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>the last game you dropped
>the reason you dropped it
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>the last game you dropped
>the reason you dropped it
last guardian because it had 20 fps with motion blur which made me vommit
halo master chief collection because it was a mess
A Zelda Classic quest called Quest744 because it was shaping up to be an uninspired clone of ALttP
Witcher 3. I cringed everytime I heard Geralts voice.
alpha protocol because shit combat
Underrail. I really liked the combat and character building but the mmo tier quests and endless crafting material looting turned me off.
Rhythm Thief.
Gyroscopic controls. Enough said.
Anno 1701
600+ Hours of playtime
Battlefield 1
It's balanced like shit and feels nothing like the previous Battlefield games.
I only paid $15 bucks for it so I'm not that upset about buyers remorse more over DICE shitting the bed.
Fire Emblem Awakening.
It's just a watered down FF Tactics, worse battle system, with weeb shit and shit dialog. I still don't get what's so special about this series. Even Advance Wars is far better.
your mom
too easy
Massive Chalice.
The voice acting was possibly the only facet of the game they didn't put only the bare minimum effort they could get away with into. Wasn't worth the two yurobucks.
I'll probably get back to it once there's nothing else to play but jesus christ. This is optimized so fucking badly on both PC and PS4 that I was turned off by the first hour.
paper mario color splash
the combat is awful and annoying
Zelda because my Switch stopped working.
Ink. Fucking indie platformer with one gimmick. Single levels. Liked the soundtrack though.
Battlefield 1.
It was inferior to Battlefield 4 in every single conceivable way and way less fun to play.
Front Mission DS
Muh wife/crush and combat becoming bodyshot heaven the moment you get duel.
tales of zesteria
it was boring
The Last Guardian.
I rarely drop a game, but the piss-poor controls, non-existent story, terrible camera, and butchered framerate did it for me. I made to about the part where Trico eats the kid.
i have never once dropped a game
Dead Space 3, not even the coop is salvageable
Hitman Blood Money
just not my type of game, felt it was a lot of trial and error
>saints row 2
>i got it for PC and driving is abysmal
The Age of Decadence
Rise of the Tomb Raider
QTE's. No, I don't enjoy being sent back to the loading screen so I can await the same scene again, because I didn't press A to not die soon enough.
Fallout 4
It's really really bad. I think buying this game made me realize what's like to be raped
saints row 4
didn't feel like completing the beginning tutorial level
Dark Souls II
The case was slippery.
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
It was fun at first due to me being blinded by nostalgia, but it quickly went to shit with the repetitve soundtrack, spam heal tactics, and just being an unbalanced mess. The story and writing was passable though and I did enjoy some parts, but holy shit the game is trash Sup Forums lied to me.
Runescape because I finally got 99 slayer on osrs.
Because I'm not a quitter.
Mirror's Edge
That game is literal garbage you made a good decision dropping that unbalanced jerk off game.
dark souls
controller was bad and i'm too lazy to pop it open and fix it. also the gameplay and story isn't for me
Kingdom Hearts (HD on PS3)
Was with my ex at the time and I wanted to try it out since she liked it. Fucking garbage game. Bad story, press X to combat, Sora just flat out unlikable. Only thing I liked was different levels based on different Disney movies.
Digimon cyber sleuth
Decent gameplay, but unskipable dialog/story that is shit tier and its like 30 minute long for each 15 minute gameplay section, literally making 2/3rds of the time just insufferable.
I burnt myself out on this game but it was my own damn fault.
When I realized that you could use the tournament at the arcade to grind I went full autism and spent a ton of time grinding there and digivolving/devolving over and over to get the Digimon I wanted. After so many hours I finally had a super OP team of final form/fusion Digimon way earlier than the game intended. I was satisfied for a moment but then was like "now what?" once I realized I took all the challenge out of the game and didn't really have much else to strive for.
