ITT: Post bullets you dodged

ITT: Post bullets you dodged.

>Nintendo Switch
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>No Man's Sky
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Battlefield 1

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a different kind of bullet but I can't get into a single one.

pretty much ignored every western release since 2005


I probably would've bought an Xbox one if I didn't discover Sup Forums.

all those and more

mass effect series
halos series
gears of war series
sonys battle royal game
silent hill remaster
persona series
street fighter series
nier autoerotica
for honor
ghost recon wildlands
the division
dragon ages after 1
wii u

please leave

Cube World

muddy dicks

Mighty No. 9

When you are a poorfag you dodged all the bullets...

>Mass Effect 3
>Battlefield 1
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>No Man's Sky
>For Honor
>The Division
Unfortunately I fell for:
>Gears of War 3
>Just Cause 2
>Wolf Among Us

never wanted to have anything to do with Telltale besides Puzzle Agent 1-2

are their stuff like Wolf Among Us something you have to pay per episode? if so, did you pay for the whole thing, because that doesn't seem like so much falling for it as deliberately throwing yourself at Telltales feet and going in between the toes.

Horizon Zero Dawn has good graphi-

Meaningful Relationships
Sup Forums

>every Nintendo consoles
>every Nintendo games
>anything Xbox
>trashy games

So you play nothing?

Fuck off shill, your favorite company's games aren't the only ones that exists

Crysis has been bested by a fucking hunting game
Still looks great though

>just cause 2
Fuck you son

crysis was a fucking decade ago

Fuck man, why'd you have to remind me...

You're absolutely right, I'm not arguing with you
I'm really just here to post that game, it's goddamn gorgeous
Literally the best graphics I've ever seen

I have never funded a single kickstarter.
I have never bought any DLC-fest, on any platform.

As in, things I almost bought but didn't and they turned out/are turning out to be shit?

Mirrors Edge reboot
DA 2/Inquisition
Battlefront reboot
ME Andromeda
WoW: Draenor and Legion
The Order
Little Big Planet 3
Halo 4/5
Gears: judgement
No Mans Sky

My taste is pretty pleb but lately I've been proud of being able to overcome kneejerk fanboy purchases

>Dodged bullets
>Naming things you clearly had no interest in buying to begin with
Dodged bullets is having last minute skepticism or purchasing interference that pays off when you realize later that the product is of poor quality.

>November 2015
>Anno 2205
I thoroughly enjoyed the last one and thought
>"It is a niche genera, there is no way they could fuck it up"
>Had my finger on the purchase button.
>Decided against it
>Waited a couple days
>Pirated it
>Less freedom
>Smaller maps
>Casualized beyond anything I had ever seen

>anno 2205
Please don't hurt me user, it STILL hurts

Nice bait

>u disagre with me so it must b b8

I don't remember the bullets I dodged, only the ones that hit me.
>BF Hardline
>Dark Souls 2
>X Rebirth
>Goldeneye Rogue Agent

>Lets list every new/popular release with considerable fanbases in an attempt to gather (yous).

I hate every one of those things too, user

Battlefield 1
For Honor
No Man's Sky
The Division

Post bullets that hit you right in the fucking face
>for honor


video games

I probably would've bought video games if I didn't discover Sup Forums.


>post-MoP WoW
>the entire last console generation
>wii u
>pretty much every AAA game since rdr came out, excluding overwatch

>No Man's Sky
>Far Cry Primal
>Most Assassin's Creeds
>Every Single Cod after Blops 2

>discovered Sup Forums before buying vidya
You wot?


Pretty fucking big bullet

>skyrim online
>dragon age inquisition
>Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts
>Diablo 3
>beyond two souls
>walking dead michonne

Could name more but meh

My friends were trying so hard to get me into that shit. I actually thought I was missing out but 2 months later they never brought that game up again

> Pregnancy
> Society
> Heartbreak
> Failure
> Losing friends

hey man wildlands aint that bad

Nah, you buy it once and get all of the episodes. They just don't necessarily have all the episodes released when you buy it.

Also, I liked Wolf Among Us, though it could just be that I'm a huge fan of Fables.

What about this

Video games since 2008

You don't like video games though so go away