the million other open world games
I really wish they'd fix the fucking reflections, because the game looks worse the higher you turn the graphics. Fix thy shit.
How can someone be marketed to if they already own the game?
I love the graphics in this game. Its easily one of the best looking open world.
Shame its full of bugs and generic.
If you're out of shells on reserve does he take that one that's strapped to the side of the shotgun?
Homefront isn't the best open world game, but it's far from the worst. It's better than most Ubisoft games.
It's got a lot of character.
One thing I wish it had is RAGE's crafting system. Seems like a missed opportunity.
I wanna play every game with remote control car bombs.
FUN TRICK: Drive a remote control car bomb under a Goliath and detonate it. It'll instantly blow that shit up.
Imagine being this guy.
>CryEngine V came along more recently
Yes I know
Serious question? Why the fuck hasn't someone dumped the game's script pak files and then figured out how to make the game load files from outside the archives? There's so much modding potential, but it seems to be 2hard4me among anyone with the potential skills.
I played through the campaign on PS4 and enjoyed it. DLC sounds decent. Dana needs porn.
Dana needs so much porn.
I want POV of her riding me with a knife to my throat, killing me after she cums.
Picked this up for $10 on Steam last weekend. It's ok. Kind of generic, gunplay doesn't feel that great, but actually reminds me of Half-Life 2 a little bit in terms of atmosphere and aesthetics.