How does Nintendo get away with it?
How does Nintendo get away with it?
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Bolson vs Tingle who wins?
This is not the first homosexual joke in a Zelda game. However, it is more amazing how they packed all those sexual innuendos and talk about kids losing their parents with an E10 rating. I've seen games with far less get a teen rating.
Tingle can't even do shit, Bolson knows how to fix houses.
ESRB: It's okay when Nintendo does it.
ESRB doesn't play through the games entirely, and they probably didn't get to that point of the game before deciding to rate it. It's the only reason why I can think of as to why OoT 3D got a E10+ rating when the original had an E rating. The original had blood which is a huge red flag to the ESRB.
I wonder if being an ESRB game evaluator would be a comfy, relatively well-paid job.
ESRB actually doesn't play the game at all. They require the game developer to send them a tape with all the material that may be considered offensive. Such as foul language, blood, violence, etc. But this is obviously flawed as a company could purposefully leave out harsh things to try and get a lower rating. Or the person in charge of compiling the content might not think a certain phrase is a double entendre when it is.
Or it could be that the person at the ESRB is stupid and didn't recognize the stuff Nintendo did send them. Nintendo might have expected a Teen rating but was surprised with an E10 rating.
There's also the remote chance that Nintendo paid money under the table to get a lower rating. But Nintendo isn't known for doing such a thing. And as we saw with Twilight Princess, it would actually have been more beneficial for them to get a higher rating.
Other way around. We can't have things like Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, or more satisfying enemy death animations anymore because ESRB will be scrutinizing it more closely than they would if it were a stand alone third party title with no legacy.
Sounds like to me that the companies do all the work for them and they hardly have to do a thing on their end as far as the rating goes.
I wouldn't mind working there by the sounds of it.
>Sounds like to me that the companies do all the work for them and they hardly have to do a thing on their end as far as the rating goes.
That is how it is. It was the companies who decided to go with this method so they had control over the ratings. basically back in the mid 90s, the US government gave them an ultimatum. You figure out a way to rate your games or we'll do it for you. So the video game companies created ESRB so they wouldn't have government oversight.
I wish they would allow some blood for E10 games. I want an uncensored OoT again.
The screaming, convulsing and spurting of goo that the Ganon Spwans do is far worse than anything in previous Zelda games.
Real talk
Whats it like being a cute or good looking guy being hit on by women and gay men? What's it like being wanted? ;_;
The entire rating system needs to be more lenient, Ace Attorney had an M rating for blood while OoT had it with an E rating. It makes no sense.
Because jap fags played for laughs > western muh diversity fags
Is Tingle in this game? There is an island called "Tingel" but i havent played enough of the game to know if he appears.
I'm more surprised that NoA didn't censor it.
This. Being gay is a joke in Japan and not socially acceptable.
Video games have since been deemed art by the SC and thus protected by the first amendment. The public zeitgeist has also moved on from moral panic over violent video games. There's no real reason devs need to bother with ESRB anymore, especially with the rise of digital distribution.
BotW casts a wide fetish net, desu.
After the backlash of Miitomo having no gay marriage they started including gay things in their games. Fire Emblem Fates is one of the most notable.
Dual Destinies had a pool of blood and a little girl in a very dangerous situation.
OoT had some small blood splatter and a few bloodstains on walls.
You could say the same thing about movie ratings. Honestly it (shouldn't) doesn't matter to anyone here because we all can buy whatever the fuck we want. The reality is the ESRB indirectly affects us through companies trying to achieve certain ratings to appease the hoardes of mothers/grandmothers that trust the ratings.
I see it more of an issue like the "G" and "PG" ratings are. G is basically dead and meaningless just like E should be. They should reclassify the ratings to be more like movies were T would be up to the PG-13 idea and lower the E-10 to be more like PG. There's no reason for a game such as to be M.
The rating system used to be more lenient in the 90s anyway.
>The rating system used to be more lenient in the 90s anyway.
Are you dumb? The rating system was the most harsh in the mid 90s when it was first implemented. In a backlash against games like Mortal Kombat. Simply having a girl show her stomach led to a teen rating.
Games these days get away with tons of crap. As Zelda is proving.
And a boss covered in blood. Now he looks like some weird jelly thing in Oot3D.
They don't play games. You send in all problematic content yourself via video and other recordings and they review it. You can challenge it and get it re-reviewed, as well as ask questions about what x what could pass at y rating.
t. game dev
Dual Destinies involved a child allegedly committing matricide.
It might be nice sometimes, but imagine all of the god-awful games that you'd have to play just to get to the good ones like BotW.
>Tingle can't even do shit
ESRB is all about art style.
If a game tries to have a more realistic artstyle, it gets judged harsher.
It's not necessarily a job. They get people whose careers are things like teachers, doctors, etc. and have them watch the cutscenes and some ingame scenes. Particularly ones that could be flagged as less child friendly.
Nah, all the shitty reports you'd have to write would be soul crushing.
What is exactly their attitude in practice, curious about it.
OwO What's this?
Awkward as fuck desu. It feels nice for maybe 2 seconds, but if they persist it's immediately more uncomfortable than feeling like someone who doesn't belong, can't get girls.
She's probably 30, the Zora age slower than other races.
I used to get a lot of girls asking me out. Then I started growing my hair 5 years ago and girls stopped asking me out. I still see them look at me though, but that's probably because of my hair.
It's embarrassing. I said no to all of them mainly because I'm cripplingly shy but also because I would feel embarrassed. It's also awkward, unsure how to react to it.
Alternatively, no girls pay you any heed and you don't get any offers, and feel like you don't exist.
You can't win either way. That's life; there's no victory.
>and talk about kids losing their parents
Not even the worst.
You can help a loli Zora get with this adult Hylian dude that she only talked through letters.
And they keep flirting after the quest is done.
Important to note that the loli never says how old she is but she has the same model as the other Zora kids playing around.
They could have at least gave her an teenager body or something but no, its okay when Nintendo does it.