You'll never play half life for the first time. Playing that demo. Then opening that old block PC box and downloading it

>You'll never play half life for the first time. Playing that demo. Then opening that old block PC box and downloading it

>You'll never then find counter strike. Download it. And play online for the first time again

>You'll never play before steam was even a thing. Finding servers from a big list

>You'll never download the 1.6 patch again

>You'll never see random maps to download. And try them out for the first time again


>You'll never play Counter strike or old PC games on a microwave toaster hybrid late at night on a block monitor on your fave few servers and maps

I miss it guys. What PC games are close to the counter strike feel. And don't say CSGO. I hate that

>Then opening that old block PC box and downloading it


>tfw you didn't start playing CS/HL games until long after CS:S came out and you didn't play 1.6/HL1 for the first time until just a few years ago
>tfw you missed out

DoD:S is fun, it satisfies my bolt-action cravings


feels good man

That viewmodel is modded right? I don't remember it looking that good

>you will never play as an ridiculously tiny person in a normally-sized everyday location again
I miss old custom maps

Looks like a CS 1.6 mod that replaces the ingame models with CS:S models.

>not 1.3 1.4 1.5
Piss off

>tfw playing de_rats for the first time

>tfw playing 2 on 2 with your friends

>tfw hacking on public servers

>that first pcw

>topping the rank15 on a popular server for the first time

>learning how to surf

i lived a good youth i guess

everything has it's time. cs' time has passed. new things will come, dont worry op.

I've never played Half Life

>t. underage

more like CS:NO

>tfw unboxing your first knife skin

>t. underage

>t. underage

>you will never spend weekends looking for weird Half-Life mods on moddb and occasionally strike gold again

p. much this

valve is working on three new VR-compatible games right now, my money's on that one of them is F2P, other two are paid single/multiplayer experiences.

one of them is basically confirmed to be L4D3 too.

>t. underage

KF2 has some neat custom maps but servers running them are almost always completely broken and they don't download properly.

TF2 and CSGO seem to still have somewhat active custom maps and gamemode servers if you use the server browser. At least matchmaking weeds out the nofun tryhards now.

>that shittty WC mod for CS
Good times


>ran own CSS server
>put "RPG" in the server title so that shitters join
>tfw changed !rpgmenu command to pop up the MOTD viewer set to

>Blizzard games when they were good
>buy the 3 pack battlechest collectors edition
>Log into battlenet with 56k modem
>join town sqare biggest RP channel of all
>Players would come in and openly bragging they killed diablo
>never killed diablo
>i've killed diablo in h-hell mode guys

sadly i didn't realize your name and character would have a gold bar around your name if you killed him in hell mode, how fucking embarrassed i was...

>eventually meet a guy in normal mode
>ask him how to play since i didn't get far in normal mode
>sup dude what type of class do you want to play
>one that kicks ass
>look dude i'll give you some shit that'll help you man
>godly plate of whale
>king sword of haste
>bunch of other items

>go back to town square call out everyone who called me out
>kill them all
>h-hey what are you items you're too strong for your level
>clone items and hand them out

I feel like i probably started giving all those illegal items out

>Counter-Strike was a free mod for Half-Life
>Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is now a $15 game that includes purely optional skins to buy
I fucking hate what's happening. Microtransactions in games should die immediately.

>open up a portal
>spam firewall or whatever its name was
>collect ears and insults
Cheating was so easy too.

should have added this

>next day log on
>go into town square
>only a few people had hell mode kills
>suddenly every diablo player had gold around their names
>type in /who
>hiding in channel sex
>join channel sex to mock him again
>nothing but people pretending to cyber
>girls only looking for girls
>clan called dark fems
>everyone looking to cyber
>went back to town square
>hes in some channel called "SEX"
>town square is empty after i tell them
fuck the internet was whacky in those days...

playing shitty prop zombie and zombie escape servers are some of my best memories from CS, simpler times

>tfw you infected some ct survivor through the wall


Counter-Strike: Nigger Offensive?

>tfw go back to 1.6 because can't stand GO
>find a KZ server for maximum comfy
>nobody else on
>nobody else ever gets on
>feel like Munch from his Oddworld intro
>just keep climbing by myself

Eventually someone will join, r-right?

Seriously, you can still play 1.6 AND Source, there are many servers.

>cs 1.x
>1.6 patch
spot the baby pretending to be old, 1.6 and steam download took AGES unless you were living somewhere where there was super fast internet, most people had 256k at the time and nobody downloaded anything bigger than 100-200 megabytes, people downloaded shit from company or campus computers and burned them on discs

>tfw keybinding the babby-aid teleport commands for the first time
However, for CS 1.6 the Biohazard mod was my thing. Not the Zombie Plague 3/4.x, those are for plebs.

Not OP but I was in college when I started playing CS back in the beta 4 days (just after they introduced bombs). I had a good internet connection because of my college, and a lot of the best servers to play on were dedicated university servers.

That being said, I also remember the "hpb" vs "lpb" culture wars. I get it though, I was definitely a low ping bastard. It was probably irritating as fuck for the people still on dialup at the time.
