You reward for finding all 900 korok seeds is a literal piece of shit

>you reward for finding all 900 korok seeds is a literal piece of shit

Defend this, nintenbros

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>Defend this, nintenbros
Anyone who does it is autistic and deserves a pile of shit as their reward.

>went for 30 hearts and not max stamina
>got all 900 koroks
This is the worst save file I've ever seen. Restart

Lol, exactly my thoughts. I can't believe some one used a fucking guide to collect 900 koroks. The only reason there are so much, is so you keep finding them without reall having to look for them. Trying to get all is beyond retarded.

Congratulations! You found all 900 Korok seeds!


It is a literal joke, the game telling you that you weren't supposed to get all 900 you moron.

Exactly. In an open world game, if you need to collect 100 of something, the devs should put like 500 of them in the map. The point is not to get them all, it's to ensure that you find a lot of them.

Plus, nobody will ever legitimately get all 900. They're using a guide and don't deserve a good reward.

holy christ, i thought you guys were memeing, it literally is shit

Who the fuck collects 900 of any collectible in a game?

>Freaking Awesome Gamer

well, atleast its not a fucking heart piece like in wind waker

>any collect x amount of rare thing in any open world game
>ever having a reward worth the amount of trouble you went through for it

I stopped bothering with this shit long ago, always look up the reward in a guide before even bothering to waste my time going out of my way for it.

MMOs, never ever fucking play them.


>Daddy! I'm a fag!

>at least its not something you can actually use

Now THAT'S an achievement.

This is a Zelda tradition though, going back as far as OoT where your reward for collecting all 100 gold skulltulas is some rupees.

Ive completed 3 dungeons and 40 something shrines and I've only find 5 korok seeds. send help.

>a heart piece is worse than literal shit

You do know you don't have to defend every last thing about a game you enjoy right? you can dislike elements too.

>is some rupees

Infinite rupees user.

exactly. perfectly ignorable unless you're going hardcore completionist. Someone wanting all the heart containers would be forced to get them all if that was the reward, but the lack of a reward makes it purely a self-inflicted challenge

something a BIT more dignified would be nice but so be it, i guess

I've completed no dungeons, all towers, and 57 shrines.

29 seeds.

Haven't even found the fag you trade them to, although I'm willing to bet he is in Faron Woods.

There is no reason to collect them all but autism. You only need about half of them to max out all your inventories, and even then there's no reason to max any inventory beside melee weapon

Infinite rupees though, not that you're likely to need them much at that point.

>Defend this
It's funny.

It accurately represents achievements and trophies.

He's in multiple places, one of them is south of Karakito city I heard.

So does it do anything? Any merit to having it?

Yeah, for this... wait, do you even have anything to buy left in the game by the time you can find all Skulltulas?

He's on the path to Kakariko .
Did you know there are roads in this game, or that you're meant to walk on them?
You can even ride horses on these roads.

Lets you see Hetsu's dance any time you talk to him for free.

you know you can re-assign your hearts and stamina, right?
that user can just easily switch it to max stamina if he wanted to.

same as korok seeds then

Not at all, it's useless, which makes it funnier


The heart piece is worse because you can't have the nice full 20 hearts without doing an extremely tedious and time consuming side quest filled with permanently missable stuff

>Defend this

better than getting a stupid stamp (achievement) / literally nothing for collecting all feathers.

holy shit
it's the badge of the faggot

The reward is a Switch?

played around 50 hours, completed 1 dungeon, barely have 1/4th of the map explored, and I found like 60. I'm not actively looking for them, just pick those up I stumble upon. The way they are hidden is getting kinda repetetive to be honest. At first it was interesting, now it is a bore.

HAHAHAHAHAH, good one, fellow roach.

>Nintendo giving literal poop to their most autistic fans

This time Nintendo was alright.

It actually is useful if you do the endless skulltulas glitch early in the game. But that isn't what you're supposed to do so...

>Did you know there are roads in this game, or that you're meant to walk on them?
>You can even ride horses on these roads

I just realized there were roads 2 days ago. I just maxed stamina and made elixirs, and a lot of areas have vertical inclines because depth and climbing is fun, apparently. The only place I used a horse consistently was Akkala Region, and took about 30 minutes to fully explore.

Not that there is anything particularly interesting off the beaten path anyway, but no I don't use roads






Reminds me of the reward for collecting all the pokemons in the original gameboy games. A piece of paper lol.

You're missing out on meeting fellow travelers.

What's the sidequest you're talking about again?

This is just a burn against collect-a-thon faggots who feel the need to get cheevies for shit they do in game.

as soon as i'm getting bored by their hiding spots one of the niftier rock rolling ones or shooting galleries will pop up

>bunch of balloons whipping around at mach 3
>realize they're in stasis range
>feel like a cheater but at the same time feel like a successful cheater

What else did you expect to get from the Korok equivalent of CWC?

At least with Pokemon you get bragging rights with your friends who play it.

>feel like a cheater but at the same time feel like a successful cheater
This happens a lot in this game
>Tfw cheesing the Zora shrine by stasising the ball at the end of the slope

Considering the writing for key characters and the village inhabitants, I don't think I'm missing much.


