I'm that guy who chugs behind with the previous generation consoles and shit PC. I absolutely love DeS, DaS and to some extent DaS2.
Now that some extensive time has passed since the launch of Bloodborne and DaS3 i think the opinions should be more well cooked. How would you compare them to previous installments? How were the DLC?
Hudson Evans
Bloodborne is one of the greatest games of all time imo, definitely the best souls game.
DS3 is probably 3rd best after DS1 and BB.
Parker Powell
wow is it really that good? i have heard praise for it before but not anything more specific. And if DaS3 is even nearly as good as the first one i'm happy. i heard the world is linear in it?
Hunter Morales
The DLC was content that was supposed to be in the game originally but was sold as DLC at a later date to grab money from the fans.
Eli King
DaS3 is pretty linear. Basically here's an area and you can go a bunch of places in it, but to get to the next area you usually have like two options on where to go. Though the stuff to explore in each area is very rich. I haven't personally played BB, but DaS3 definetly comes just a bit short of DaS for me.
Christopher Brooks
well the exploration was always pretty area focused, but it was nice in DeS to spread out and do the zones in any order and in DaS you could make run for it to get some neat stuff early. but now that i think about it you could not go very far in DaS without ringing the bells.
Jacob King
It's as linear as Bloodborne. The two games were developed around the same time, too
Caleb Bennett
Also forgot to mention, invading is a shitshow in DaS3. Almost always invading a guy with a bunch of summons, and/or running to bonfire for summons.
Michael Gray
Also forgot to mention, too many bonfires.
Jackson Scott
it is shame. one of my favorite things in DaS was to make powerful SL5 character and keep invading wherever i like. Depths was awesome because of the tight corridors and hiding places.
Dylan Ward
I always see Das2 getting so much shit (deserved) but I rarely see a thread talking about Das3, why is that?
Robert Nguyen
i have been wondering the same thing. usually shit gets more discussion going that the good things so make das3 is just "ok".
Liam Reed
Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time, and has my favorite moments in my gaming memory. It suffers from a bunch of weak bosses, a similar-ish color scheme throughout and performance problems, but its still the best game I've ever played.
DaS3 was one of the biggest disappointments I've ever had. Its a good game, but its bogged down MASSIVELY because of linear world design, garbage gameplay balancing, a mix/match of BB/souls mechanics, and a bunch of weak bosses and levels. Its still a good game and a good souls game, but I don't replay it at all anymore. Its the souls game I replayed the least, and I have over 3000 hours in the series.
The DLC for BB is one of the best DLCs ever made, and makes it the best game in the series
The DLC for 3 has so far been mediocre/bad, and I hope Ringed City ends the series with a bang.
Isaac Roberts
what the fuck happened to my sentence? maybe das3 is just so "ok" that it doesn't wake up any discussion.
Leo Turner
3 is a highly linear, flawed experience where the most optimal, non annoying way of playing is using the most boring weapons. It removed so many things that made BBs combat work at the speed it did, and added nothing to replace those things.
The PVP is the worst in the series and even the lore is a rehash of DaS again.
Hudson Reyes
>non annoying way of playing is using the most boring weapons.
I did a fist weapon run and it was pretty damm fun to be honest.
Owen Turner
i have only got quick glances at the game and these are my impressions: >little weapon variety but the swap system is interesting >no magic or anything as unorthodox to make unique builds >setting is always dark and gloom
i'd love to be proven wrong when i get to play the game, my impressions for DeS were shit too. i think is actually pretty common to have shit impressions from souls games, i cannot get any of my friends to play them.
Benjamin Carter
also that whole parrying with gun feels really off, like what were they smoking?
Logan Brown
the whole difficulty thing is a huge turnoff for a lot of people. Despite the games not being terribly hard.
Nolan Adams
The game has 26 weapons, each has 14+ unique moves, stance change attacks mid combo or mid dodge. Its a superior system to the other games in every way. No one needs 20 fucking straight swords with the same movesets.
Theres plenty magic in the game, you can even change your whole moveset and playstyle later on with spoiler spoiler spoiler etc etc etc. But yeah, theres more than enough magic to use.
