
>zero emotion
>straight faces
>bad voice acting


Other urls found in this thread:


dear god no

never forget
never forgive

it looks like garbage anyways

the greatest comedy game of all time

My face is tired

is it that hard to give characters a little emotion

with advances graphics that we've had these past years
not having any emotion show is very noticeable and ruins it

its not like they're just polygons with painted on faces

This is going to be a great ride, Its been too long since the last shitshow


What in the fuck is this?
How are their faces so fucking straight?
What are those voices?
And to think of it my friend gonna buy it and will enjoy it no matter what anyway.
I'm sad.

i just hope it doesnt hurt as much

It's like they made a character made after Lake Bell and hit randomize

He tried to save us, but we didn't listen!!!!!!!!


This is like the release of Mass Effect 3 all over again. I remember when Sup Forums blew the fuck up over how shitty it was and man I'm glad it happened again.


I'll only buy it for the multiplayer.

And since I'm only planning on playing half the game, I'm expected to wait for it to go on a 50% off sale, which will probably be one, maybe two weeks down the line.

damn I haven't seen that video in a long time

Not a bad plan. This certainly isn't worth $60. Maybe unless you had like 3 buddies who love Mass Effect 1 and 2 to drink with and laugh at the game with.

>not being excited for the shit show

I actually thought the voice was a joke


Maybe if we were actually in Andromeda it would be

The laugh track is extremely fitting.

>he's trying to make sure that the bad guys don't win... and the good guys win.
Did they just put out a kijiji ad for minority voice actors and hire the first retard that applied?


I love the fuck out of every bioware release. It's always a deluge of shitposting. TORtanic was honestly still the most fun I've ever had on Sup Forums.

Every Salarian I can remember from the games has this rapid cadence and precise annunciation. But this guy is nasally and his speech's pace is almost half as fast as it should be. What gives?
I recognize his voice from Walking Dead Season 2 (the Telltale game)

Prices drop fast on Origin.

It would probably be like 15-20 bucks in like a month or two.

Im 2 hours in via EA access trial and wanted so hard to dislike the game but what the fuck. Im enjoying it.

these people wouldn't survive ME3's red crucible explosion

Fucking christ, that stiff as fuck head, neck, and shoulder LACK OF ANIMATION. Those fucking flat voice deliveries of something that is supposed to have emotional weight and loss. Those fucking dead faces while delivering all this pile of shit.

That sadly fit all too well.


People forget that Bioware is a Canadian company. We have something called equity over here, even the company I work for applies it. It basically means group equality>individual equality where companies look at people based on what race/gender they are instead of who they are individually and what qualifications they have.

So if you need 5 voice actors/writers and 10 white males apply that are highly skilled, and 5 minorities who lack the same qualifications, they will take 2-3 of the minorities and 1-2 of the white men - despite all 5 of the white men being more qualified.

They call it equitable employment. The minorities aren't being stacked up against the best of the best, they are only being stacked up against each other. There are also companies that won't even take 1 white male and would hire strictly 5 minorities and even make an exception for 6.

So you end up with companies that are comprised of retards because the people who did the hiring were forced by upper management (who were forced by the government) to bring them in over the more skilled people.

I bet if you looked at bioware's writing team for Andromeda and voice acting team, and even the animators, you will see a bunch of people who could have been easily replaced with more skilled individuals but were not simply because of their race/gender.

Andromeda probably suffers from a lot of fat obese women writers on their team because Bioware couldn't employ them to work on the actual structure of the game due to lack of qualifications, so to fit quota's they instead mass hired them into story production.

I'm not sure what happened with the shitty animation, could be the result of the same. The fact is though we are not getting the best and most creative people making video games anymore.

Mass Effect was made 10 years ago. Andromeda is how far we have in those 10 years from the original and it's fucking sad.

Why is the protagonist so smug about her own father's death? Is this actually some sort of subtle lead in for a later questline?

what happened to PC gaming

why did it become so shit

its depressing as fuck

Doubtful. That would be kinda clever and this is Bioware we are talking about. Also the simplest answer is most often the most true and Bioware has been known for shit animation the last ~10 years.

Bioware hasn't made a "PC first" game since, what, Baldur's Gate 2? Mass Effect is a console game. It just gets ported to PC.

>We have a new Salarian character....we can't really make him that much more hideous so we have to ruin him somehow to fit into our game
>How about we have him be voiced by an awful lisping indian street shitter?

I'm not talking about just bioware though... ALL OF IT

It's just so shit, all of it. Maybe I'm just getting old and looking at PC gaming through rose tinted glasses.


In the same boat, I've played about two hours.
The game is somewhat enjoyable but I have to say that visually it is not that great.
The fact that they don't use PBR is very noticeable. Skin looks rubbery due to no subsurface scattering.
Animations kinda suck, especially facial ones. Female Ryder's face is stuck on "mildly surprised" all the time. Some npcs only move their faces when they speak, but not heads or body.
Story is cheesy and predictable. "Oy wey, we found the rendezvous station, hmmm, I wonder why it's still not fully assembled and nobody replies to our hail. Gee, can't wait to get to a bar".
The nigger is kinda annoying but that's just a subjective opinion.

Honestly the Sup Forums reaction to this game is a million times more fun than most new game releases.

Dragon Age 2 had the excuse of being made in like 8 months.