>terrible at fightan and it isn't fun enough to warrant the time investment necessary to git gud, nor is the time investment itself fun
Mad Max for being a piece of shit. It had a lot of cool ideas but too many downsides. The worst part was the combat. It copied the arkham style combat but turned out worse. Instead of taking that combat and improving it, it was more like a cheap Chinese knock off. No double counter, delayed counters, huge wind-up on light attacks, like 2 special moves (shotgun finisher and shiv finisher), etc.
Gravity Rush Remastered.
Not that I dropped it per-say. I beat it, I just quit on bothering to plat it.
if they focused less on the ubisoft open world and bamham combat and more on the car combat the game could've been amazing
Metal Gear Solid 2 about 5 hours in.
>Game tricked me with a fantastic opening
>Raiden is annoying
>Rose is really fucking annoying
>Everyone can't stand Raiden and has to make it very clear every cutscene
>Pacing is slower than anything and drags on constantly
>Even the boss introductions are just long and drawn out trash
>Map system sucks
I preemptively dropped Fallout 4 when I saw the dialogue wheel, does that count?
Overmeme. I just wanted some casual fun, got sweaty compfags instead.
I did the same thing.
I was on hard mode and jimiken was pounding my ass so bad that I went to grind in the arcade as well. After I beat him the whole damn game was a cake walk and all I had the game for was the story at that point so I just gave up there.
Dragon Quest 8.
I was in the middle of fighting Dogthorne when my cat hit my pc's power button.
I couldn't muster up the interest to try again. I started losing interest once I got the boat and the objective started becoming unfocused.
Styx Shards of Darkness
Can't Quicksave in CO-OP which kills all creativity and turns the game into one guy trying something and the other one hiding in a safe spot so you can respawn if ( and you will ) fuck up.
I had fun with overwatch for about 2-3 weeks, but it just got so damn repetitive.
Skyrim. I got hype, played for a while, then realized I couldn't give less of a fuck.
>Because I disliked the gimmick of the game
Devil May Cry 4
I wanted to replay it out of nostalgia, but fuck me do I hate bashing a single enemy for a full minute for it to die just to have 20 other enemies waiting for me.
The bosses were fun though. Just that the stuff between bosses made it not worth playing.
mustard gas?
Exist Archive. The combat is just so fucking dull, and all of the repetitive copy-paste rooms just makes it feel even more so.
>isn't fun enough to warrant the time investment necessary to git gud, nor is the time investment itself fun
That's 99% of fighting games.
Resident Evil 1 Director's Cut
already watched a let's play of it beforehand
Disc Jam
To many people fucking with lag to win
Pretty much the same for me. I don't even care about the updates or new characters at this point.
Did you happen to buy it because of Valkyrie Profile?
New Vegas
No human should be allowed to experience those shit FPS controls
Overlord Fellowship of Evil
It's too much of a change from the main line games, it's a shit toned down version of Diablo 3, poorly implemented, and it's full of SJW bullshit.
The day I play a game where Gnarl unironically says the word 'minionsplaining' is the day I fellate a gun barrel.
Yeah I love The witcher 3 as a game but Geralt is a pretty weird character.
I admit I didn't know anything about him before the game but i was expecting Batman without the fancy gadgets but it's actually just a weird mutated guy that trained a lot. Not very charming.
Dragon's Dogma, I just really didn't know what to do where to find quests and I just felt helpless and it was just really annoying. I tried to play it like 3 times but every time I just get annoyed.
Salty soldier mains who say it doesn't require any skill need to fuck off back to their autism hat simulator (though I wish I could still play pre-2012 TF2). The issue is that the match making fucks you over so instead of being placed with similarly skilled players, it will place random shitters on your team once you start to do good. Like no BS. Fuckers who have W/L of 4-12, 34-132, 66-190, and so on. When everything clicks, it's good fun. However, when every game you cross your fingers that before the match even starts some shitter won't insta-lock Hanzo or Torb the rest of the match, you know shit's fucked
Thankfully, based on the gameplay I've seen, Quake Champions is looking to be a good time
Hollow Knight.
I just don't have the patience to play these sort of games anymore. I had a lot of fun with it for a few hours but I just can't stay committed to it.