The setting is similar throughout, but it has enough variation visually and ESPECIALLY thematically that it remains fresh. The color scheme is very similar but it fits the themes, and the game gets crazier every hour of gameplay.
Connor Kelly
What feels "off" about it? You can parry from a distance now, with multiple different firearms with their own timings.
Leo Roberts
Honestly the weapons in BB are all super unique as a result of there being so few. There are hunter tools that scale with the arcane stat and cost bullets to use, they're similar to spells. The setting is subjective but it works really well imo.
Jeremiah Bailey
All Dark Souls 3 is doing is ending the series on a money grab from Namco Bandai. From have already moved on and started new projects. That's why they haven't been putting much passion and soul into it like Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne.
Logan Miller
i have only one friend who has played it and the retard he is he keeps telling me there is really no magic. he is the guy who always makes the 2h melee guy in elder scrolls games and never even tries anything else than just smash his gay ass sword around.
Samuel Reyes
Well your friend is retarded. Theres like 15+ spells and a completely different playstyle focused on magic. Yeah, I have these same feelings about it. 3 is absolutely incredible at times in its boss fights and visuals, but just fails in so many other things.
Andrew Smith
well i was not referring to gameplay itself, i have only tried the game out little. i mean the fact that how are the guns the parrying weapons of choice? would it not make sense to parry with shield or melee weapon and use the gun to actually hurt enemies from afar?
Ethan Robinson
Wasn't Bloodborne also pretty linear?
Connor Sullivan
There are 14+ unique moves on average for one form of the trick weapon. A normal trick weapon has somewhere around 24-28 unique moves but weapons like rakuyo, burial blade have over 30 different attacks. Then there is parrying.
Dominic Gomez
well i am glad actually that i don't know any of this shit, i am getting a good fresh experience. i remember when i first played DeS, holy shit.
Gavin Williams
>Now that some extensive time has passed since the launch of Bloodborne and DaS3 i think the opinions should be more well cooked. >How do I say 'Now that the dust had settled' without actually saying it?
Liam Long
I had played all of the souls game but was never a "Soulsfag" Read: The borderline autists constantly sucking the series' dick raving about the "Deep lore"
That being said, BloodBorne is probably the best game I've played in at least 12 years.
Jordan Foster
Oh so you just don't like it as an idea? I mean, sure, maybe stunning monsters with pistol bullets might be a bit ridiculous, but if it really bothers you, just use a shotgun. Yeah, but it has the most optional content in any souls game barring DAS2. You can do a lot of areas like Cainhurst and even the DLC really, really early if you're good enough. Uhh..... no, its 14-15 total Unless you're counting R1 combo attacks as different moves, I don't really know how you're getting those numbers
Luis Sanchez
you got it. i feel like the dust has now actually settled.
Aiden Rogers
Das3 has no optional areas?
Henry Lopez
3 is too linear. But at least it feels like a coherent connected world unlike 2.
Andrew Walker
It has two in the original game and four if you have the DLC/complete edition releasing in a month
Xavier Barnes
I don't like how they changed DS3 to be so fast like Bloodborne. Those games really only offer one way to play. I'm not into fast light rollman flippy shit. I like being heavy with a shield and high in poise.
Jayden Watson
Well that's not so bad, considering Dark Souls 1 only had one (two if you count the DLC)
Isaac Edwards
Dark souls 3 is acceptable but a bit underwhelming. the boss fights are pretty awesome however. bloodborne is genuinely one of the best games i've ever played, the setting feels great, bosses are great, feels fluid to play etc
Nicholas Jackson
I'm the complete opposite I've always played a super light character, never used a shield and dodged everything. One of the reasons I absolutely despised Dark Souls 2 was the fact that equipment weight didn't matter anymore and you just skilled adaptability.
Andrew Martinez
holy shit people are praising bloodborne.
it is the exclusive game i'm interested on ps4 so i am hesitating getting it. if ps4 had all the souls games i would definitely get it solely as an souls machine.
Kayden Cooper
*only exclusive
Julian Howard
You must have had a lovely time with these two then.
Lucas Gomez
Buy a PS3 and a PS4. That way you can play all 4 Souls games, Bloodborne, and whatever future game From are working on