I take back everything bad I said about this game. I renounce all my pre-release shitposting

I take back everything bad I said about this game. I renounce all my pre-release shitposting.

This game is motherfucking incredible.

Other urls found in this thread:


>have to play 30 hours before it really starts
yeah nah

I've had to work every day since it came out but I've gotten about 17 hours into the game, got ending A last night

I love everything about it so far, and from what I hear it only gets better as you start going toward the other endings

Don't worry, Taro-sama is a merciful god

of sorts

Its pretty darn good but it could have been quite better with some slight changes to the story/combat. The game is still a great 8/10 though and the best game I've played this year so far. Still gotta play Yakuza though which I hear is pretty fucking good.

How did Platinum make worse bosses than the ones in the original Nier?

you have no idea user, if you're already liking it Route C will just devastate you.

most people aren't really into it at Ending A

I hope the next game would have way better level design.

Is their any good summary video of the first nier? I played the game when it first came out and don't remember fucking shit.

youtube "Nier the Movie" or "Clemps"

I mean, its good. But not amazing.
Some parts like the last boss fight (both the 1on1 fight and giant mech) were fucking amazing, but there's a lot of meh things about the game.

>TFW still have to wait 2 more days to play it
PS4 players are lucky.
Nier was such a good game though, so at least the wait will be worth it. Apparently this game is the highest rated PS4 game on metacritic. This is a good sign.

If only the writing wasn't LN tier

OP here, just beat Route A and got to Desert in Route B, and had to make a thread apologizing. I don't give a shit about the fanservice, I'm just loving the gameplay and the bleak-yet-hopeful story.

Also, I never played Nier, but now I want that HD remaster.

I wonder how this neir game is designed to fuck with the player

It's a good game

>I never played Nier
Opinion discarded

Thanks, I watch the Clemps videos. Are his Drakengard videos essential to watch before I play Automata?

The game brings up how fuckable and sexy 2B is as a plot development, not even joking.

>Only on Ending B

Oh boy, you're in for a ride famalamadingdong

If you have the time sure, people have been saying it connects to Drakengard just as much as Nier.

Can I just skip the side quests? I can't take another shitty fetch quest.

No wai?

I lose respect for any action game that has an OP parry that is also extremely lenient, DMC3 is the only game to have parries that were hard as fuck, because it was OP.

Here you can literally spam dodge, what theh ell Platinum?


As good as this game is, it's worse than Nier in everything but combat.

I miss Kaine and Weiss.

You can go back and do them after beating the main story missions. I liked the extra dialogue they gave you but no need to do them if you're not enjoying it.

>Hasn't even reached ending C

Oh boy you are in for a ride.

Like every game with that mechanic it's awesome. Just play any Trails of game.

Not him, but I'm trying to do them but between the shitty map and horrible quest tracking it's really hard to stick with them.

The characters are worse than Nier 1 but the overall main story is more compelling with better themes than Nier.

The party dialogue was fun yes but Nier 1's story is just a big bag of nothing until you reach the Shadowlord's castle aka the last hour of the game, and there's nothing too important about saving Kaine or not.

To be fair, that could stand for other words.

You get fast travel later, but yeah they're not necessary.

Makes sense to do them later if you end up liking the main story and are starving for content.

I welled up at [E]. That shit doesn't happen. Not to me.

This game man. This fucking game.

That's why it's brillant.

>>The party dialogue was fun yes but Nier 1's story is just a big bag of nothing until you reach the Shadowlord's castle aka the last hour of the game, and there's nothing too important about saving Kaine or not.

I disagree, because I thought it was awesome that Nier started off with theu sual 'wtf' intro, then carried on as a story seemingly about a Father trying to do odd jobs for his sick daughter, feels are had and all that shit then the game absolutely pulls the rug from under you with the village attackand resulting timeskip, from there is snowballs into something huge the more you uncover about the Gestalt project, which paints pretty much everything else in the game in a whole new light and I thought that was awesome.

I can see it be fuck/love and kill. What other choice is there?

Part of me knows this game is kinda shit

The other part of me is crying at each of the ending and screaming about how much I want 9s and 2b to fuck

While Automata did improve the combat, I'm glad it remained a Taro game aka "its fucking shit but holy fuck this story and characters"

Isn't that physically impossible?

The journey to E was the best.
Also, pods were always the protagonists.

>2B's English VA



on the vagina?