No, I had never heard of the game until I saw it on the shelf. I just decided to get it because I had a gift card. Thankfully, I also got Darksiders II, which was way more fun.
Same actually, but I dropped it because of the absolute ubershit tier combat.
hollow knight
bought because I wanted to verify some shills
dropped because performance issues and the game is clearly average
Next time try Keyboard + Mouse
I actually dropped 2 games yesterday
Open world is the worst thing that happened to action genre, I really don't want to wandet 5 minutes through FUCKING NOTHING to get to mission objective. 2deep4u intro also didn't help much.
>Life is Strange
Fell for the "it's not tumblr-flavoured walking simulator, I sware on me mum!" spread by waifufaggin cucks, it is tumblr-flavoured walkig simulator.
Been playing some Resident Evil 6 from my backlog today, it's alright but nothing extra fun either. Maybe I should stop playing vidya, at least for a while...
Slime Rancher.
I realised that once I unlocked the lab, there's literally nothing more to the game. The lab is just useless base building stuff. The game is cute and was fun for the first few hours but you quickly realise after playing for a while that "huh, this is it isn't it". I was hoping there'd be more to do once I unlocked the lab, but nope. Boring game.
The original SimCity because I can't beat this scenario.
I have dropped every game I have bought this gen except Overwatch.
I fucking hate open world.
Amor Londo is a slogging borefest.
that new digimon game on ps4
> Sup Forums told me it was fun. it's fucking shit.
never been so fucking bored.
My previous drop was grim dawn because it was piss easy and un-engaging. The optimal build was to not level any skills outside of basic attack power buffs basically so I could wreck the game onehanded
Dust an Elysian Trail
IDropped it because the game mechanics weren't unique at all and got repetitive, the main character's a bitch and furries. Fuckin furries
I'll pick it up later though, maybe after they patch the story.
>Breath of the Wild
>Weapon durability
Have you tried the polack voices?
New Vegas. I didn't know where to go, and nothing respawned, so much empty fucking desert, boring as fuck, combat stucked
Same. Combat is infuriating, it's really upsetting that they manage to make Sticker Star's combat worse.
Because I fucked up again.
Mafia I
Sup Forums'll call me a nub but it is so hard its funny
Also the cars are slow af (except the racer, fuck that thing) and cant even climb up a slope
BOTW because of the shitty weapon degradation
>dead rising 2
>i'm a bit of a retard
civ VI
hate the new mechanics and cartoony models, but specially the new tiles system, went back to V, if I want to build wonders on tiles I have endless legend for that
its just going to stay unused in my library
Zelda BOTW
I got bored of it. I did the 3rd divine beast dungeon, and just didn't feel like playing it anymore. Lots of things annoyed me in it as well, so I don't think I'll ever pick it back up.
I went back to playing Yakuza 0 which I barely put a few hours into. Since Nioh came out around the same time and that took up all my time.
pls no feels. don't want any atm
Bloodborne. Got to the Orphan of Kos and just kept hacking at him and dying. Realized I need to take a break from the game as I felt burned out. Need to go back and actually put forth effort and beat it.
Pokemon Moon
Mankind Divided because I suddenly realized all of the gameplay bored me to fucking tears.
How the fuck did you get lost in NV?
yakuza 0
despite all the sonybro shilling nonfucking stop here, its an objectively shit game. no wonder reddit loves it
Shit I did something similar
I got a gift card from my bro for Christmas and decided to try out FF Type 0. It was one of the shttiest final fantasies I've ever had the misfortune of playing, with one of the most anti climactic final bosses I've seen in years.
I never dropped a game because I'm not a quiter
I'm temporarily giving up drinking. Day 3 and I don't know how to deal with the sadness. When I'm unhappy I usually just start drinking but what if too frequent drinking is what causes the unhappiness?
>didnt know where to go
What? There's a map ffs
Eh, it's not as much of a problem than I initially thought. Mostly because I usually just avoid most enemies though, which isn't really good either.
I hate how quickly I use up arrows especially.
metro last light. i think i'm just tired of the 4-15 hour FPS story games, i need to stop buying them.