rip those fan translations
Nintendo gets shut down
Other urls found in this thread:
jewtendo at it again
the wrong child died when sega left
Huh. Nintendo really is cracking on this sort of stuff after AM2R. I bet you anything they are planning on bring emulators (again) for the Switch, and they don't want competition.
Torrent for the whole site where?
Nintendo never mentioned though
gbatemp is next
Save everything of value to you from it
You'll regret it in a few days
>Torrent for the whole site where?
not sure hopefully its uploaded by the owners soon
Yeah, Microsoft should have died.
We can't shitpost and argue about XBoners
That's a fake twitter account.
'cause a pirate is free.
I hope Emu paradise and Cool ROM doesn't go down.
Just started getting back into older consoles.
>nintendo babbies making fake news
Can you imagine living with that kind of brand loyalty? knowing the fact that CEMU made BOTW fully playable and never get a C&D?
poor toddlers
This is fake, but I really do hope someone is backing up those sites.
There is a fuckton of fan-translations, hacks, and devkits on there.
The site is down like fairly often, but not dead
Host issue dumbass the account is fake
Nobody knows shit at this point. Owner has not been heard from. It's ogre
>b-but it's fake
Nintendo BTFO pirates
first SMZ now this it's just too much for my little heart to taaaake
>still posting the unofficial twitter
At least put more effort than none into it.
awesome. this shit always cracks me up for some reason
>unofficial twitter
>has been around for a few months
>making a fake twitter for a rom hacking site
Yeah sure bud.
>>has been around for a few months
>for a site that has been around for 12 years
I guess if Nintendo can't win they make sure everyone else dies along with them.
>t-theyre not shut down!
>Owner is missing
>No word from anybody besides "official staff" and some faggot on twitter
It's over
the olded a conaole gets the more rippers are born.
>reaching this hard
Look, I know Sup Forums loves bad things, but you're literally putting zero effort into this epic troll you've got goin'.
loving ever laugh
where's the owner then?
I dunno, asleep? Work? Anywhere but home?
People have lives outside of the internet.
>Oh my god I can't get a hold of comcast they must be closed on sundays
>No, they're clearly out of business
>owning romhacking websites
>having a life
It's OVER you're going to feel real fucking stupid
>comparing an isp to a romhack website
terrible comparison
It was ridiculous on purpose you thick fuck.
>i was only pretending to be retarded i swear!
>implying taking something down from the internet ever actually accomplished anything
Pirates are easily startled, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers.
but he wasn't pretending to be retarded
he was only pretending to be you
holy fuck you're dense as fuck
>hating software that doesn't affect you
>hating software because a company said it was bad
>baiting like this
But it does affect me. and everybody. Emulating currently commercially available hardware is just piracy, and piracy is really bad when it comes to games you should be supporting.
yes, because developers of good games have had their studios close down due to illegal torrenting of game files. You don't actually believe that do you?
>inb4 this thread devolves into anti-torrenting shills getting shitter shattered
What if I still want to play a game, but don't want to support a scummy company?
ok at this point you're just baiting for (you)s because you can't possibly be this fucking retarded.
fucking kys you piece of human garbage
Where does it say it's Nintendo?
i'm not even the user you were replying to but
>make shit analogy
>Get upset when somebody calls it shit
>defending stealing games
baka this place has fallen tbqh famm
>fucking kys you piece of human garbage
>What if I want a product but I will not pay for it?
That's what you wrote, you are not entitled to shit you fucking commie, either pay for the product or don't get it.
You do not know what was actually on the site do you?
Fuck nintendo. I hope they eat shit and die.
A lot of studios don't exist anymore. If they had sold more games, they most likely would still exist. It's obviously not the only reason, but it's definitely a factor.
Who the fuck cares about any corporate bullshit? If a game is great, you buy it, cause the people that worked on that game for years and put their soul into it so you can have a really great time playing it deserve it.
Don't most romhack sites just offer altered files and not the roms themselves? How is that wrong or illegal?
Isn't this the entire legal defense for emulators too?
Jesus. They're fucking pissed about Cemu, aren't they?
Pirates, you fucked it up for everyone else.
>asuming the analogy is shit
>because you didn't got it
im not even the user who made that analogy, just wanted to tell the other user that he's fucking retarded
>>because you didn't got it
A bit outdated, but some backups are available at least:
this entire thread just became a shitshow
fuck this im out before mods come for our asses
all you had to do was stop defending your shit analogy user
what shit analogy? thats not mine
as i said just wanted to tell user that he's fucking retarded
noboby is goint to remember this thread anyway
your analogy wasn't that clever to not get. Why are you defending it so much?
cool rom already got fucked ages ago
not mine, wanted to tell user he's fucking retarded and shitpost
and i got what i wanted, you can't do nothing to me now. i already won.
also fuck you can't stop me from shiposting :^)
>The site is down like fairly often
A couple of times over the past five or so years isn't "often" by any stretch of the margin.
B-b-but emulation is l-legal! Muh Bleem!
S-surely they w-wont go after CEMU, right guys?
The twitter account is fake. They just sent goatse and said "hi Sup Forums" before deleting the tweet.
its just another turboautist role-playing to fill the void in his soul, for a couple days at least
RIPiss turboautist
Cap the tweet and post it if you're so wise otherwise I'll keep having fun :^)
How can emuparadise still be up after all this years?
>Muh old games we were never gonna resell
You're all a bunch of gullible faggots
>the wrong child died
I know I wished Sony died too.
>enjoy them pissing on e-celebs
>enjoy them killing autism like Super Mario Bros Z
>they kill
Well fuck.
First Shiggy came for Angry Joe..
>enjoy them killing autism like Super Mario Bros Z
I'm pretty sure Alvin-Earthworm already killed it because of his depression.
No it should have stayed Sega vs Sony vs Nintendo instead.
Microsoft has turned everyone else into jews like them.
>my rom site of choice is still up
What did nintendo mean by this?
RHDN 4eva, ma nigga
the original is still the best!
Pirate it. Who cares?
Microsoft never promoted SJW propaganda. Sega was killing itself but Sony sped up the process if anything Sony should have never entered the game industry. Microsoft only entered because Sony was trying to steal their venture in PC gaming.
I'm not sure anymore, who's baiting who now?
Like they'd have the balls to take down emuparadise.
>What if I desire what a company makes, but I feel I ought not reward that company for providing things I desire?
Microsoft is responsible for far worst than SJW propaganda. They are the ones that popularized DLC, online gaming and season passes. They are the ones that brought in the cancerous casuals to gaming. Not Sony and not Nintendo.
Sony had free online until they finally said "fuck it we would be dumb not to charge people since Microsoft is making a killing with live."
>Headcannon the post.
I still can't fathom why they would bleep out all the swear words in Conker: Live and Reloaded.
Who did they think their audience was?
Mother fucker the Saturn failed because Sega released it too early due to how afraid they were of Sony's Playstation, the Dreamcast was killed because of the PS2's DVD Player.
> online gaming
>They are the ones that brought in the cancerous casuals to gaming
Sony did that with the PS2 and Sega had the Dude bros before Microsoft took them. Sega vs Nintendo was the best, fuck Sony for killing Sega.
I will never not be pissed about what they did to Conker.
The twitter just confirmed that Nintendo took them down.
>Who did they think their audience was?
9 year olds, obviously.
holy shit what?
wait what?
what is this?
oh nothing?
wait what?