Why is he such a fucking retard?

Why is he such a fucking retard?

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Did Jon leave him because he's a liberal?


Low test + jew mindset

This was JonTron's gay lover?

Guy sure dodged that sinking ship.

>The signs were always there
I just can't feel safe watching my favourite old gam groomps episodes anymore.

Why does he have to be literally hitler? I can't even


because it gets views

i miss it

He dropped out of fucking middle school

>gam groomps

Fucking end yourself

You watched anything to do with this knob jockey after he stopped making amusing cartoons?
The last I recall was awesome reach.
You're a fucking retard

Arin is reddit as fuck and is a lowtest cuck with a hideous girlfriend and is probably a liberal not that game grumps isn't shit to begin with


Is that a snuggie he's wearing?

Uhmm because he has down syndrom, you offensive fuck!!!

You guys, I think maybe he was making fun of the blowout that occurred after Jon and Destiny's debate.

Does he actually have down syndrome though?

No you fucking idiot.

Haven't watched him in years.
Did anything happen recently?

Is this JonTron?

He got himself in trouble for basically saying things only a neo-nazi would say.

No, I know about that, but did Arin comment on it or anything?

Not Sup Forums related.

arin transon


I don't know who that is.

>People still associate Arin with Jon
How can Dan even compete?

Why is Jon such a fucking retard?