What was her problem?
What was her problem?
she didn't like the idea of the force controlling all life in the galaxy and forcing certain events to happen because destiny.
however, destroying the force would literally kill every living thing in the galaxy.
Does she really fight by using force to levitate lightsabers around her?
This was literally my argument against lightsabers back in the day, haven't paid any mind to star wars since.
No idea, I tried hard as shit understanding the story, but it didn't make sense to me.
She's a woman.
Can't make up her mind and betrays you at the end.
Memory is a bit hazy but she uses telekinesis in the final boss battle to wield multiple lightsaber.
Kreia is interesting because she points out some interesting stuff about the setting, she is extremely wrong for reasons like what you mentioned
She liked pretzels too much.
>People still think she was trying to literally destroy the Force over a decade later
You were her greater accomplishment, she made up that bullshit so that she'd set herself up as the villain as a final lesson and test, to see if you would be smart enough to attempt to talk her down, but still recognize that force would be necessary to stop her
Her plan was for you to realize her lessons about how fickle the Force can be, and form a new Jedi order that utilizes the Force, while also being removed from the will of the Force, much like you are
She fights you normally during the first half of the fight, but you cut her hand off to try and stop her non-lethally
She then controls three lightsabers with the force to fight you
the issue with the force she had was that people either lived with it as either pure light or pure dark. she hated the binary interpretation of it that people used and the hypocrisy from both sides that came with it, she (tries to) teach the exile about this on nar shadaa with the beggar. revan knew this which is why he used both sides of it as he saw fit to go and find whatever it was in the far reaches of galaxy that was threatening everyone. at least until he was re-written by bioshit as a shitty npc that dropped some pants in tortanic.
Kreia's ultimate point was that both Jedi and Sith are literal babies without the force, the perceive everything through it's filter, they can perceive lies and great movements of the universe far away and shit, they're entirely dependent on it and so they're slaves to that power, the power also brings about the illusion of infallibility, when you intuit thing through the force you start thinking you're just inherently right and lose all perspective
Alright seriously, why do no other force users do this shit with lightsabers?
suffered indignities.
you could probably go digging around in the eu and find a few people that did.
she hated the idea of the force having a will that dragged people around with its whims and simple "good and bad" sides, as well as the non-interventionist, ivory tower hypocrisy of the Jedi and the mindless destructiveness of the sith
that, and she needed to set you up to go help out Revan
she did nothing wrong
Too horny.
Seriously, listen to her talk to a Male Exile about Visas.
Apathy is death.
cause its pointless. why would you train yourself in the force just to do what your hands already do.
her dialogue about both Visas and the Handmaiden is hot as fuck, Avellone ought to write more sexy stuff like that because he knows what he's doing
Apathy is death
Statement: Apathy is death.
shitty imagination in the star wars culture.
>it's pointless to make blades of plasma(?) fly around at your beck and call
This is you
why even use a sword, just use a gun then
because guns tend not to work on force users.
Well, most of the time.
what was HIS problem?
Always in pain? I'd be pissed too.
Mommy issues and literally only being alive because he's really pissed off and in excruciating pain 100% of the time
He was a huge angry manchild.
she took the redpill but refused the blackpill and went full autism on the exile.
seriously though, shes the best character in any star wars medium, and my personal favorite female character in all media.
>You will not erode my will!
>[Darth Sion's Will saves have decreased by 2]
That made me chuckle
>tfw the sexual tension when playing femExile
wish there was more there honestly
RPGs need more of this, not a binary of [Start swinging your sword] and [Talk to the boss until they become nice]
being able to use your speech/whatever skills to shittalk the enemy to debuff them before the fight
Yeah I remember that being a bit weird.
How does Avellone do it? His characters are usually the best in any game he's in, see durance in PoE
she had logic backing her stances though. and she wasnt exactly centrist, more narcissistic with centrist views, especially when it came to the exile.
what happens? I've only played the game once as male exile (and probably won't play fem exile because Handmaiden >>> Disciple)
Because you can have lightsabers swirl around you while you use your hands to use force choke / lightning / whatever
He's a dumbass who didn't understand Kreia's teachings, and took "use the force without letting it control you" to mean "drown in it so hard you literally need it to keep your body from falling apart." He gained physical strength and functional immortality, but at the cost of his freedom, which disgusted Kreia. He's out to kill her prized pupil to prove his way is correct and force her to acknowledge him, similarly to how Kreia wants to use the exile to prove to the Jedi Council her way is correct.
There's also something of an Oedipul undertone to his relationship with Kreia, and he projects it onto a female exile once he learns she's Kreia's student.
