Katanas are the best medieval weapon for multiple reasons

Katanas are the best medieval weapon for multiple reasons

1. They are mastercrafted by real sword smiths that start learning their trade from birth in the art of folding metal which makes for a superior blade. European blacksmiths never mastered this and that's why European steel from the same time period is brown and broken.

2. The edge of a katana is engineered to slice through material harder than itself. The design amplifies cutting power giving it ability to cut through other swords clean as well as plate and mail with minimal effort.

3. The katana remains the most popular weapon today because it is the most practical weapon to use in most cqc situations. The blade is designed to be aerodynamic making the draw of the blade faster than physics normally allows most other objects.

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>best medieval weapon
sure kid


There are dictionaries for a reason user.

>European blacksmiths never mastered this
>European steel from the same time period is brown and broken.
"European steel" was probably better than Jap tamahagane.
>The edge of a katana is engineered to slice through material harder than itself
Hardened steel was designed to cut through what now? Did they have tungsten carbide armour or some shit?
>The katana remains the most popular weapon today
The AK-47 would like to have a fucking word with you.

TL;DR: You are wrong about everything

this is literally better than a shitana

i know its bait but, spear.



Katana are the online fedora.

That's all you need to know

*teleports behind you*


someone post the gif

You're retarded

Glorious nippon steel is just better because they folded it a thousand times

like a croissant

dude, you can just cut the bullets with you katana, guns are shit

Katanas are medieval, just later medieval than a tachi

Boomerangs are the coolest weapon.


>Katanas are the best medieval weapon for multiple reasons
>European blacksmiths never mastered this and that's why European steel from the same time period is brown and broken
sure, but


user, listen

which was the dominant culture in the world and which still is

hint: it's not nippon

>what is pattern welding

This is a mid 7th century Anglo Saxon pattern welded blade. The core is composed of three bundles of alternating wrought iron and carbon steel layers and each bundle is composed of twenty two layers. The bundles are hammerwelded to form a rod which is then twisted but only for short sections, leaving a section of straight, untwisted rod interspaced between each. These rods are then placed together and hammerwelded such that the straight and twisted sections coincide with each other across the cores width. This was a very typical pattern for the period.

How's that army of plastic women coming along, Korea?




While japan was making 10000000 folded steel America was making nukes.

I'd just love to see someone cut 10 bullets per fucking second

Revenge for comfort women right here

Is this literally the only time Lindy has been right about somehow?

AK-47's are the best modern weapon for multiple reasons

1. They are mastercrafted by real pakistani's who learn from birth to make superior firearms in caves with boxes of scrap. American and German gunsmiths need full workshops and high quality materials to make inferior weapons that jam all the time.

2. The action of an AK is engineered to operate even under 1000's of pounds of pressure and fillled with rocky sludge. The design also incorporates ancient slav techniques that increase stopping power and it can penetrate armor and materials that it's western counterparts can't even dent.

3. The AK-47 remains the most popular weapon today because of it's easy to handle ergonomics, and extreme reliability in adverse environmental conditions. The sight is designed to in such a way that even an untrained peasant can shoot with the accuracy of a SEAL.

must be why everyone preferred spears and other polearms

I agree.

>cut bullet with katana
>now have two bullets
bullet win everytime

Oh yes, it is.

Trust me, your games are shit.

got ya senpai

>like a croissant
Laughed audibly

pretty sure Croissant dough is only folded twice though

Where is the masterwork katana pasta?

>like a croissant

So the french not only invented thousand folded but were able to do it in more than just metal working.

Truely the french were ahead of everyone else, viva la france!

no way dude, the ak47 only has 30 magazines in its clip, not enough to cut the katana

I mean sure it's a neat weapon. But in reality soon as they hit anything you've lost your projectile.

If only they were willing to fight back

inb4 triggered /k/ommandos go ape shit


pssh nothin personnel kid


>30 magazines in it's clip

god you newfags are killing me

Boomerangs are the best medieval weapon for multiple reasons

1. They are mastercrafted by carpenters that start learning their trade from birth in the art of carving wood which makes for a superior stick. European blacksmiths never mastered this and that's why European wood from the same time period is brown and broken.

2. The edge of a boomerang is engineered to slice through material harder than itself. The design amplifies wallopin' power giving it ability to cut through emus as well as cans of Stella with minimal effort.

3. The boomerang remains the most popular weapon today because it is the most practical weapon to use in most cqc situations. The stick is designed to be aerodynamic making the draw of the blade faster than physics normally allows most other objects.

*teleports behind you*

Heh...too slow...pooftah...now giz yah loightah

>30 bullets, all cut
>now 60 bullets

Have yet to meet man who can outsmart bullet.

George Washington?

But your "master European sword" is irrelevant because they are used in those lameshit games.

Cry more.

Creative genius can't be bothered with petty warfare. They have increadble inventions to invent.

