Shmup thread
>What shmup are you currently playing?
>Favorite shmup?
>How tough are ya
Shmup thread
>What shmup are you currently playing?
>Favorite shmup?
>How tough are ya
Not playing any of them, I got kinda sorta close to 1ccing Mushihimesama, but also not really. I just gave up and accepted I am shit, especially when I learned it is considered one of the easier ones, and I just couldn't improve even if I was practicing. Meh.
Try not to play shmups with the sole goal of getting the 1cc, user. These games are meant to take lots of practice, and if you go into feeling discouraged about not being able to beat it, you wont have any fun with it.
What I like to do is just spam continues until I feel like I have a solid grasp of the game, and then once I feel I'm good enough to get the 1cc, make the push.
I'm just waiting for Bullet Soul to come out onto steam.
trying to clear gradius (arcade)
Just keep trying, games like this take practice.
You could always play Touhou if you want a more realizable 1cc with your skill level.
Ikaruga is the only one I've actually spent more than an hour on, I like the idea of SHMUP's more than actually playing them. PSN/VC release when!?
>I've 1cc'd Emobdiement of Scarlet Devil and SA on lunatic, but that's about it. Currently trying to branch out to more shmups, unsuccessfully.
>I like the idea of SHMUP's more than actually playing them.
same here
Is there anything more pathetic than some faggot that STILL plays shmups?
Crimzon Clover. Doing poorly.
Millions of people will be buying Mass Effect Andromeda
>the final boss starts bouncing
Played jamestown which was fun. Currently playing danmaku unlimited 2. So I'm not really good at this games. What is the preferred input method? Currently I'm using a xbox360 controller.
Only SHMUP I actually managed/bothered to 1CC is actually Hellsinker of all things.
I guess I'm also competent enough to beat Dodonpachi DOJ (well. at least the first loop), but I attempt 1CC runs way too rarely and without practice so still didn't do it.
Difficulty? Because arcade is pretty fucking hard - at least for me.
is this a good score for normal
I 1cc'ed Mushihimesama recently, it felt good
even if it was on original novice
Currently playing Deathsmiles, it's fun but I feel like it's really unbalanced, Rosa is the only viable witch, or Sakura on MBL
Arcade. I can get through the first stage and boss without dying and about 75% of stage 2. The rest is just pain.
Anybody paying Ghostblade? Gameplay feels pretty good but the music is hot garbage.
None right now.
I don't really have a single favorite in mind.
Not too tough really.
I'm thinking about getting anti gravity tits man shump on PS4 since it's on sale.
Keyboard. I find it easier to play (faster direction change) than controller. I wouldn't use 360 controller because of the meh d-pad.
I'd like to try using a stick, but there's no arcades around here and I'm not willing to shell out the $$ (yet).
>What I like to do is just spam continues until I feel like I have a solid grasp of the game, and then once I feel I'm good enough to get the 1cc, make the push.
I'm terrible at Shmups, but I keep going back to Ikaruga and Dodonpachi Resurrection.
pretty sweet in wide mode.
I've got Danmaku Unlimited 3 and Ghost Blade HD sitting in my wishlist, should I bother with either of these? I'm big into DDP and Gradius is my favorite series, for reference
Waiting for Espgaluda 2 on Steam
Who /tunasashimi/ here?