This shit was in development for 3 years, what the fuck happened?

He is technically a celebrity voice, he's on Silicon Valley.

Too fucking bad his voice is awful and doesn't fit a Salarian in the slightest.

In addition, I decided to play on Hard, and I regret this decision.
Enemies can take several clips to the face while the player character dies from a few shots. Healing pickups are very limited as well. So it's just not particularly fun this way. Maybe it will improve as I gradually level up the character.

Bioware had job ads for senior positions as late as last summer. Pretty much all veterans left before that. So you have a bunch of new hires that are supposed to salvage a semi-developed game while EA is pushing for a fast release because it is tired of pouring money into the project.
Realistically this game needed another year in development.


mfw Bioware will be kill by the end of the year

>There are also companies that won't even take 1 white male and would hire strictly 5 minorities and even make an exception for 6.

There were plenty of oil patch firms that got around this by hiring a few indians and paying them to do nothing. Literally nothing. Stay at home and do zero work, so long as the company could keep them on the books. Occasionally they'd have to come to the job site if the government was snooping around, but they'd be assigned an actual employee as a minder to keep them from fucking anything up.

Would you rather fuck Femshep or Femryder?

>Bioware actually managed to make a game worse than Dragon Age 2


Femryder. Her face muscles don't move so I'll never be able to tell if I disappoint her during sex

I'm probably in a very tiny minority, but I think Femryder looks cute in a dorky kind of way.


luckily xbone/pc didn't get to play Horizon to compare

>my face is tired


That is some uncanny valley shit.

This is edited, right?

Just to clarify I mean natives, not people from India

I'd fuck FemRyder once to say that I did. She is kind of cute, but it wouldn't go further.

Femshep on the other hand can ride me until I split in two.

legit wiseau tier acting

Tortanic 2: Electric Boogaloo

It's more like two bad Chuck-E-Cheese tier animatronics having a really awkward conversation.

Christ and I thought Persona 5's localization was bad

>that literal sameface
What is she a fucking robot?

>lost my job
>no friends
>relationship is in the shitter
>Andromeda is even more disappointing than I prepared myself for

Please lord just let it end

I'm ready too

i.imgur.com/Rq9zqLP.gif (it's too big to upload)

It's funny how TOR is now making like 100 million a year


What happened with


Let's have some neat character design. It's obvious you don't need to even market the game here it's already 10/10.

are these animations perhaps bugged? they're so unbelievably bad, it's hard to see how this could have been greenlit. what kind of person would look at those faces and think "that's fine!"?

"My face is tired"

Who the fuck talks like that?!

This. Her lack of facial movement sparks a strange fetish.

>mfw I have friends who were super hyped for this game are slowly starting to accept that this is the reality and the game is just above Steam Greenlight tier
>One by one each one of them faces the music, while the next in line tries to make excuses before admitting that the game is shaping up to be a trainwreck
I would feel bad except literally everything I've seen about this game is terrible

Casuals are goign to eat it up, why even bother?

>13 years of progress

Even the most casual game reviewers are finding it jarring

Her lifeless eyes give her this kind of psycho look.
She looks like she would be your girlfriend, but she would stab you to death if you said the wrong thing.

>mfw face is tired and that's why my animations are bad

I can't wait for the exciting lesbian romance with le soft porno cutscenes with her and default femRyder

and all it does is drive companies into the ground, you'd think they'd realize this and just stop doing it after some point no matter what the government says

>tfw when you will steal people's hearts in 19 days instead of buying this shit game

Oh boy Sup Forums is gonna be a lot of fun this month

How did this ever make it out of development?

>implying Persona 5 will be good
Nigga it's gonna barely reach a 98 on metacritic.
Fuck outta here with that shit game.

Just played up to the part where your dad gives you his helmet to stop you from suffocating

It's so fucking MEH. Just plonks you down in the middle of combat no fucks given. Can't even access inventory yet. Sam's voice makes me want to kill myself. Only 3 powers active unless you can upgrade slots.

Plus the game looks like ass and should not run as bad as it does

I love classic callbacks


I'm new, but how are you able to play the game atm? there's some demo out there or?

Does that one guy at BioWare still hate white people?


Yes, but he is no longer in BioWare.

Origin Access. You can play the first 10 hours for £4 ($5ish?)

[citation needed]

Not really. I find that shit to be fucking stupid.
Are you retarded? That's how you get sued.

"Alec Rider is...dead." I swear one the mouth moved. Thats the kind of animation people use to parody shitty animation. This is worse than a parody holy shit.

His own Twitter.

Please post a screencap, I don't use twitter.

So can someone spoil me on the plot of this game?

Are they trying to make Mass Effect Andromeda a new series or is this a one-time thing?

>mass effect
>morally vague

I mean, if you have the emotional intelligence of a 7 y/o, yeah.

>So can someone spoil me on the plot of this game?
You have to jump from planet to planet to evade your blue rapist

Runs like shit on my 870/i7/16GB. Everything on low/off except for med textures and its hovering around 40-50fps with drops looking like dogshit

"Bioware was a mistake"

- Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk

Who cares? It's turd and nothing more complex than you'd read in comic books. Actually that's an insult to comics. The plot is a turd, it only exists to cater for the people who count how many minorities are in the game and how many homosexuals you can have sex with. This is sad day for gaming.