>this is what Hecker&Koch fanboys actually believe

Katana will never have better stats in D&D

the white flag being their crowning achievement

>Aboriginals would use these to club bat's out of the sky when hunting.
Rip in shit bats.

they already have really good stats 2d12 is pretty good imo

*dodges your blow*

it's actually not that impressive. bats are equiped with sonar, when you throw boomerang the bat thinks it's food and flies straight into it. even if your aim is a mile off

A white flag folded thousands of times. Clearly superior to any other white flag a nip could atempt to immitate.


2d6 actually.

>le french sucked meme

Meanwhile in middle ages Egnland getting cucked by Spain, Scotland and France.

Katana's are shit weapons
>shit medal
>has to be folded for eternity because metal is so shit
>breaks easier than any other bladed weapon

that why samurai had lightning fast adrenalin to dodge every blow, guns lose

>Out flying
>"oh shit is that food?"
>Large stick breaks it's skull
Wish all hunting was this easy.

french ain't shit and neither are eurospics in the grand scheme of things, froggie

pre-war german and england are only that matter

gj my man :'D
10/10 bait

>tfw you will never be such an unbelievably massive retardo fuckface that you will not know the majesty of Charlie The Hammer.

the reason you aren't speaking shitskin right now is because of a single frenchman literally stopped the muslim horde.

>middle ages Spain
>doing anything besides fight and lose to moors

me too, too bad the honorable tradition of ninjustsu followed by the ronin is lost forever thanks to to the white devil

Reminder that Anglos were literally raped out of existence by Norman invaders and their language and culture forgotten.

except they won?

They only won once middle ages was over.

>that why samurai had lightning fast adrenalin to dodge every blow, guns lose

This is factually wrong since Wonderous Warlord Oda Nobunaga obtained gunpowder and muskets. Historical fast that samurai could not outsmart bullet.

Best medieval swords were made from Damascus steel, like the viking Ulfberht and various middle-eastern and indian swords.

My stick made from Mänty will be better weapon than some flimsy chinese sword

The reconista started in 1224. Are you fucking retarded?

Everyone knows that the Chinese derivative Wodao/Miao Dao is far superior.

>japans strongest weapons were made with korean steel

really makes you think

10mm master race

yeah they finished the reconquista in 1492 but they had been pushing them back for 250years

if it was so great how did it get lost 'thanks to the white man'

the yellow men didn't pose enough challenge


>European blacksmiths never mastered this
except thats bullshit cause they use techniques handed down between them and they can't even make proper katanas anymore

also explain damascus steel if you think you know your shit, cause they can't replicate that even with chemicals.

>pencil dick
>master race

>best medieval weapon
I don't think so weeb


>katanas can cut through plate mail
people underestimate just how overpowered platemail was against swords. not even your shitty weeb sword can cut through

How can so many of you faggots fall for this shitty low-quality bait?

>they can't replicate damascus steel

wrong again. they figured out exactly how they got the carbon content like that, it was a certain type of leaf that got thrown into the forge. That's why we can actually replicate damascus/wootz steel today, such as all of the shit you see when you google 'damascus steel'

its just pattern welded steel with a light acid wash to reveal the different layers' carbon contents.

This is all off the top of my head, btw. I'm an electrical engineer, not a blacksmith.

Bait is a staple of the Sup Forums diet

because i like to argue

fuck you

>overpowered platemail was against swords
Nigga, there were swords specifically forged to combat heavy armor.

>hurr durr I was just pretending

The joke's on OP.


>Guntō (軍刀?, military sword) is the name used to describe Japanese swords produced for use by the Japanese army and navy after the end of the samurai era in 1868. In the following era (Meiji Period 1868-1912) samurai armour, weapons and ideals were gradually replaced with western influenced uniforms, weapons and tactics. Japan developed a conscription military in 1872 and the samurai lost the status they held for hundreds of years as the protectors of Japan.[1] Mass-produced guntō swords became standard equipment in the new military, taking the place of the swords worn by the samurai class during the feudal era.

Katanas are so shit that the Japanese themselves adopted western sabres in the 19th/20th century. Only poor peasants and bandits use katanas

What are some games with satisfying katana warfare, though?

Been watching Samurai Jack and watching him slash things with that is somehow satisfying.

>implying a culture's worth can be measured by its vidya

pattern weld with chemicals isn't the same thing, you can tell just by the patterns that form.

boggles me that people think alchemy wasn't a thing despite finds like poison reactant glass, and newtons alchemy stuff in general.

you can't claim the west has mastered metals when they can't even recreate things newton did.

oh well, just another user who won't look into it and assume they are right.

Ninja Gaiden Black and NG2
Metal Gear Rising
Shinobi (PS2)
Onimusha series

Oh fuck, loved me Shinobi since I was a kid, how did I miss all those PS2 titles?