Let's have one of these threads

Let's have one of these threads

>inb4 BOTW


Nah. Only thing wrong here is that Horizon is taking up Nioh's spot.

But Yakuza Zero came out in 2015 and Nier Automata came out in February

>all weeb games on the PShit4


This is an american board user
Nioh wasn't that good
What good american games have come out this year besides Horizon?

ME:A needs to have a mention, it is phenomenal.

I think I broke something inside by laughing so hard.

>not zelda
fucking sonybros

>Nioh wasn't that good
And I would argue that Horizon was worse.

Haven't played Zelda yet, so I can't say

>This is an american board user

An american board posing japanese games? Yeah no. GotM should be when the game is released into the world, not translated into english.

Otherwise you can make an argument for the same game winning everytime it's translated into a new language.

Also, shit tier lists are always subjective to the idiot that posts them.

English is the only language that matters anyway, who cares if it's get translated elsewhere? it should be judged when it get's released to the American market

>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata
Good tas-
fuck off you sjw cunt

>Zelda in February

>he thinks Horizon was better than Nioh

>horizon instead of knee oh
>nier instead of botw

>Nioh wasn't that good
at least it was "good"
horizon fucking sucks

But horizon was released march 2

This has been a legitimately amazing year so far and I am genuinely looking forward to the rest of it.

Swap Horizon with Nioh.

>nintengnomes can't use calendars

Nioh > Horizon
BOTW > Nier.


Supreme shit taste, the post.

Nioh was fucking trash, can any of you explain why it's better than Horizon without memeing?

now here's an user who actually likes videogames

>Horizon: Zero Dawn


Game was fun for a little while but got really stale as you kept going

good gameplay?
or at least "decent gameplay", better than teleporting melee

Really strong year so far.

Nioh is great. It's a game that mix Onimusha, Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
The graphics are better than Dark Souls 3, the music is better than Bloodborne and the style beats Onimusha. and the gameplay is simply 10/10.


Seeing this thread, maybe I should go back to Horizon. Have been more interested in trying to Platinum Nier Automata but farming resources to upgrade weapons/ pods sucks and some of the combat in Horizon was kind of fun.

RIP thread. It's already infested with Sonybros.

>Nioh wasn't that good

It was better than Far Cry Primal with Robots.


Sony shills have never been this obvious.

For one it runs better then horizon.
A great bit of variety in taking down enemies.
Various builds to fit any situation.
The weakest parts of Nioh is the story. Which is just a fanatical retelling of The early Edo Period. and slightly weak enemy variety.
I have spent over 100 hours playing it so far. I can't wait for the free April PVP update and The first of three DLC adding new sets and weapon types and enemies.

Horizon on the other hand I rented for a few day. Couldn't bring myself to do anything other than finish the story. I honestly couldn't care less about any of the characters and although the game has many ways to play it all just boiled down to stealth then hack and then shoot the weak point for massive damage. the Dino's never fell for trip wires and the humans were brain dead.
I have no desire to ever play it again.

Honestly I'm on your side but maybe post something from the actual game and not the beta.

It's disgusting

Samefag has never been this obvious

There were just a lot of PS4 games early in the year. Once games like Mario Odyssey and Mount and Blade 2 (assuming that's this year, haven't followed it a lot) launch there will be more variety.

I knew the majority of you fucks had some bad taste but goddamn.


>February not Nioh
>March not BotW


Thanks for bumping my shill thread then

I think so to, user

Which is your GOTY so far

I'm personally a nintenbro and so far it's BotW but man I really want to play NieR

And do you guys recommend HZD? It seems to be a solid game overall.


its just bait to get people mad anyway

I'm sorry. Could you repeat that.

>those two literally who switch games


also Night in the woods was barely a game

Im not baiting. I haven't played Zelda yet but I genuinely enjoyed Horizon more than Nioh. Maybe it's because I've never played far cry primal or lara craft but I like it a lot

nier automata is on pc
sonybros btfo'd hard

wrong thread m8

Just beat gravity rush. those forced stealth segments were just awful but everything else was great.

Or the 7 other games Horizon shaved it's mechanics off of and didn't polish or make it's own.

>the music is better than Bloodborne

What the fuck? This is bait, right?

Nah, I recognize they took the focus tracking from witcher, climbing from ass creed, crafting from a pleothra of open world games. I just found it fun to hunt robot dino's, easily the best open world in the genre of AAA open worlds


fuck off weeb

Gonna be a good year I think.

Besides graphicsfor a PS4 game I honestly thought Horizon was bland.
Bland to the point of I will eventually forget it even exists in about 3 months.

Outlast 2 next month. Hopefully it's good.