Sorry, """""""""Travelers""""""""".

yes this is a phenomenon purely exclusive to pokemon

Forgot about that, because I didn't use that guy.

I liked the villagers

Doesn't look like a heart piece

>he doesn't know who to give the gift to...

Its the start to a gift chain, user.

so this is what Nintendo thinks of its playerbase? pretty accurate i suppose

Sorry, """""""""the writing sucks shit and everybody is a forgettable archetype so I can't possibly fathom that not-so random people wandering in their invisible wall zone waiting to pawn some useless ingredients off on me are somehow going to make this more than a 5/10 experience"""""""""

Finishing that gets you a piece of heart? Ugh. Well at least you get a cool trophy gallery out of the deal.

Why do we have to dislike the shitty reward for 900 koroks? I think it's appropriate for autists who use a guide to get all 900. I like that. Maybe that's a much needed wake-up call for some people.

Yiga clan, retard. Farm wind blades.


How can they ever recover?


>INB4 na na na famalam, it's MEANT to be shit!

That's what Nintendo thinks about autistic nerds who don't know how to play video games correctly.

>what sidequest?
>this sidequest

were you born this stupid or did you have a coach, or what?

>non-Nintendo fans are the autistic people who think you're supposed to collect all 900
Not surprising

>Joke reward for accomplishing something absurdly autistic

I like their style.

I like em too, and some of the Villages are well designed. I even liked Rito Village.

It just isn't that big of a selling point for me. I'd be more attracted to the villages if I was RPing, but this isn't an RPG, and if it was and I was RPing the villages would be shallow in that respect.

So it doesn't work either way. The best part of villages thus far are the Ancient Beast introductions.

>People marketing for the game during pre-release were actually trying to pretend that NPCs sleeping and running from rain was actually going to give the villages character or depth

You dont need more than 2.5 stamina for anything, even just jump climbing shit. Theres literally no reason to go further with stamina.


Oh wow

>>INB4 na na na famalam, it's MEANT to be shit!
Are you implying that it's not meant to be shit? Like Nintendo didn't deliberately program it into the game that way or something?

Gallery doesn't give you a heart piece. I'm positive it was entirely optional and for fun.

>buh buh buh



>implying the reward isn't filling the overworld with fucking adorable koroks

Heartfags are cancer.
>Now I have 10 hearts instead of 9, now I'll die in 1 hit instead of dying in 1 hit, wow such a difference

Ever play DK64?

the NPCs move around so much based on time of day and weather that I still find sidequests in kakariko that i missed because the questgiver was hiding in their house or something previously

a lot fucking better than the clustered aimless wandering of skyrim or the painfully static fable series

>you're not supposed to play the game
well that's a relief, guess i won't buy that $300 cell phone console after all

>hearts are stupid because i refuse to do anything to boost my defence

aww, how adorable

Bet you do something with it to unlock something crazy, like throw it in the fairy fountain or something

>totally destroy your logic
>you deflect to me
I'll bet you're the kind of person who thinks every GTA rehash is a new breath of fresh air and you get all the hidden packages in every single game.

that'd be a reasonable assmad post if the entire game was focused on the koroks and it wasn't just a minor portion of the upgrade system

God I loved the guitar hero episode.

that one where you had to find these fags around the game's world in 10 minutes

it existed for literally no reason and i seriously think it was supposed to give some new sword like one similar sidequest on oot, but they ended up scraping it and letting this garbage in

>bragging about autism seeds

This is amazing. I admire the team for really doing whatever the fuck they wanted with this game. So thankful for Hetsu's gift and no female Link.

>you can boost your defense and achieve better protection that way, and you also get heart containers for beating the dungeons - But make sure you waste your spirit orbs on extra heart containers for some reason. After all, it's not like this game is all about climbing mountains and gliding around, not like you need stamina or something
Getting a heart container is basically like admitting you're bad and you need extra protection.

so you're saying they put content in the game that you're not supposed to play? what about all the people that say koroks help the world not be empty, are they just playing the game wrong too?



>getting hit

Gut check challenge m8. 3 stamina's let you climb like a motherfucker and make mad rupees.

>a lot fucking better than the clustered aimless wandering of skyrim or the painfully static fable series

Haven't played Fable, but I agree on the Skyrim aspect. The only thing Skyrim has is the sense of scale from being first-person, as such the villages in BotW should've been designed with that in mind. Same thing happened in TW3, I couldn't take Novigrad seriously from the camera's POV.

Regardless, it isn't a big point for me either way. The game has plenty of other major flaws, and Villages and Village design is a small one.

The game suffers from being very similar to XC/XCX's world design (Monolith's work on the game, I can only assume), but with OoT's setpieces slapped on it. Nothing is really a mystery to me. I played XCX two months ago, and it was a new beast. I played OoT 20 years ago, I've seen Death Mountain and Zora's Domain, who cares if I can wander them looking for plant life and ore deposits?

What's worse is you have a limited number of photo slots.

>Hmmmm~ I love eating your delicious smelly shit, Nintendo-sama!