games Sup Forums trashes but secretly likes
Games Sup Forums trashes but secretly likes
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Pic unrelated. Sup Forums praise the shit out of DSII
>tfw you fell for "the DLC redeems the shitty base game" meme
are you new
not when lmao2cats exists
Wow a game with 50% of Sup Forums up it's ass like it's a fur-suit wearing tranny boy.
Yeah, sure is widely hated. By about 50% of the people on here. The other half lap it up like Trump's precum.
Half of Sup Forums shits on it for its bad graphics and how it pretty much forces you to diversify your strategies and how Soul Memory prevents twinking, while the other half is people who love how well balanced and varied the weapons are and the vast array of viable builds and how Soul Memory prevents twinking
it's not a bad game, but certainly the contrarians choice out of all the souls games.
ds3 was shit
Most of Sup Forums likes DaS2
It's the hive mind retards that irrationally dislike DaS2, the same ones that irrationally like DaS
is this some gay lingo?
I have about 500 hours in Dark Souls 2 (split between the original and Scholar) and I've never even fought 2cat. The snow field zone was just garbage and when I found out it was just the cat boss twice I completely lost interest and never bothered with it
Although I have treked out to get that ring that makes you appear human a few times
not to mention it has the best ng+ of any souls game ever. bloodborne included
new boss mechanics, new enemies, new item set and weapons
>new boss mechanics
what is this. speak
It's MMORPG lingo that's used by Dark Souls players. It's when you intentionally stop yourself from leveling up and give your character endgame or otherwise optimal gear so you have an enormous advantage over people playing normally in PvP.
That's an optional coop boss though. Not saying it isn't bad.
dude, for example on ng+ you are on your way to the spider boss and it fucking shows up in the midle of the road. that is a great example of ng+ done right. It took effort and care to make ng+ interesting.
The best katana in the game you get on ng+. By fighting a boss that now as adds.
It's actually kind of rare in DS2. Only a few bosses are changed.
Flexile Sentry has 2 ninjas that spawn during his boss fight, and Sinner has two red phantom pyromancers that drop down during her fight. Also the Dukes Dear Frittata (the giant spider) will spawn and attack you on a ledge long before you reach her boss fight. What's cool is that if you damage her during this appearance, the damage will persist to the actual boss fight later.
Those are the only changes
holy fuck! I never had that happen to me before.
Did you never play NG+? It's happened every time I've ever done that section on NG+
>not getting the Loyce Greatsword
You're seriously missing out m8.
I only used bonfire aesthetics and stayed in ng
gotta be Grief Syndrome
then you also missed armor that came from npc invader in ng+ only.
There's also two Pursuers in Drangleic Castle in NG+ and an aditional giant in the gutter for every NG plus cycle you played.
I think it's also worth mentioning that the two Assasins that showed up with the Sentry used to be the ONLY assasins in the game, and the only source for the assasin set.
So before SotFS changed it andmade them regular mobs, you had to seriously farm the sentry if you wanted the full assassin set and weapons.
It was almost as tedious as getting the Painted World Guardian set from the one red phantom that shows up in the laboratories in NG+.
Eh, if it was something really crazy like the laser sword you get from the normal cat or the Majestic Greatsword I would have done it, but just a normal but pretty good greatsword isn't interesting enough to go through that headache.
In my opinion, the frigid outskirts go past the point of "challenge" to just "unfun". Outskirts and the area with the blue Smelter Demon are the only areas in any Dark Souls game that I think crossed that line from fun challenge into stupid bullshit.
not as shit as 2, i'm afraid
>tfw I did all that but never really used either set
Mad Warrior set was the absolute worst. It still is pretty bad. Also getting the goat skull helmet. And the robes from the priests that used to only spawn in the Chariot boss fight room.
i spent years shit talking minecraft on this board because it was autism incarnate
then i installed over 100 mods and it doesn't even remotely resemble the same game, and there's multiple full RPG mods, hundreds of unique areas to visit, nuclear reactor science mods, physics and robotics mods, space travel with multiple planets/moons/solar systems, it's insane
vanilla minecraft is absolutely pathetic by comparison
>spent days farming the painted world set and sabre
>feel really good about myself after getting and upgrading all of it to +5
>wear it for a day before putting it away forever
It was worse, the indisputable ranking goes like this
BB > DS1 > DeS > DS2 > DS3
>Mad Warrior set was the absolute worst
Why? I just joined the bell guardians and spent a couple of days in Bell Solar, where a Mad Warrior occasionally spawns too, so i farmed it while doing some PVP.
Is that something they only added later too?
Worth checking out the rpg mods? How good is it?
I miss the network test.
I miss the Zweihander.
I miss the viable Resistance.
I miss how broken everything was, yet somehow balanced despite it all.
depends on what you install, and some of them have dumb shit (that can thankfully be disabled in configs)
1.7.10 is probably the best version for minecraft mods, with some good legacy stuff also on 1.6.4, i would highly recommend 1.7.10 and then just look around for things.
>bloodborne over dark souls
basically everything bethesda has ever made
garanteed half of the massive beth haters have hundreds of hours on fallout 4
Thanks, ill check it out
>not playing the best game because of its platform
PC cuck go back to r/pcmasterrace, you're making the rest of us look bad
Then go play it and have fun with a good game, you're still acting like a retard going into platform war shit instead of having both
World of Warcraft
to be fair, that timedump is often precisely what makes people hate bethesda games because you have to get to a saturation point before you can truly understand how grotesquely bad and insulting to the player their games are.
>Also getting the goat skull helmet
Fuck this shit drop, I counted 6 hours before I finally got it, that was with jesters + rusted coins. Worst RNG in the series before or since.
It's a good game, it's just the worst in the series including DeS and BB.
>waa waa waa
Bloodborne is a 8/10 you sad bastard
Have fun on your dead console
Christ, I had forgotten how abysmally terrible DS2 looks. And feels. And sounds. And handles.
Why again do people defend DS2?
build variety
non linearity
Bet you liked Nioh too, you tasteless dweeb.