Why do fans of these games ignore the blatant flaws and insist that they are perfect 10/10 masterpieces?
Sup Forums only does it with Nier because of politics
Because paid reviewers said so
At least put Dark Souls in the picture if you're going to create new bait.
>absurdly overrated games
>no HL2
how does it feel to miss out on fun games because you only pay attention to numbers from reviews?
No one thinks dark souls is 10/10
Your favorite game.
Why HZD not in there?
Fans of Taro have been slurping down his diarrhea for years
>No Bloodborne
U almost got it right...
Because the idea of applying numbers to subjective concepts is absurd.
Okay, so you haven't been paying any attention at all but still think you can talk about what Sup Forums says about things.
Who the fuck likes Horizon?
>nier automata
that game isn't popular enough to be considered "overrated." a better choice would be dark souls or overwatch
>Witcher 3 is over rated
Excuse me with your great game with actual DLC that you definitely have
>It's an OP is a miserable joyless cunt thread
I hate reruns.
Nier is overrated as fuck, especially the first game
>holy trinity
>two games from the past two weeks
Besides the fact your image is retarded that is a vocal minority, I personally love BotW but it's far from perfect. I think 10/10 is a stupid rating system anyway, even something that is 'five stars' isn't considered perfect it's just considered to be exceptional in regards to it's peers
Post your 3 favourite games.
>especially the first game
You mean the game that every fanboy describes as, "the game is shit, but..."?
100% sure you made this just so you can say Witcher 3 is overrated for Nth time.
Weeabos and Cucks
But nothing, the whole game is garbage
replace automata with TLOU or Overwatch and this would be more accurate
not really even its diehard fans admit the gameplay aren't good and enjoy it for the crazy story and characters
So a literal cuck?. Right...
You're the exact same new vegas thread guy, aren't you?
You sound like you're just a sour little prick to be honest.
>only one post complain about bb
Good try pcKEK
witcher 3's strengths completely overshadow its weaknesses
>no Bloodborne
*unzips* then suck on this sour prick fagboy
i sold my ps4 after bloodborn really disappointed me
hell even dark souls 2 was better than it overall
>nintendo's casual autistic baby crafting simulator higher rated than anything sony has ever touched
really jingles the dingles.
how is that possible when it has no strengths
severance blade of darkness
cube men 2
orion dino beat down
>overrated games
Bloodborne isn't overrated it's full of problems but it's still good
Witcher 3 gameplay is shit. It's fantastic due to the quests and story.
Gamers in Sup Forums hates western design and politics in general, therefore they are a bit overprotective with Nier, It is understandable though
>Witcher 3 gameplay is shit.
10/10 doesn't mean perfect art
it meams 10 joy points out of 10 max joy points
even if nier improve its graphics further it wouldn't add any point.
Jim "Cuck" Sterling needs to fucking die.
How can your joy points be maxed if it would strictly be more enjoyable if it has better graphics
How did you not see this fault of logic
Even as someone who loves Witcher 3, you have to admit the gameplay is lackluster. Better than 2 or the original, but still not great.
delete this
Oh please, no one but the die hard fans will be talking about Nier in a few months. Find another third.
man sucks when a person can appreciate a technically polished, graphically impressive, fun to play production?
hello, it's the REAL holy trinity of over rated games here
I don't see ocarina of time and link to the past on that pic OP.
What did you find in bloodborn that pissed you off so much to make you resell your ps4
good list
So That a huge number of die hard fans then.
when it comes to nier better graphics make any difference.
we have more beautifully rendered grass and trees in the city ruin! ...so what?
Zelda and Witcher are definitely overrated.
Automata is a 8~something game, which its current score reflects so whatever.
Only the one in the middle is overrated though.
I bet you think rockstar makes good games. OP is a fag
>Witcher 3
Yes, definitely over rated. It's got really boring combat, but a fairly decent story with moderately amusing multiple outcomes. Better than Bioware where your choices don't matter, because they matter in Witcher 3 but only in a micro-scale of the questline.