>game has too much content complaints

Guess we've seen everything now on Sup Forums.

if anything is bound to happen after ending E, it's 2B and 9S awkwardly cuddling for days upon days
>main screen after true ending is 2B's sword with 9S' pouch

stab, lick, hump, slap etc etc

just deleted my save bros
next very hard playthrough

>"how much you want to love 2B"
You think thats a sane sentence?

That's why i'm playing with japanese VA for a combo of Kaneki and Mikasa.

Why do people say you need to beat the game twice to get it started for real?

Does the difficulty up or the story change?

Both, dramatically.

The story changes immensely and the game is divided into 3 playthroughs.

After the first two routes, there's essentially a timeskip with new story and bosses.

what happened at end of route c dont get it

why did 2a need to die to do that

>9S deliberately provokes her by talking with other girls

Yep. Route A is more a prologue than anything else, with B expanding on it. C/D is where things start hitting hard.

She sacrificed herself specifically to save 9S from being corrupted, then brought the Tower down for good measure.

that glorious thigh bulge

Could you miss the endings somehow, or is it relatively obvious how to "progress"

Can anyone translate moon speak? I need more 9S and 2B damn it.

Very obvious.

Only the 21 joke endings are ones you have to find, but you get a Chapter Select later so nothing is missable.

Only ending you can miss is Y, F-Z are joke endings and you have to complete A-D to get the true ending E

They're not as much endings as they are routes.

Once you finish route A, continuing your file leads to B, and finishing that leads to C, etc.

There are also the joke endings that happens when you do dumb shit or select dumb choices you're obviously not supposed to do peppered in the game

some of those are translated

i can't beat this blue cuck in the third race, is the reward worth it? is there a fourth race?

stop memeing

>get ending and go back to the title screen
>start game
Nothing more obvious than that.

I'm playing it again on hard despite having 100%'d the game already just to pick up on all the foreshadowing you'd miss out on otherwise.

It already is one of my top 10 games. Together with Yakuza 0; what a year for video games.

Third's the last race.

The key is in the initial jump. Get that right, and you're golden.

I also like FindingThePlot's analysis.

I would gladly lose 30 hours of bad content and just keep the 20 or so hours of good content.

>when you realize that it's not 2B who was fooling 9S, it' was 9S fooling 2B the entire first half

It's not bad content though.

The only arguable one is the ones you have to repeat as Nines, but even that you can blaze through really quickly.

What does A2's red charge dodge do?

Not from me

they know

is spamming dash faster than running

I won just sprinting straight with no trips and jumps, save for the chasm at the end

I think once it builds up to max speed, the sprint is faster, but I've heard people winning by spamming dash too.

Increases your next attack I think. Kinda like a one-hit version of her taunt.

Yes, generally, but it depends on your evade distance and run speed.

got it finally, spamming dash helped

>mfw that end

>Amnesia quest implies that E-types are a secret
>one of the units in the flight units at the very start of the game is an E-type
What the fuck was 1D doing there though

>treasure hunt at the castle

Fuck this shit, I've looked everywhere in this Castle.

only the short burst - when you're in full run it's faster(?)

because you're playing as e type unit they can id eachother

She must have the momentum of a freight train when she reaches full pelt.

>do odd jobs for camp
>meet two literally whos in the metal slug alien ship
>accidentally kill one of them in some literally where white town
>other one gets butthurt so kill him, oh btw those litteraly whos that have appeared a grand total of two times are the main villains and you win
>game ends

please tell me this shit gets more interesting in other playthroughs

They're not the main villains.

That's just the first half of the prologue user.

>that side quest where 2b gets jealous of the cute resistance girl you're helping

>cute resistance girl

Under the bridge before the Throne room

I'm not gonna play this game for a few months but what's a good difficulty to do for my first playthrough.

Can I just jump into Hard for well paced challenge? Or does that scale up the difficulty of the rythm game bullshit I've heard about.

Jeez the way you guys talk about Yoko Taro is like he's goddamn Hideaki Anno with a DDR mat.

>that lesbian operator who calls 2B

Why are 2B and 9S so awkward talking about sex? Shouldn't they be detached from it?

no lock on

Do yourself a favor and at least do the prologue on normal

Hard was rely difficult for me in the beginning. Had to lower it to normal just to get past the tutorial. After a while when you get used to the combat and start fucking around with upgrade chips it becomes much easier

>Why are 2B and 9S so awkward talking about sex
Because they are just highschoolers underneath those blindfold visors and fancy dresses.

Play the game, us their relationship is 3 kinds of fucked because of circumstances.