I'm pretty sure Kreia only took up the 'fuck the Force' banner after Sion and Nihilus dicked her over (in more ways then one), because she got upset that backstabbing and subterfuge is just kind of how the Dark Side rolls
When Sion was a student I don't think she was preaching about not letting it control you
>tfw think of applying at obsidian and remember avellone quit
whats the point
theres a few lines in the academy on korriban that differ from the male exile, its got a real incesty vibe to it since scions supposed to be the spurred child of kreia thematically
Always wondered why she, being the master of betrayal, didn't see Sion's and Nihilus' betrayal coming.
Wrong. Her lesson wasn't centrism, it was that doing things simply based on morals or creeds is self-defeating. Giving money to a beggar may seem like a "good" thing to do, but if it results in the beggar getting killed, you failed in your ultimate objective of improving that beggar's lot in life. Likewise shitting on him for no reason gets you nothing, so it's a waste of effort. Doing something just because it's the centrist thing to do is no different. Her lesson was to always know the consequences of your actions and whatever it is you think will ultimately lead to your desired outcome, regardless of whether that action is "good" or "bad".
She had them completely loyal to her and under her thumb
The Dark Side is just THAT much of an asshole
Anyone else kinda disappointed with the Nihlus encounter? He was really effectively built up but I fucked him up no problem and of course he doesn't speak so there's only so much you get out of it
Why don't vidya devs hire theater actors like Sara Kestelman for VA roles more often? They're far better than the VAs we typically get.
yea I meant the pic.
To this day, that sequence with the beggar is still the best example of a game conveying the idea of not all good choices necessarily leading to good outcomes I can think of in vidya.
Nihlus is a lot of tell and not a lot of show. They probably didn't know how to present the sheer scale of his power while also making him beatable, so instead you just hear Visas constantly talk him up for 3/4ths of the game before he chokes on you big force blackhole dick and is weakened enough to be killed.
>tfw I did because Visas a best and nothing bad happened
telos broke in my latest playthrough and a bunch of people i killed came back to life and the lieutenant disappeared
is there any way to fix this
>always know the consequences of your actions
So she pretty much expects you to think that every person you help out in some way is going to get fucked over and lose whatever you gave them immediately after you're gone?
yeah his encounter was another victim of the rushed release, he should have been the final boss with many cutscenes and encounters to build him up, instead hes vaugely mentioned and made a midboss of sorts.
mods add a few scenes in but not nearly enough to represent the kind of power thats alluded to in the story, he should have completely killed one of the planets you go to, maybe onderon or something.
exactly my experience
no one ever told him about lotion
that's exaggerating it, anyone who had lived on Nar Shadda would have known that giving a beggar money is basically inviting him to get shanked by other desperate people
it's more a message of "think before you act because good intentions don't always mean shit will turn out fine"
you know what to do
>they tempt you with hunger, but bring you the suffering of thirst
this is pottery
you friggin slut
its futa
In a micro sense, you should have known openly giving away money to a beggar on Nar Shadaa would open him up to being attacked for it. On a macro scale though, yes, that is sort of the thrust of her argument. The exile, being a jedi, has the power to sense the currents of the force and "push" them in the direction of a desired outcome. You have a whole conversation with her about it next to the huge pit on the same planet.
Basically think before you act in the moment, and determine what actions need to be taken to achieve long term goals then do them, regardless of the morality of those actions. Focusing on the choices themselves rather than the desired outcome of those choices is counter-intuitive.
Yeah, I remember beating him and thinking. Oh that was easy, that must not be his final form; but it was.
I think its the first point in the game where you really feel what a rush job the ending is. Up to there the game is amazing then it goes off the rails.
>yeah his encounter was another victim of the rushed release, he should have been the final boss with many cutscenes and encounters to build him up, instead hes vaugely mentioned and made a midboss of sorts.
This is not true. Prove it.
i feel lik sam jackson will be mad knowing another character got 3 purple lightsabers. would probably get banned from club penguin for asking "shit nigga why there so many purple lightsabers"
>futa without balls
>but I fucked him up no problem
I think it's just the general problem of the game being way too easy for most of the game.
KotOR1 had this exact same problem.
the force. it either turned people into emotionless beings or murdering sick fucks.
tip top kek
Basically this.
She's Star Wars Nietzsche.
>constantly misinterpreted and used by genocidal madmen to justify their bullshit
>Tries to turn the exile into an Ubermensch
>The big bad is LITERALLY Nihilism
balls just get in the way of the vagoo, the appeal is having both.
>Holding a single lightsaber with both hands is more useful then telekinetically controlling multiple lightsabers at once
he knows what im into atleast.
Wew, it's true
>Revan understood snacks.
You're a faggot you are
She was retarded.
>Imma outsmart the prescient pseudo-deity thing from which I draw my power
She had a haunted snatch