>Breath of the Wild
A 7-8/10 Zelda game that gets an extra 1-2 points for having Zelda in the titles by retarded reviewers. Zelda games are all like this.
>NIER Automata
Nier automata at least does some unique things like having
>good combat
>interesting mechanics like shmup sections and twin stick shooting
>a really dark story
Its a good game, maybe the best on the list. People are jerking it off though like crazy.
As someone who loves Witcher 3 I say you are a faggot. Witcher 3's problems with combat is the shitty controller movement... End.
Why is that man wearing an eagle.
good b8 m8
MGS2 with more pausing and less red pills friend
Not really. People bring up the original Nier from time to time, but nowhere near the extent of Witcher 3 or Zeldas. It's just not popular enough. We're in the thick of it right now, but it'll pass fast.
>Nier instead of horizon
One job
>I'm a newfag please fuck my boipussy
No that's gay.
Would you look at that, OP actually made it a trinity. Too bad he's wrong
>gamergate wasn't a thing
system is broken/overrated in general
Same with Horizon. "It just came out and people are in the honeymoon phase" is not the same as "most overrated game of all time". At least with BotW it can be surmised that it will happen because it's Zelda.
I'm a witcher 3 and nier fan and neither believe nor ever insist that they are 10/10, op ur dumb
Doesn't even sell well and Taro admitted he is a hack a long time ago.
name another game that nails the feeling of being on a journey like witcher 3 does pleaseno jrpg's
Its all about fanbase really, I bought Automata and it is a good game, but the fanbase is trying too hard to prove a point.
Same for BotW really.
>but the fanbase is trying too hard to prove a point.
Hahahahah, oh wow.
What point, kid? The one about 2B's ass or how much 9S wants to fuck her?
>cult/hipster weeb hit
>secondaries and platards invade and shitpost/falseflag
That western games are a pile of shit, and no effort in designing attractive character, and I agree
also I can tell people are definitely trying to enjoy this game really rare in Sup Forums though, discovering different ways to play it for fun.
> I'm so used to games being casual shit that I can't enjoy them when a good game comes along
You cynical cunts.
> Zelda games are all like this.
Except previous zelda games didn't hit 98 at some point.
>obnoxious weebs with bad taste make terrible posts
You're right it's totally falseflagging though
If anything you could have put the new Far Cry Primal on there. It's way worse but sold way better than Nier.
And if you are going for 3 consoles format, I vote to replace Witcher with GTA.
why did Jim Sterling rate Dynasty Warriors 7 and 8 higher than Breath of the Wild?
Because Sup Forums is a bunch of shitposting underaged faggots I'd you weren't aware from the user traffic studies. A bunch of children that have not yet acquired good taste that don't give a shit about gaming because they grew up on edgy, dull, subpar garbage, and just use this place to get a rise out of people older than they are to try and feel superior or worthwhile for a fleeting moment.
Except it's not overrated and nobody even cared when it dropped, least of all me and I liked FC2/3/4.
I think we both know the answer to that mate... the fat cunts a meme and shouldn't be taken seriously
Nigga why do you care?
Sorry user by Far Cry Primal I mean Horizon Zero Dawn.
Witcher 3 is not over-rated.
>no The Last of Us
>fun to play
We have to disagree there.
you got me dammit
I've not seen anyone call nier a 10/10. Sure I've seen people rant and rave about it, but they all seem to understand it's flaws.
>Good game comes out and is adored by millions of normalfag gamers
>People overwhelmingly love these games and think they are amazing
>Sup Forums being full of (not all) contrarian manchildren make sure to let everyone know how much more "refined" their tastes are
Good to know that W3 is so good it broke people on Sup Forums mentally and physically.
Good to know these two games are within the same category of amazing games.
Nier was a great example to prove that 99% of Sup Forums are 16 years old horny teenagers.
> That 1 game you like
Have the sjws attacked nier automata yet?
Found the homo.