What are some really good DLC's for games

What are some really good DLC's for games

Some of the souls DLC is really good.


Isn't that more of an expansion pack?

Fall of the Samurai for Shogun 2

Pikmin 3's extra challenge mode stages are amazingly well designed

As much hate as this game gets on Sup Forums, fuck knows why, both this and Blood and Wine is the best 'DLC' that's been done in probably the past decade.

Dead Money for New Vegas

>fuck knows why
Because it's boring.

Also. The Knife of Dunwall.

>not Old World Blues

Fuck Dead Money and Lonesome Road. So linear they might as well belong in a cinematic shooter.

Lair of the Shadow Broker was better than the actual game.


Witcher 3 expansions are better than the base game.

C&C Generals expansions.

Fallout has some decent DLC.

Bioware's bigger DLC has been pretty okay in general I think. Awakening was great. They are by far the best part of DA2(not that that's saying much). I even liked Citadel, cringe inducing as it was.

>I even liked Citadel, cringe inducing as it was.
After the ending I never touched the game ever again. The hate was too much, it's still one of the ONLY games I've refunded to this day.

there are none. they're all a rip-off and you shouldn't buy any

Citadel was pretty good, though it depends on which characters you're interested in, since the quality varies. I found Miranda and Jack's scenes really enjoyable.

Agree with you about Dragon Age, too. Funny how all three of Inquisition's DLCs ended up being better than most of the base game

>Ywn play the undead nightmare co-op mode ever again

It still hurts

It's basically an incredibly silly fan service adventure romp ending with you throwing a party with your friends.

So fucking stupid and so god damn awkward and cringe-worthy, but it's still fun.

>Because it's boring.
>Likes Dishonored

Yes? It's almost like some people have different tastes Weird that ain't it?

And I don't remember there being much following a red trail for 30 hours in Dishonored. Seriously. I've tried so hard to like it, I've tried playing it 4 times, the latest about a week ago and I always end up getting bored. I want to like it, I really do. But I just can't.

shit taste detected.

How does that work if you've already completed the game and everyone's dead?

They just don't show up I think.

>How does that work if you've already completed the game and everyone's dead?
It functions as a series of missions you can start after Priority: The Citadel (II), so you have to be in the middle of a playthrough to start it. Everyone who's still alive (and who you've recruited, for ME3 party members) shows up.

Dead Money holds the crown for best DLC ever I believe.

Blood and Wine was what CDPR calls an 'expansion pack', Hearts of Stone was a DLC.

I guess the difference is Hearts didn't add any new land and only a couple sidequests out of its main story, but Blood felt like a whole sequel.

BioWare sends you back to before the final mission when you beat ME3.

>Dead Money (or any of the New Vegas DLCs, this is just my favorite)
>Lair of the Shadow Broker
>Artorias of the Abyss (DLC from From is god-tier at it's best, like Aota and still pretty good at it's worst, like Crown of the Old Iron King)
>Knights of the Nine (I don't think Shivering Isles is considered a DLC, it's more of a major expansion)

Agreed. Dead money was better than honest hearts tho..

Old World Blues>Lonesome Road>Honest Hearts>Gun Runner's Arsenal>Courier's Stash>Literal Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dead Money

Dead Money fucking sucked unless you were playing highest difficulty Hardcore Mode, it had a great plot but the Sierra Madre itself was just such a fucking waste of a potentially atmospheric and creepy experience, but they extracted everything that could have been even mildly spoopy about it.

If there's a mod to make it spoopy It could be great, but as it stands it's shit.

Oh, do they? I've never bothered trying to import or replay a completed file before. Thanks user.

>tfw New Vegas didn't have a 1911 that felt satisfying to use until Honest Hearts

Yeah, just stick around till after the credits. They even give you a message about DLC.

It didn't have a 1911 period until Honest Hearts.

Dead Money was quite good. Lonesome Road was mediocre.
Both are much better than Honest Hearts though.

Holy shit, I can't believe I haven't noticed it all this time. Now that you mention it, I can't even remember sitting through the credits the full way like I did the first two games.
>They even give you a message about DLC

Mods, my boi. Mods.

Bloodborne and Mk8 are my go to good DLCs

>Not playing New Vegas on the Switch

Minerva's Den for Bioshock 2

Overlord was really good and also kinda fucked