>Gerudo woman calls Link short
>his height is 5'7" according to OoT
>he's actually not that short at all
So then what did she mean by this? He's average height
>Gerudo woman calls Link short
>his height is 5'7" according to OoT
>he's actually not that short at all
So then what did she mean by this? He's average height
In this game everyone fucking towers him for some reason.
He is really short in this. Someone post the group pic where he's shorter than everyone including Zelda again.
5'7 is short you manlet
This ain't OOT, shrimpy
Anything under 6 foot is manlet tier. Prove me wrong
5'7 is short you fucking american manlet. Here 6'0 is the standard
>Not short
Link is a different height in every game. He isn't even one "character". He's more like a vague template
Gerudo guard, I'm H.o.T
Post link with the mastersword.
Mastersword is the unit of measurement in these games.
>"Haha manlets when will they learn"
t. pic related
anyone have a translation to non ameri-fat measurements?
"Shortness" is comparative. He is shorter than her, therefore he is short from her perspective.
RIP that kid's joints and heart.
>Being shorter than 185 cm
Lel, stop being a manlet op
>that shambling jog
Yup RIP manute bol
>OoT Link is 5'7"
What are you talking about? Check your sources, man. I'm pretty sure Link is 5'3". When they did the 3DS version, the ruler in the fisherman's tank was scaled differently.
Zelda should be 5'1" and Link 5'3". Of course, if we consider this the average height throughout the games, then of course everyone will tower above him. The average Gerudo Amazonian is about 6'+, so this dude is gonna look like a shrimp.
>5'9" here. The gerudos in this game are hot as fuck. Tall women are 10/10
Quick reminder that the line between /fit/ and /r9k/ is 5 atoms wide and the whole height thing is a misguided attempt to improve social standing when they lack so much else in their life.
Even Japs aren't that short anymore. Calling bullshit.
Gerudo are xbox hueg
So are the Zoras for some reason even thought hey're your height in other games
short on words, eh
>when you're the first kid to hit 6 feet
I just sped through a ton of searches on Google. I remembered correctly. The lakeside diving scale in OoT does put him at 5'3".
If you look at interviews from Miyamoto, you'll notice he changes his answer regarding Link's height on three different occasions. Fans note this is likely because he doesn't give a shit about lore (which is evident from the bullshit timeline shenanigans).
Let's just agree that he's in the neighborhood of 5'4".
are you fucking stupid? she means he is short because she is taller than him what is there to explain? Well OP you are a retard nice thread you can delete now.
>get sad when i see a shorter guy getting shit on because of his height
Fuck off /fit/, your memes are literally Sup Forums tier
>>his height is 5'7" according to OoT
>>he's actually not that short at all
Link was 4'2" in TP.
if youre under 6'2 you are a manlet
that kid looks like the bitch at the end of quarantine
At first I thought that your bait wasn't very good but it was clearly effective. Well done.
So I guess you could say he's a short guy for you?
>6'1" master race
>Don't lift
>Don't party
>Girls still find ways to hit on me
So I'm really good at basketball and I make millions of dollars? Wow that sounds much better than being a manlet.
Its the feel Japanese get when they travel the world, it inspired BoTW
I would pay big money to see that man dress in a high-quality Waluigi cosplay. His body is literally fucking perfect for it
ayy lmao
>associating yourself with link
>associating with a manletio ever
Yeah I don't mean to sound as condescending as this no doubt will but I feel so fucking bad for them that they get shit over something so insignificant and that you have no control over.